Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Suggestion for metro fare !

Dear Sir,

In my knowledge, as per report of metro fare committee slab rate declared is Rs.10, 15, 20, 30, 40 ,50.  Metro wants to fare double through new slab system.  Metro wants to collect the maximum fare through last three slabs i.e. Rs.30, 40, 50 and the metro wants give the minimum travel through begining three slabs Rs.10, 15, 20. Now the metro is showing Rs.250 crores loss per year and the earning above Rs.2000 crores per year, means loss is 10 to 12% only. so can increase the fare up to 10% maximum. but metro wants the fare double through new slab system, which shows no loss from passenger fare, because all passengers travelling with ticket and no with out ticket and metro earning the income from also other sources like: land, kiosks, shops, shopping mall, parking, banquet hall, marriage functions, other functions and any other some sources etc.

Metro have the 50 seats in one Coach, but 300 to 350 passengers are travelling in one Coach with tickets.  Standing passengers also travelling with tickets 30 lakhs approx. travelling on daily basis.  In my opinion DMRC earning the income Rs.5.0 Cr. to 6.0 Cr. on Daily basis from passenger fares only.  After complete the three phase and fourth phase, passengers will be double. i.e. upto 60 lakhs approx.

After increased the metro fare, other fare also to be increased like : DTC fare, Private Bus fare, Auto fare, taxi fare, Gramin Sewa fare, transportation etc.  So, market will be increased and maximum items to be increased in market.  In my opinion no need for increased the fare, otherwise passenger can be reduce and can go to own vehicles etc. 

Note: i) India is a poor country and not an U.S.A. and not a Singapore.  So, you can not compare from other Rich Country.  If DMRC want to increase the fare, then can be increased up to 10% maximum.  First. If government want to increase the growth and purchasing power of  Indain Public, then you can withdraw the money from public pocket  in the way of metro fare.  Please earn the income from other sources.


Adesh Jain

मेरी दिल्ली मेरी शान - छा गए मच्छर निकली जान !

मेरी दिल्ली मेरी शान - छा गए मच्छर निकली जान

भाई वाह, क्या बात है, दिल्ली वाले तो डेंगू और चिकनगुनया से बीमार हो रहे हैं, और आज तो 5 लोगों के मरने की खबर भी आ गई, लेकिन दिल्ली के बड़े बड़े नेता लोग, दिल्ली मे ना होकर कही दूर हैं. LG साहिब USA मे हैं, हमारे दिल्ली के माननीय CM साहिब, रोम से आकर, 5 दिनो के पंजाब दौरे के बाद, अब बंगलुरु मे 10 दिनो के लिए अपना इलाज करवा रहे हैं (भगवान उनको सेहत बक्शे). 

दिल्ली के डेप्युटी CM साहिब फिनलॅंड मे हैं. दिल्ली के श्रम मंत्री अपने श्रम का 12 दिनो का योगदान देने (?) छत्तीस्गड् मे हैं. एक अन्य मंत्री महोदय हज की यात्रा पर हैं (अल्लाह उनकी मुरादें पूरी करे) और जब शोर मचा तो दिल्ली के सबसे वरिष्ठ मंत्री जो की गोआ मे पार्टी का परचार कर रहे थे, भाग कर दिल्ली पहुँच गए. अभी तो दिल्ली के मेयर्स का हाल भी सुन लो. एक तो शायद अलवर मे हैं और दूसरे USA मे.  अब ऐसे मे दिल्ली आख़िर किसके भरोसे पे चल रही है, खुदा जाने. 

चुनावों से पहले अरविंद केजरीवाल ने दावा किया था कि पूरे 5 साल वो दिल्ली मे बैठेंगे और दिल्ली के लिए काम करेंगे लकिन अभी दो रोज पहले वो पंजाब मे बोल रहे थे कि अब वो अपना खूँटा पंजाब मे बाँध कर वहीं बैठेंगे. कल कोई और स्टेट नज़र आ गई तो शायद उनका खूँटा, उनके साथ साथ उधर ही शिफ्ट हो जाएगा. वैसे भी दिल्ली मे उनके पास कोई ज़िम्मेदारी तो है नही, कोई भी मिनिस्ट्री या डिपार्टमेंट उनके पास नही है. ऐसे मे वो दिल्ली मे हों या ना हों क्या फरक पड़ता है.

अब कोर्ट का तो यह आदेश था कि अगर किसी भी मुद्दे पर दिल्ली सरकार और LG साहिब में टकराव होता है तो फाइनल डिसिशन LG साहिब की होगी. लेकिन अगर दिल्ली सरकार यह बोलने लगे कि डेंगू और चिकनगुनया फैल रहा है तो LG से बात करो, बुखार से लोग मर रहे हैं तो यह सिर्फ़ LG साहिब की ज़िम्मेदारी है तो मुझे लगता है कि ये ग़लत होगा. 

यह तो मानने की बात है की इस बार दिल्ली मे MCD की नींद देर से खुली और वो फॉगिंग शुरू करवाने मे लेट हो गई जिस करके दिल्ली की यह हालत हुई. अगर MCD ने वक़्त रहते अपने काम शुरू कर दिया होता तो शायद दिल्ली वाले आज इतनी मुश्किल मे नही होते. अब जब उनकी तरफ से फॉगिंग की शुरुआत हो गई है तो उनकी जंग लगी मशीने ढंग से काम भी नही कर पा रही हैं.

लेकिन क्या दिल्ली सरकार अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी से मुकर सकती है. दो करोड़ की पॉप्युलेशन वाली दिल्ली के सरकारी हॉस्पिटल्स मे 3000 डेंगू व चिकनगुनया के मरीजों के इलाज के लिए बेड नही हैं. लंबी लाइन लगी हुई हैं मरीजों की. एक एक बेड पर दो दो लोग अपना इलाज करवा रहे है. डॉक्टर्स और स्टाफ की कमी भी सॉफ नज़र आ रही है. 

कोताही तो सभी तरफ से है और सॉफ नज़र भी आ रही है. ऐसे मे कम से कम, अगर ये नेता लोग अस्पतालों मे खड़े हो कर, लोगों की हौसला अफज़ाई करते भी नज़र आ जाएँ तो लोगों को त्सल्ली हो जाती है कि चलो कुछ हो रहा है. लेकिन अगर ये बड़े नेता लोग, इस मुश्किल की घड़ी मे दिल्ली या देश से भी दूर निकल जाते हैं, तो इनकी नैतिकता पे सवाल उठना लाज़िमी है और ये लोग अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी से बच नही सकते.

B S Vohra
Social Activist

Monday, September 12, 2016

BYPL, BRPL, TPDDL consumers - Do you know ?

RTI reply :  The Electricity Code & Performance Standards 2007 says, "In case, the bill is received late and the time available for payment is less than fifteen days, the consumer may apply within two days of receipt of such bill for extension of due date and the Licensee shall extend the due date so as to allow fifteen clear days from the date of communication of grant of such extension".

अगर आपको, आपका बिजली का बिल देर से मिलता है तो आप अपनी बिजली कंपनी को लिख कर पूरे 15 दिनो का समय माँग सकते हैं. इस का लाभ यह होगा की एक तरफ तो आपको पूरे 15 दिनों का समय मिल जाएगा, दूसरी तरफ आपके ऊपर कोई लेट फी वाली पेनाल्टी भी नही लगेगी.

Image result for TPDDL   Image result for bypl

This is a clause in the Electricity Code & Performance Standards 2007, that is absolutely favourable to the consumers but I am sure, most of the Delhiites are quite unaware of this favourable regulation of the Delhi Electricity Supply Code & Performance standard, 2007 & if it is given due publicity, it will be beneficial for the consumers.

Best regards,

B S Vohra

Fogging done at Nav Rachna apartments in East Delhi !



Friday, September 9, 2016

No fogging done - Anand Vihar - T K Balu


It is a pity that neither the EDMC nor the local administration has taken adequate care and concern about the public's welfare at large nor any advance anticipatory action had been taken to prevent the menace, which has since spread all over Delhi, particularly in East Delhi. To doubly confirm there is no house in Anand Vihar, which has not been affected by the present menace and no efforts have been made by the  EDMC or the Delhi Administration at any stage despite hue and cry! We wonder what our Govt. officials or the so called 'public representatives' are doing in the present precarious situation! Of course, all these politicians would come soon at your doorstep seeking your valuable votes for the next term to ruin further! We must teach them a lesson, which they should remember forever in their life time! What for they had come to public life - to enhance their status through various means at the cost of the public and live a lavish life!! We have not seen so far such a callous situation in EDMC area. Go anywhere you will find garbage piling up-. See the sight in front of schools in Anand Vihar. You could very well realise the state of affairs. How the children and teachers will escape from this menace when such is the precarious situation! No fogging done and no door to door inspection has been carried out to check the ground situation! Will anybody listen to the public hue and cry?

With regards,
TK Balu/Anand Vihar

Thursday, September 8, 2016

SOS over Fogging in Navrachna Appartments, East Delhi


Every third house in the Navrachna Appartments, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi 110032 has a patient with FEVER. No Fogging done in the Appartment which comes under ward number 225 of MCD and Vishwas Nagar Constituency. Fogging must be done on Priority basis, IMMEDIATELY. Thanks. Chandramohan Dewani

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

Differentiating Chikungunya from dengue

Chikungunya and dengue are both acute febrile illnesses characterized by fever, myalgia and lethargy. Some patients may also have maculopapular rash, nausea, vomiting, and headache.
Distinguishing features of chikungunya include potentially debilitating bilateral polyarthralgia and, in some cases, arthritis.
Although these signs and symptoms may assist in differentiating dengue and chikungunya, clinicians should include both illnesses in their differential diagnosis of patients with acute febrile illness.
Dengue should be ruled out in patients with acute febrile illness and suspected of having dengue or Chikungunya.
Evaluate patients for the warning signs of severe dengue such as persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, tachycardia, restlessness, hypotension, narrow pulse pressure. If present, patients should be hospitalized for close monitoring and management

Best regards,

Vinay Kapoor

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Enough power to meet NTPC shortfall, claims BSES

New Delhi: BSES on Friday claimed that Delhiites would not suffer from power cuts if NTPC decides to suspend supply of 450MW to discoms Rajdhani and Yamuna from Aravali Power Company Private Limited (APCPL) from Sunday.

A high-level meeting was held on Friday between the generation and distribution companies, a day after NTPC sent a regulation notice to BSES for non-payment of dues amounting to Rs 961.58 crore. While the companies are in talks about a settlement plan, BSES officials told TOI that they had backup plans ready in case plans did not materialise and they did not get 450MW power from the Aravali plant.
"The power demand between September and March in BSES areas ranges from 2,600-3,000MW. We have a long term power arrangement of around 3800MW for this period, apart from power banking with other states. In case of unforeseen circumstances, we will buy power from the exchange at economical rates," said a BSES spokesperson.

The discom said that power could also be commissioned from Delhi's plants at a short notice if there was a sudden gap in demand and supply. "Because of surplus power, plants like Bawana and Pragati are on standby. They can be restated at a short notice if the need arises," said the spokesperson.

APCPL, which is run by NTPC at Jhajjar, has been supplying power to the BSES power distribution firms since March 5, 2011.

The power allocated to them is 445 MW (372MW to Rajdhani and 73MW to Yamuna) and average monthly energy bill is about Rs 87 crore (Rs 73 crore to BRPL and Rs 14 crore to BYPL) for the current financial year.

with thanks : TOI : LINK

NTPC to cut power supply to BSES discoms in Delhi from Sunday

New Delhi: State-run NTPC Ltd has decided to snap power supply to BSES discoms in eastern and central parts of Delhi from Sunday midnight because of non-payment of dues amounting to Rs.961.58 crore.
“A notice for regulation of power supply has been served on the BRPL & BYPL which will deprive Delhi of 445 MW of power with effect from 00:00 hrs of 5 September 2016,” NTPC Ltd said in press statement.
“Despite clear directions of the Supreme Court, the dues continued to accumulate. Today, the outstanding amounts are Rs.961.58 crore (Rs.695.25 crore of BRPL & Rs.266.33 crore of (BYPL),” it said.
NTPC Ltd’s arm Aravali Power Company Pvt Ltd (APCPL), Jhajjar has been supplying power to Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group’s BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd (BRPL) and BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (BYPL) since 5 March 2011. The power allocated to these discoms from APCPL is 445 MW (372 MW to BRPL and 73 MW to BYPL) and average monthly energy bill is about Rs.87 crore (Rs.73 crore to BRPL & Rs.14 crore to BYPL) for the current financial year.
The company said that the payments by the BSES discoms (power distribution companies) had become irregular for quite sometime. The matter was brought before the Supreme Court, which in its judgement dated 26 March 2014 directed the BSES discoms to ensure payments of all current energy bills from 1 January 2014. However, the company said that despite clear directions of the Supreme Court, the dues continued to accumulate.
In a meeting taken by Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) on 16 May 2016, both BRPL & BYPL had given plan for liquidation of outstanding dues based on which regulation notice issued by APCPL earlier on 6 May 2016 was withdrawn.
The company said that APCPL has to pay in advance to its fuel suppliers which constitute about 70-80% of its monthly energy bills. “If the above situation continues, APCPL being a single power station company is unable to meet any of its commitments inter alia including payment to fuel suppliers, debt servicing requirements and even payment of salaries to its employees. under the circumstances, APCPL has no other option but to regulate power on the BSES discoms,” it added.
A spokesperson for BSES said the company was under huge financial stress due to non liquidation of regulatory assets — costs not yet allowed to be passed on to consumers — estimated to be over Rs.16,000 crore as on 31 March 2016. As compared to this, dues payable by BSES to Aravali Power Company Private Limited (APCL) are around Rs.900 crore.
The spokesperson said that payment of dues to power utilities by BSES discoms was sub judice in the Supreme Court. The judgement in the matter is reserved since February 2015.
“BSES discoms are also making concerted endeavour to address the situation and clear pending dues in a just and equitable manner. Moreover, BSES discoms have sufficient power at their disposal and the regulation will not have any impact whatsoever on the power supply situation in the city,” said the person.
(Reliance Group companies have sued HT Media Ltd, Mint’s publisher, and nine others in the Bombay high court over a 2 October 2014 front-page story that they have disputed. HT Media is contesting the case.)
with thanks : Live Mint : LINK

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

जागो दिल्ली जागो !

जॉन केरी ने आज दिल्ली वालों को सल्यूट कर दिया कि इतने जल भराव के बाद भी, इतने ट्रॅफिक जाम के बाद भी वो लोग IIT पहुँचे हुए थे. जॉन केरी ने पूछा की क्या आप लोग आज नाव से आए हैं. समझ नही आता की जॉन केरी के इस सल्यूट पर हमे खुश होना चाहिए की उन्होने हमारी बहादुरी व जिंदादिली की तारीफ की या फिर शर्म आनी चाहिए कि आज़ादी के इतने सालों के बाद भी हम किस तरह की जिंदगी गुज़ार रहे हैं. कैसे पिछले 20 - 25 सालों से लगातार हर बार, हर मानसून मे दिल्ली का यही हाल होता है. जागो दिल्ली जागो !