Friday, March 5, 2010

RWABhagidari blog :

A common platform for the interaction of RWA's of Delhi East Dist., where, they can share the details of any civic problems being faced by them, as well, can also contribute their suggestions, ideas, opinions & a lot more. It's purely a service to the community.

Some of the special features of the Blog :
- Blog contains the Pin code wise list of all the registered RWA's of East Delhi . The registered RWA’s can become a member of the blog. Members can directly upload details of activities on the blog.
- RWA’s from other areas of Delhi can also join our blog in the service to the community.
- Any one can subscribe the blog Free of cost. All the subscribers will get a regular E mail of daily updates on the blog.
- Any one can can add the comments on issues raised in the blog. You can also share any civic problems of your area with pics by E mail to the blog.
- Any one can chat with blog on Saturday’s & Sundays. The blog is very well promoted and getting hits from every part of the world.
- Soon to start SMS alert for the local happenings. The blog is very well covered by Media.
We invite, all the concerned residents to join us in the service to the community. We can achieve the success, only n only if we are working together.
With best regards
B S Vohra

The Railway Board Employees’ Cooperative Housing Society Ltd. Anand Vihar,

Delhi -110092, would submit the following Grievances / Problems for redressal :

It is confirmed/assured that all the issues raised herein have been brought to notice of authorities/officials concerned time and again and no tangible/perceptible results have been achieved. It may be added that these problems have also been brought to the personal notice of the ‘elected representatives’ of this area, with little result. Hence albeit we are constrained but compelled to bring them to the notice of the authorities at the highest level with an avowed hope that they will receive due attention and remedial action taken at the earliest and the Society is kept informed.

Service lanes: The service lanes were last laid about 10 years back. Thereafter the various ‘service providers’ like Airtel, Tata, IGL, Reliance etc. brought the condition from bad to worse by digging the lanes for laying of cables etc. Thus these lanes are now in a very bad condition. Hence need to re-laid immediately, well before the onset of ensuing monsoon.

Cleaning of sewerage: The sewerage lines have not been cleaned for a very long time. During the intervening period, a lot of ‘kachra’ has accumulated therein and water flow has come to a halt. As a result various manholes are over flowing. Besides, the condition has become most unhygienic and giving bad smell, providing a fertile ground for breeding of mosquitoes and their adverse menace! At a couple of places manholes are also missing which may cause danger to the passersby at any time.

Replacement of water pipelines: The water pipe lines were laid in the colony about 30 years back. Since then a larger number of houses/flats as well as population in the colony have increased manifold. Added, the pipelines are also worn out with the passage of time, leading to blockade and seepage. The pipelines have outlived their prescribed normal life. Hence these lines demand replacement with new ones with a wider gauge, so that the flow of water could become smooth and cater to the bare minimum requirements of the residents.

Cleaning of storm water drains: These drains had not been cleaned, since laid a few years back. Since no proper slope for the flow of water from inside the colony to the main drains, the water has got accumulated below the concrete covers spread over the drains becoming a fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes besides giving fouling smell. The Society had insisted at the time of construction itself to provide proper slope and punch the concrete base at different places so that the water could seep through the holes to the ground, which will also incidentally useful for ‘water harvesting’ purpose! Added, certain portions particularly at the curves, the drains have not been covered at all leading to attendant problems being faced by residents. The storm water drainage laid in the colony has not been properly connected with the main drainage system so far in front of the main gate of the colony.

Encroachment of back lanes – from D-15 to D-30 and C-17 to C-26: The back/service lanes have been provided by this Society for the purpose for which they are intended to at an enormous cost borne by the Society. However, the residents of Jagriti Enclave who fall behind the service lanes of Anand Vihar have unauthorizedly encroached upon them providing doors at their back side facing the service lanes and connected their sewerage etc. to the sewerage lines provided for Anand Vihar residents. The encroachment is unlawful and not provided for in their approved/authorized map. This is also causing serious civic and security risks and being misused by the residents of Jagriti Enclave for various purposes, including ‘letting out’ the back side portions! This is required to be attended to on priority.

Maintenance of parks: Although sufficient number of parks exist in the colony, they are not attended to periodically and properly by the ‘mallies’ provided for, without greasing their palms! While most of the parks have been provided with ‘submersible pump’, one of the parks has unfortunately been left out (opposite to D-27/28/29 on one side and D-83-85 on the other). The Society has time and again pleaded with the authorities concerned including the ‘elected representatives’ over the last 3 long years, but still not provided for. How can you expect – clean and green place. Consequently, the plants and trees are dying and withering away and the entire park is always dirty, as it is not cleaned at all!

Overhead tank : The O.H. tank was constructed in 1976, as required by the authorities, for supply of water to Anand Vihar and a few adjoining colonies. Its entire cost (land and construction) was borne by the Society. But with the change in policy of the local Govt. the OH tank got constructed at a sizeable cost and labour remains disused and has become a monument/landmark of the colony! With the passage of time wide cracks in the tank have occurred and may cause danger at any point of time! The Society had time and again pleaded with the authorities concerned to demolish it and construct an underground tank at the same place, but not heeded to. The land belongs to the Society, as they had spent the money towards cost of land, development and construction of the OH tank etc. but forcibly occupied by the DJB. The Society wishes to make proper and profitable use of the same, as it is situated in a vantage point on the 80’ road running between D and C/B Blocks of the colony. It has also been suggested that the “Jeevan Centres” opened by the local Govt. under the “Bhagidari scheme”, presently located at an innocuous place (not known even to the residents, as it is located in the farther most of the colony in D block) should be shifted to this central place, where sufficient/plenty of space is available, but not heeded to so far!

Community Centre: In the scheme of providing various facilities to the residents, the DDA had allotted a plot (measuring 1360 for the purpose of ‘Community Hall-cum- office’. This was allotted to the Society by DDA in 1989; physical possession taken over in 1992; constructed boundary wall and gates, a toilet etc. and paying lease rent and property tax regularly. After prolonged correspondence and personal meetings etc. at various levels with the DDA, the latter had finally agreed (in August, 2008) to “construct the Community Hall and the Society will be allowed to use the same, as per the policy followed by the Engineering Department and the Engineering Department has been directed by the competent authority to take it upon priority”. It is now learnt that the Engineering Dept. have prepared the drawing for construction of the Hall and provided for requisite funds thereto during the current year. Final execution is awaited. However, the Society despite its efforts have not so far been informed of the ‘terms and conditions’ of its usage etc. The Society would like to be advised on this matter urgently before execution of the task so that the members of the Society could be apprised of the same.

Payment of Property Taxes :It is a pity that while the residents are always ready to pay the ‘property tax’ in the beginning of the financial year itself i.e. April or say May each year, the MCD Property Tax office is always sloth on this issue. Despite regularly contacting them for making available requisite number of appropriate forms for payment, the Society is always, year after year, facing the problem of not making available the required number of forms, which at least about 1000 in number, as the colony is presently having over 1200 residential units. As a ‘charity’, they make available a few forms and expect the Society to xerox them to make them available to residents! Can’t the MCD afford to make sufficient number of forms to the Society on time and well in advance to meet our requirements and if necessary charge for the same. Why should we beg time and again for the same? Moreover, we had been requesting them to arrange a ‘camp’ for the purpose in the colony itself, where we could assure to provide necessary facilities/assistance etc. well in advance, so that sizeable amount of collection could be made at one stroke and at one place, without any hassle, particularly for the senior citizens who are in abundance in this colony, in particular! This is being brought to notice well in advance, so that the Society does not face the same problems which they had been facing all through, in the past few years. In fact, last year after repeated beckoning, the Society conducted the camp so successfully, which was highly appreciated by all and even the neighbouring societies took advantage of this camp facility! The Society assures to extend all assistance for the purpose to make a resounding success, surpassing the last year record!Justify Full

T.K. Balu, Hony. Secretary, Rly.Board Employees’ Cooperative Housing Ltd., Anand Vihar, Delhi-110092. E-mail:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Traffic regulations and Peak Hours holiday

Today, around 6.30pm i was on service lane along Vikas Marg on Shakarpur side. Cars, scooters were parked on both side of service road. I talked to traffic constable on intersectionof Vikas Marg and Patparganj Road. He said.." Senior officers have directed us not to challan vehicles during peak hours."

I said.." But question is not of challans. Question is of parking and free flow of traffic.If traffic is not controlled during peak hours, what is the point of traffic control during off peak hours." I humbly submit, now they have plenty of motorcycle born traffic controllers. Why traffic intersections like above are kept not manned or controlled when every one knows voulme is very heavy on this intersection.

I also understand that order to install CCTVS was placed but the agency did not start the rise to all sorts of unhealthy pracitces. Why even lines cannot be painted to keep traffic parking disciplined. I furhtersubmit, why seniors cannot adopt such locations and come out of their offices during morning and evening peak hours.

It will be helpful to curb crimes. Common Wealth games are nearing. It is necessary to put our act togather.


shortage of DTC bus service on route 611 and 398

We would like to draw your attention that on route Nos.611 & 398 there is acute shortage of service from Mayur Vihar Phase III to Dhaula Kuan, particularly in the morning hours between 6 AM and 10 AM.
We have registered many complaints with DTC complaint cell, PG cell for Chief Minister & Aapki Sunwai seeking to sort out this problem of the common man in the area who has no other means of transport. This shortage has taken crippling proportion in the past several months.
It is very surprising that buses coming from East Vinod Nagar Depot or elsewhere are not meant for these routes in the morning hours. On the other hand, there are plenty of buses ply on route no.211 (Phase-3 to Mori gate)& 493 from Mayur Vihar to Nehru Place .
We are fed up commuters who are forced to wait 1-2 hours for DTC services, and finally depend on three-wheelers and private buses to reach our offices. After increase in the bus fare it has become unviable to do the break journey as it will rob our pockets irreparably. We will end up spending Rs 25-35 instead of Rs.15 for the break journey. Now, we the public are preparing to take the matter to the media so that everybody understands the situation we are in.
The DTC Time Keeper posted at the bus stand in Mayur Vihar Phase III is on leave most of the days. When available he is most uncooperative and not even willing to listen genuine hardship faced by poor commuters of the area.
It is our, Mayur Vihar phase-3 resident’s, earnest request to you to kindly look into the matter personally and do the needful and get us sufficient buses in these routes at least in the morning hours (6 am to 10 am) for the service class.
We doubt that due to the threatening from the private/blueline bus operators, DTC drivers are not willing to take this route from the Vinod nagar depot. It may also be possible that the private/blueline operators are used to pay bribe to the depot managers for not to issue any bus in these routes during the morning hours.
Mayur Vihar Phase-3

जाम से परेशान आरडब्ल्यूए फेडरेशन डीसी टै्रफिक से मिला

पूर्वी दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : पूर्वी दिल्ली में यातायात की अव्यवस्था ने लोगों का जीना मुहाल कर रखा है। इलाके में व्यावसायिक वाहनों की आवाजाही काफी बढ़ गई है, जहां नो एंट्री है, वहां से भी धड़ल्ले से वाहनों का आवागमन हो रहा है। इन्हीं मामलों को लेकर पूर्वी जिले के आरडब्ल्यूए फेडरेशन के प्रतिनिधिमंडल ने यातायात पुलिस उपायुक्त (ईस्ट) शरद कुमार सिन्हा से मुलाकात की। पुलिस उपायुक्त ने लोगों को यहां की समस्याओं को दूर करने का भरोसा दिलाया है। प्रतिनिधिमंडल में अनिल वाजपेयी, ललित मोहन शर्मा, एनएच. जैदी, आरएन संत, वीएन. बाली, टीसी राठौर, मीरा सब्बरवाल और राकेश गुप्ता आदि शामिल थे। इनका कहना था रिहायशी इलाकों में व्यावसायिक वाहनों की गतिविधियां काफी बढ़ गई हैं। झील स्कूटर मार्केट से लेकर छाछी बिल्डिंग, कृष्णा नगर के बीच स्थित सतनाम रोड काफी समय से वन वे है, पर यह सिर्फ कागजों में है। इस बारे में लोगों को जानकारी ही नहीं है और यहां टू वे वाहन चलते रहते हैं। जिससे यहां जाम की स्थिति बनी रहती है। विश्वास नगर में साठ फुटा रोड पर ट्रकों की भारी संख्या में आवाजाही रहती है। ये वाहन सड़क के किनारे ही पार्क किए जाते हैं। आजाद नगर लालबत्ती से रघुवरपुरा तक व्यावसायिक वाहनों की नो एंट्री है, लेकिन इन पर अंकुश नहीं है। यहां यातायात पुलिसकर्मी कभी नजर ही नहीं आते हैं। पुलिस उपायुक्त ने इन समस्याओं को शीघ्र दूर करवाने का भरोसा दिलाया।
with thanks :
submitted by Mr. L M Sharma

Missing Child ?

Now a missing child can easily be searched on the The Found Children Website has been launched by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit. The website carries up to date information about the childrens in various Child care homes in Delhi. One can access the information by filling in any of the following : NAME, FATHER'S NAME, ADDRESS, CHILD's AGE.

Delhi to have mono-rail service soon

March 3 (IANS) Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit Wednesday said the city will have a mono-rail service in the next three to four years.
‘The government has decided to provide mono-rail service in Delhi during the next three-four years. They are faster than Delhi Metro,’ she said while inaugurating a newly constructed depot of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) at Okhla.
The total number of DTC depots have now gone up to 41. The DTC plans to commission one new depot every 15 days to increase the number to 50.
A fleet of 200 new modern low-floor buses will be operated from newly opened depots.
with thanks : source :

Remove concrete near trees in 3 months: HC

The Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted three months’ time to all the civic agencies of the Capital to complete the process of removing concrete from the area around the trees in the city. Disposing of a PIL that pointed out that trees on pavements in the city were falling because their roots had become weak due to concretisation of pavements, the court asked the agencies to act within the time allotted to them.
According to the status report submitted by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on Wednesday, of the total 9,395 trees to be de-concretised, work on 5,223 trees has been completed.
On the other hand, the New Delhi Municipal Council counsel told the court that they had already completed 80 per cent of the work.
The Delhi Development Authority, however, was pulled up by the court for not filing its status report and the court gave the agency a last opportunity to do so.
with thanks : source :

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Message from Mr. T K Balu

Dear Mr. Vohra,

Kudos to you and your team of dedicated to our blog. We get to know many useful things and information from the mails. We shall appreciate very much if you could kindly express our grievances in short in a mail which we hope will receive the attention of the authorities concerned. While we don't expect any response from them sooner or later but we may get the satisfaction of expressing our grievances which may draw the attention of all others who are subscribing to this blog and may also come to the notice of top notches attached to the Hon'ble CM who are, in the present situation, the only officials who act upon them!

Best regards and wishes, Keep it up in the overall interest of the community at large!

TK Balu
Hony. Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar, Delhi-92

डीएनडी टोल ब्रिज से गुजरना हो सकता है महंगा

डीएनडी टोल ब्रिज से गुजरने वालों की जेब पर जल्दी ही भार बढ़ने वाला है। डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट टोल दर बढ़ाने के मुद्दे पर 5 मार्च को मीटिंग करेगा। इसमें नोएडा अथॉरिटी के अफसर भी शामिल होंगे। टोल रेट के मुद्दे पर नोएडा अथॉरिटी और डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट के बीच पिछले एक साल से खासी तकरार चल रही है। पिछले साल अथॉरिटी के विरोध के बावजूद पहले डीएनडी ने रेट बढ़ा दिए थे, बाद में लोगों और अथॉरिटी के विरोध करने पर एक महीने बाद ही बढ़े रेट वापस ले लिए गए थे। अब एक बार फिर नए रेट 1 अप्रैल से लागू करने की तैयारी की जा रही है। मौजूदा प्रस्ताव के मुताबिक रेट में 20 से 25 पर्सेंट तक बढ़ोतरी हो सकती है।

चार्ज फाइनल करने के लिए फीस वृद्धि कमिटी की मीटिंग होनी है। कंसेशन अग्रीमेंट की शर्त के मुताबिक हर साल फरवरी से मार्च के बीच टोल ब्रिज पर टोल रेट तय करने के लिए समीक्षा मीटिंग होती है। डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट की ओर से प्रस्तावित रेट के हिसाब से टूवीलर के लिए 10 के बजाय 12 रुपये, कार के लिए 20 के बजाय 25 रुपये चुकाने होंगे। पिछले साल डीएनडी ने यह रेट 20 से बढ़ाकर 22 रुपये किया था। नोएडा अथॉरिटी के डिप्टी सीईओ इसमें नोएडा अथॉरिटी के अफसर भी शामिल होंगे। टोल रेट के मुद्दे पर नोएडा अथॉरिटी और डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट के बीच पिछले एक साल से खासी तकरार चल रही है। पिछले साल अथॉरिटी के विरोध के बावजूद पहले डीएनडी ने रेट बढ़ा दिए थे, बाद में लोगों और अथॉरिटी के विरोध करने पर एक महीने बाद ही बढ़े रेट वापस ले लिए गए थे। अब एक बार फिर नए रेट 1 अप्रैल से लागू करने की तैयारी की जा रही है। मौजूदा प्रस्ताव के मुताबिक रेट में 20 से 25 पर्सेंट तक बढ़ोतरी हो सकती है। सी. बी. सिंह का कहना है कि अथॉरिटी ने टोल रेट के विरोध के बारे में कोई फैसला नहीं किया है। मीटिंग के बाद परिस्थिति देखकर अथॉरिटी अपना रुख साफ करेगी।

सूत्रों के मुताबिक अथॉरिटी और डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट के बीच खर्च और आमदनी को लेकर तनातनी चल रही है। डीएनडी मैनेजमेंट डीएनडी ब्रिज को लगातार घाटे में दिखा रहा है, जबकि अथॉरिटी के अफसरों का कहना है कि स्टाफ के बेइंतहा खर्च और आंकड़ों की बाजीगरी से मैनेजमेंट पुल पर घाटा दिखा रहा है, जबकि डीएनडी पर कोई घाटा नहीं हो रहा है। दिल्ली से गुडगांव जाने के लिए कार का टोल 18 रुपये है। ऐसे में नोएडा के डीएनडी पुल पर रेट 20 से बढ़ाकर 25 रुपये करना कितना तर्कसंगत होगा यह टोल ब्रिज मैनेजमेंट कमिटी के बोर्ड मेंबर तय करेंगे।

with thanks : source :

Sealing drive to start from today

New Delhi: Sealing drive by Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) against those properties whose owners haven’t paid up conversion charges was deferred for a day as a large number of traders turned up to pay their outstanding dues. MCD officials said they would begin the sealing drive from Wednesday.

According to MCD, it has already chalked out a plan of action till March 15. An MCD official said, ‘‘We are coordinating with the police as to how much force will be required for carrying out sealing drives across the city.’’ The drive is likely to start in areas like South Zone, Shahdara (north) Zone and Rohini Zone from Wednesday. Traders who have their business establishments on 2,853 roads are supposed to pay the MCD conversion charges, parking charges and registration fees as per Master Plan-2021. While the civic body had received around Rs 155 crore till December 2009, more than a lakh traders are yet to pay up, according to officials.

An MCD official said, ‘‘Our aim is to collect these charges and not to seal the properties. We want to give the defaulters an opportunity to clear their dues.’’ TNN

with thanks : source : Times of India : link as above in Headline.