Delhi CM Mrs. Shiela Dikshit today inaugurated the Mediation centre at Patparganj Industrial area. The programme was attended by various personalities from Judiciary, Ministry as well RWA's & Trade associations.
If one has got any conflict or dispute i.e. a family problem, husband wife conflict, parking dispute or a Vivad of any other nature, now one has no need to go to the Court for such petty issues. One can approach a Mediation centre in his area and get the problem solved by the process of Mediation. As the charges are almost negligible, one can save the money as well the time through this process.
The Mediation centres have been Formed by Delhi Dispute Resolution Society ( Regd. ) ( Deptt. of Law, Justice & LA, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, & soon atleast 8 more such centres will be inaugurated in Delhi with an option of Sub centres if required.
CM has great hopes from this scheme and she requested to add all the details in the website of the mediation centres in all the Four local languages i.e. English, Hindi, Punjabi & Urdu, so that every one could understand & avail the benefit.
The details are being uploaded on this blog for the benefit of one & all.
The details are being uploaded on this blog for the benefit of one & all.