BSES deserves kudos for commissioning 66kv/11 grid substation near AKSHAR DHAM METRO STATION. This fact was brought out in the grid inuguration function held to day ie on 3rd april 2010. Hon'ble CM, and others including Walia ji and sandeep dikshit besides others were present. The thrust of speeches was to search for alternative sources of power generation. Solar power generation was advocated.
The lead in this regard is to be given by government agencies. More than 1000MW Demand is due to government and semi government agencies. Their contribution is dismal. Even Metro having a large area to erect solar panels has not done any thing. If we are serious then above mentioned agencies will have to show a way to private sector and the common man.
Much has appeared on this blog but unfortunately this has gone unheeded. May i submit that at least BSES could give a lead. Also energy efficient lamps and fittings have not found their way in government offices. Who will monitor this. Can RWAS do it.
kk ghei
NEW DELHI 110092