Friday, May 19, 2017

RWAs : Free Group of Counsellor for students of 10th & 12th from Delhi Legal Aids Authority, Karkarduma Court

About maintaining of harmony and be away from any negative thought on the eve of result announcement of 10nth and 12th

Dear Sir,


This is in reference to the above mentioned subjectline that Group of Counsellor want to visit and organise Group Meet on Saturday and Sunday with diverting Examinee from declaration of their results of 10nth and 12th with some alternative Courses and Counseling (Free of Cost).Concerned Parents can write us and our team would be in their door step on Sunday (21.5.17).

Looking forward to be associated with RWAs

with warm regards
Ragini S Raj
Sr. Consultant/ Counsellor (Govt. Sector)
Karkarduma Court (Room No. 36,  Delhi Legal Aids Authority)
Ex-Consultant (National) - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

DJB : We don't expect any change, even in the years to come

There is definitely a big GAP in the Demand & Supply figures of Drinking water in Delhi. The peak demand in summers is over & above 1300 MGD, whereas, the peak availability of total water resources for distribution is only 913 MGD :

LESS : Any decline in production due to less intake from Munak & Bhakhra etc., presently being said to be around 80MGD.

LESS : leakages & wastages in the Distribution of Drinking water, due to faulty pipelines, which is definitely a significant figure.

LESS : Thefts & pilferages all over by the illegal vendors, who are doing brisk business during this season.

As a result, the actual availability of Drinking water is much lower than the actual Demand and that is the main reason of hue & cry all over, in the city.


Since last many years, it has become a regular phenomena. During summers we face severe shortage of Drinking water and during monsoon, this precious water goes to drains, unaccounted.

The local Government’s have never initiated the Rain water harvesting, in its full spirit, in various MCD & Delhi Government parks, that can truly raise the water levels for the benefit of residents.

Water bodies are neither being suitably revived nor being created, any where, to store the monsoon water.

There are no visible efforts to check and control leakages, wastage, thefts and pilferage.

Authorities just try to pass on the buck to others, in the blame game and just wait for the monsoon to come, to ease the situation. 

Therefore, we don’t expect that situation will ever improve, even in the years to come as the population pressure will always be there, in the absence of adequate efforts.

B S Vohra
Social Activist, President,
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

# Pic used with thanks to Delhi Jal Board

Sunday, May 14, 2017

आप तो ऐसे ना थे

पहली नज़र मे तो आज लगा कि मामला गड़बड़ है. पर बात डिपेंड करती है सबूतों पर. किस तरह के सबूत हैं ओर उनकी क्या वेलिडिटी है. अगर सच मे सबूत हैं तो भी क़ानून का अपना प्रोसेस है. हर चीज़ मे वक़्त लगता है. वकील भी होंगे, दलीलें भी होंगी, तब कहीं जा कर कोई फ़ैसला होगा, वो भी अगर हुआ तो. ऐसे मे पहले ही दिन ये बोल देना कि शाम तक इस्तीफ़ा दे दो नही तो कॉलर पकड़ कर तिहाड़ मे डाल दूँगा, कुछ ज़्यादा ही होता लग रहा है. आप सच बोल रहे हो या झूट, किसी भी हालत मे आप क़ानून से उपर तो नही हो सकते. आपने अपने इल्ज़ाम लगा दिए, अब देखी क़ानून क्या कहता है. इल्ज़ामों के बाद अब जोश नही होश और संयम की ज़रूरत है ताकि बात को सही ढंग से पेश किया जा सके. क्योंकि क़ानून का तो यही कहना है कि कातिल भले छूट जाए, लेकिन, किसी निर्दोष को सज़ा नही होनी चाहिए.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Health and wellness workshop


Nutrivarcity's Healthy places help build healthy environment ! Our workshops help youth programs build those healthy places and integrate education that enables youth  to make healthy eating choices balanced with physical activity.

Please feel free to mail for more details. 

Dietitian Srishti Arora 
Managing Director 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Delhi Property Tax 2017-18

Dear Delhietes,

​Property Tax for the Year 2017-18 became due on 1 April 2017, but most of us pay during the month of May.

There is no change in the Property Tax rates.

As per my information, Property Tax is not accepted in cash any more. There are ,thus, two options:-

1. Print the Challan and pay at the counters or HDFC/AXIS Banks. The official Receipt is available only after a month or so. Lot of paper work is generated and is time consuming. In the bargain, Banks make money out of MCDs and us.

2. Generate the challan and pay by Credit / Debit Card. This is simplest. Saves lot of paper work, time and effort. The official receipt is available, the moment transaction is completed. It is a WIN WIN situation for all.

Recommend that all should pay the Property Tax by Credit / Debit card and join the CASHLESS Society.

Please give it a wide publicity.

Col Shivraj
Poster Hatao Campaign

Monday, May 8, 2017

RWA is the most logical body, that works in the area

Having gone through the views on the subject, I personally feel that Yes, RWA is the main functionary in the area and they know, where the maintenance/development work is needed and to be done and hence it is really a very logical and realistic view that some persons, at least two in each MCD, should be nominated from the present or ex- RWA office bearers or their members by fixing a formula for the same. 

Our RWA has been in existence for the last 23 years and hence, I support the views expressed that each MCD, should have a representation of those RWAs, who are registered in the Bhagidari There are so many retired executives and other personalities available in different areas of Delhi, whose services can be availed to strengthen the MCDs and for their efficient working in the best interest of the residents.

Ashok Bhatnagar,
Kailash Nagar

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Can Apolitical RWA persons be nominated as the Alderman ?

My response to the suggestion to Dy. CM Mr. Manish Sisodia, moved by Mr. B.S. Vohra ..... pls read the folloing Link before you proceed to my views.

Mr. B.S.Vohra has indeed raised an interesting question. The practice of appointing Alderman has been prevalent for many years, but this is the first time someone from the RWA fraternity has raised it.

My first reaction was IS IT NEEDED ????? ...... soon it dwelled upon me that the position was created by the founding fathers of the constitution to create checks and balances, in case public in its wisdom by a majority vote in the First Past The Post System elects a person who may be popular in his/her community but may not be acceptable to all or may not be qualified enough to understand Governance Technicalities.

"An alderman is a member of a municipal assembly or council who is not elected by popular vote. Under DMC Act, the L-G can nominate 10 eminent persons as aldermen to the civic body. Aldermen do not have voting rights but are nominated from among social workers or experts in different fields. The L-G's nomination follows recommendations by the Delhi Government."     The Hindu - Link

Today this post has taken greater significance as our Elected Representatives do not any longer THINK OF THEMSELVES AS OUR REPRESENTATIVES ...... but soon impose themselves as our Leaders, we are ourselves to blame for that, because once elected we pamper them with GARLANDS AND BOW to them not as one of our own but as one above us .... OUR LEADER.

THIS LEADER in turn becomes a BONDED LABOUR OF THE POLITICAL PARTY he represents as the Draconian ANTI DEFECTION LAW ties him/her to the PARTY HIGH COMMAND’S DIKTAT ...... throwing to the winds his own or his Constituents Wishes.

This process results in Travesty of Democracy as in today’s times in the First Past the Post system a Party with 33% vote of the average 60% voter turnout ....... effectively rules with fewer than 20% popular vote, ends up IMPOSING ITS WILL on 80% people who may have differing views on how to be Governed.

RWAs in the past two decades (with all its short comings) have to a large extent managed to some extent, place a check on the whimsical way the TRINITY OF NETA, BABU AND VESTED INTERESTS have systematically looted the city ....... be it on education, infrastructure, sanitation, health, security or general quality of life. BUT FOR RWAs things could have been much worse ......... MPD 2021, Power Bills, Playgrounds etc were all issues that the RWAs managed to keep a check on.

Working of RWAs is like a complex network of 'Wells' that fulfil the needs of a specific area from which they operate ..... Like the village Well caters to the specific needs of a particular area.

The functions are very similar of all RWAs ...... Most people involved are happy doing their small bit in the given circumstances and have no ambitions of going beyond as they are happy contributing in small measure to their immediate surroundings.

The various RWA joint fronts or groups have tried to engage the 3000 odd RWAs in Delhi to a common cause and have succeeded to some extent (like on Power Bills) ...... But more often than not it has been noticed that most people are happy restricting themselves to their area of operation ..... 'Their Well'.

The true strength of the RWAs is impossible to quantify as each Well is important .... collectively they have  yet not realised their Actual Might ....... like the Village Panchayat., Khap Panchayat, Jat Andolan, Gujjar etc.

The day all the Wells find a way to connect ..... No Lake, River or Ocean can match their Collective Utility to serve society.

Reason enough that all Political Parties give lip service to RWAs but do not pass a law to formalise RWAs and give them a Constitutional toe hold.

This is a complex issue and needs detailed understanding ....... Many stalwarts have worked on it for the past decade and all Political dispensations have tried to use this lose formation to gain Political control ..... Bhagidari by Congress, RWC by BJP and Mohalla Sabha by AAP.

Political workers have even infiltrated RWAs and have taken control, EDGING OUT THE GENUINE SOCIAL WORKER, who does not want to indulge in bickering. So much so RWAS HAVE BECOME THE NURSERIES FOR BUDDING NETAS. 

A few of us have resisted such attempts as we want an Apolitical RWA setup and not an extended arm of the Political dispensations’ in power at a given time (like various student unions), vanishing when the Party loses office as in case of Bhagidari after Shiela Dikshit.

In conclusion, I support the idea floated by Mr. Vohra ..... though I doubt it, that the Political class will be willing to cede their space to genuine Socially Conscious Individuals with impeccable credentials ...... THE REASON FOR MY CYNICISM is on view in Rajya Sabha which has become a SANCTUARY OF PUBLIC DISCARDS and the Likes of Vijay Mallya ....... defeating the very purpose for which such Provisions were created.

Rajiv Kakria, GK -1

SDMC : RWA persons nomination as Alderman in MCD

Excellent proposal worth implementing w/o a second thought.There should be many social activists in the city worth nominating, but  being a South Delhite, I propose  and vouchsafe for the following whose dedication to social welfare since decades iswidely known and goes unchallenged:  
1.  Shri Rajiv Kakria.  
3.  Shri Anil Sood  
4.  Shri Pankaj Agrawal
5.  Shri Aushutosh Dixit.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

RWA persons nomination as Alderman in MCD

Dear Mr. Vohra ji,

I totally endorse the views expressed by a couple of RWAs. You befit and are an eminent person to fit in! With your vast influence and PR with all higher authorities you could sponsor your case so that all those who are members of the confederation could derive the benefit and you will be able ventilate our common grievances aptly and forcibly to make an impact on the governing body. Similarly, the President/Secretary of the Federations in East Delhi representing the various RWAs could also be considered for the purpose. All these people are more knowledgeable than the so called elected representatives to the EDMC etc, as they (the former) know the pulse of the people at large and resolve their grievances in phases. 

Having been elected for the third consecutive term and having done little in the past two terms, it is now ripe time to arise, awake and do something for the welfare of the residents living in various colonies who are crying for help to overcome their outstanding and perenial problems!

With best regards and wishes,
TK Balu/Anand Vihar

Friday, May 5, 2017

RWA is life line of the City

It is good that RWA Peoples are nominated to MCD it will increase the efficiency as in all RWA have one or Two eminent persons experts in different Fields. If the Govt is not interested in Taking RWA peoples in MCD than They must constititute advisory Committee for each MCD having RWA peoples as members. this is my view on the issue. RWA is life line of the City.

Chander Mohan Devani, 
Nav Rachna Apartments,