As Delhi steps on the accelerator on preparations for the Commonwealth Games, with just five months to go, the frenzied construction drive has left the city sporting a fine layer of dust. While air pollution has always been a problem in the Capital, the spurt in building activity has led to a spurt in suspended particulate matter (SPM), at some places, even affecting visibility levels. The worst fallout, say experts, is the rise in cases of allergies and asthma due to the dust cover, unlikely to go away anytime soon.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) that monitors air pollution levels in Delhi says that between 2009 and 2010, the levels of SPM and RSPM (respirable SPM) have risen significantly. A fall was seen in February but that, officials say, could be due to a change in weather which brought some rain that month. Besides, the fall has not been uniform across the city four of the seven stations monitored recorded an increase.
``Dust has become a huge problem for the city and we do not see any respite unless a lot of the construction work is over. The levels of the two pollutants (SPM and RSPM) should be peaking right now as the there is some construction taking place almost in each part of the city,'' said S D Makhijani, director, CPCB.
From the Metro construction in various areas, including Dhaula Kuan, to stadia, flyovers and repaving of footpaths in practically all parts of the city, the government is on a construction overdrive. Several areas are also dug up for new dividers, underpasses etc.
With thanks : source : Times of India