Wednesday, February 17, 2010

नई बिजली दरें घोषित हो सकती हैं मार्च में

बिजली दरों में बढ़ोतरी करने के मामले में दिल्ली इलेक्ट्रिसिटी रेग्युलेटरी कमिशन (डीईआरसी) ने लोगों की जो राय मांगी थी उसका सोमवार को अंतिम दिन था। इसके बाद अब 23 और 24 फरवरी को सार्वजनिक सुनवाई की जाएगी। उम्मीद है कि मार्च के अंत तक बिजली की नई दरों की घोषणा कर दी जाए।

डीईआरसी ने बताया कि बिजली कंपनियों ने उसके पास 13 जनवरी तक अपने-अपने अग्रीमेंट रेवेन्यू रिक्वायरमेंट (एआरआर) जमा कर दिए थे। इसमें सिर्फ एनडीएमसी को छोड़ते हुए बाकी बीएसईएस यमुना और राजधानी सहित एनडीपीएल ने घाटे का हवाला देते हुए बिजली की दरें बढ़ाने की मांग की थी। डीईआरसी ने 17-18 जनवरी को पब्लिक नोटिस जारी कर इस मसले पर 6 फरवरी तक पब्लिक की राय मांगी थी। इसके बाद यह तारीख 15 फरवरी तक के लिए बढ़ा दी गई थी। डीईआरसी का कहना है कि अगर कोई 15 फरवरी की रात 12 बजे तक भी ऑनलाइन अपनी राय देगा तो उसे भी इस प्रक्रिया में शामिल किया जाएगा।
इसके अलावा जिन लोगों ने लेटर के जरिए उन्हें 15 फरवरी तक राय भेजने का काम किया है उनके लेटर भले ही 16 या 17 फरवरी तक उनके पास आए, ऐसे पत्रों को भी शामिल किया जाएगा। डीईआरसी का कहना है कि फिलहाल अभी इस बात की जानकारी नहीं ली गई है कि कितने लोगों ने अपनी राय भेजी है। इसका पता एक-दो दिन बाद लगाया जाएगा। फिर इन लोगों की राय को पढ़ा जाएगा और उनमें से कुछ कमेंट्स को बिजली कंपनियों की राय जानने के लिए उन्हें भी भेजा जाएगा।
डीईआरसी के मुताबिक इन्हें पढ़कर और सार्वजनिक सुनवाई के बाद बिजली की दरें बढ़ाने या न बढ़ाने के बारे में कोई अंतिम फैसला लिया जाएगा। मालूम हो कि बीएसईएस यमुना ने बिजली की दरों में 60.04, बीएसईएस राजधानी ने 69.60 और एनडीपीएल ने 52.48 फीसदी तक की बढ़ोतरी करने की मांग की है।

with thanks : source :

Amnesty scheme for taxpayers

New Delhi : The Municipal Corporation of Delhi ( MCD ) has launched an Amnesty scheme for property tax payers for settling ex - parte assessments under rateable value and properties under the unit area method.

source with thanks : HTC

Traffic woes because discipline blows away

I travel some time to Defence Colony,Lajpatnagar and a couple of places in South Delhi.
From India Gate by moving in clockwise direction You hit Dr.Zakir Hussain Marg and then oberoi on your south before you land near Humayun Tomb.
The above said Marg is blocked near Khan Market and detour via minni khan or new khan market through a narrow road is unavoidable.
The automobile repair shops block almost half the road and of course shopkeepers also park along road side.
I was imagining better road sense and discipline in this posh part of Delhi.
It is sickening that traffic management is as bad as in jheel and Gandhi nagar market.
1. Provide as many CCTV CAMERAS as you can afford.
2. Infact shop owners associations must come to donate such equipment.
The shoppers will have ease of movement and government coffers will swell by way of traffic violation challans.

Kk ghei
a-78 madhuvan delhi 110092

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Join us in the service to the community

Join us in the service to the community. If you are from any registered Residential welfare society, you can join the blog as a News contributor. As a result, you will be able to upload the activities of your RWA as well details of any civic problems of your area on the blog.

If you are not from any RWA, you can still share with us by a mail, details of any civic problems of your area. We will try our best to highlight the issue.

Any one of you can add comments on various issues being raised from time to time. Please join us in any of the three ways as above, in the service to the community.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The Secretary
DERC, Viniyamak Bhawan, C-Block
Shivalik, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi - 17
Ref: Public notice in HT dated 17.1.10
Dear Sir,
Following observations which are common to all Licensees be considered before taking up ARR. Format for presentation of ARR data is not the same, therefore comparison and making observation for an ordinary consumer is difficult. Hence, more details in terms of fixed charges and category wise recovery, in a standard format, be made available for reasonable feedback.
4. Discoms had proposed tariff increase from 50% to 70% whereas no increase had been proposed by NDMC. Discoms in private sector had already implemented four increases taking it almost to twice the tariff in July 2002. At the same time there is no increase in NDMC area since 2002. So why the consumers with DISCOM should suffer when tariff, quality of supply and grievance redressal, are much better in NDMC.
5. AT and C, loss calculations are not correct, when major consumption in DISCOM offices as well as sub-stations not recorded. This stand is confirmed in the petition with CIC on the RTI by Shri H.L. Kalsi. However metering be done now in all discom offices as well as sub-stations and these figures be accounted for since July 2002. It will have repercussion on previous increase in tariff, and suo-moto refund.
6. Levy of fixed charges differ between DISCOMS & NDMC. The date of implementation is also different. It was made effective during 2004 in DISCOMs whereas during 2008 in NDMC. The rate of fixed charges is Rs. 2/- Per kw in NDMC against Rs. 12/- per kw in DISCOMs. Discrepancy be rectified before approval of ARR for 2010-11.
7. Fixed charges are not part of regular tariff, therefore it’t of receipts and expenditure, be projected separately and not as a part of total revenue.
8. The Services being rendered against fixed charges, not elaborated as on date. How long consumer is expected to pay fixed charges, be projected as the same are not part of consumption tariff.
9. Crors-subsidy in tariff, was basically introduced to support agriculture. Therefore, commercial and industrial sector, pays higher tariff whereas domestic sector contribute at par. As regards agriculture area in Delhi, it had reduced to 1% whereas commercial & Industrial revenue, increased to more then 40%. This amounts to undue benefit to licensee, hence bifurcation of revenue in different categories be made public in the ARR.
10. Replacement of electro-mechanical meters by electronic meters, is yet to be implemented in domestic sector of NDMC. On the contrary, DISCOMs carried out replacement twice i.e from electro-mechanical meters to electronic meters and subsequently electronic meters to digital meters. It appears that technology improvement is not required in VIP areas under NDMC, else DISCOM motive is different which may be made clear.
11. There is no transparency in DISCOMs under private sector particularly in tendering and salary structure. Norms and delegations of ECGRF are not available on website. Hence accountability in power sector is low, inspite of DERC performance standards, tilted in favour of Licensees.
12. Consumers are bound to bear discretionary higher pay package for employees. After seven years of operations pay-scales/perks are yet to be standardized, especially when govt. holds sharing of 49%. Salaries, without norms, should not be considered in ARR.
13. Merger of different categories in tariff and reduction of slabs, are not acceptable, while looking at ARR

B. L. Poddar R. N. Gupta
Acting President General Secretary

Sunday, February 14, 2010


On behalf of over 500 families of Priyadarshini Vihar and our neighbouring colonies,Gyan Kunj and East End Enclave (in East Delhi), I wish to register our anguish and frustration due to evident discrimination by the Government in supply of electric power to the people living in NDMC areas with others living outside the NDMC areas. We submit the following for your thoughtful
consideration before distribution companies hike the tariff further as proposed:

1. The power tariff in NDMC areas is much less as compared with our areas;

2. Govt continues to provide fat subsidies in the NDMC area, where most of the VIPs live; whereas
govt has withdrawn the subsidy in our area. It is pertinent to mention that people living in NDMC areas do not pay higher rate of taxes than us, then why this discrimination?

3. Mechanical meters have not been changed in the NDMC area, whereas fast running electronic
meters have been thrusted upon the consumers in other areas. Why?

4. Already, we are paying 250 to 300% more since the change of electronic meters and withdrawal of
subsidy; if the tariff is increased further (as proposed), it would be suicidal for us.

5. In stead of increasing the tariff further, BESS should check the pilferage. We understand that most of their own
sub-stations do not have meters. They themselves are the culprits. In view of the foregoing, the DERC is requested to first try to eliminate the basic difference between NDMC and other areas. While, we do agree and appreciate that the rate of power failure has improved a lot since the privatization, any further increase in tariff will be unbearable!!

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

R. N. Gupta
General Secretary
Priyadarshini Vihar Residents' Welfare Association
B-170 Priyadarshini Vihar
Delhi - 110 092.

Every ward will have Senior Citizen Centre-MCD

New Delhi, Elderly persons in the national capital may soon get senior citizens centres near their homes to assemble and interact with each other.

The MCD today said it plans to set up one such centre in every municipal ward.

Presenting the budget estimates for 2010-11 at a meeting of the MCD House, Standing Committee Chairman R K Singhal said an allocation of Rs 10 lakh has been made for each ward for such units which will also have televisions and newspapers.

"This will give the senior citizens a place to assemble and interact with each other. This will be made on the lines of 'panchayat ghar' in villages," Singhal said.

The Standing Committee Chairman said the MCD also wants to open working women's hostels in various parts of the city and asked the Delhi government to allot land for the same. - (Agencies)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


On 11th feb there was joint inspection by MCD SE-I,SE II and staff along with Sh.AC agarwal and my self..
A road blocked for more than ten year along NH PARK Madhuvan has been opened up. While MCD has admitted 27 encroachments in Madhuvan, action by MCD DESERVES A PAT.
Illegal taxi stand opposite to Nirula restaurant A Block preet Vihar was removed..but again You find taxi stand persons plying their trade despite round the clock police chowkee just less than ten pards away


Kindly look at the functioning of BSES Yamuna Power Ltd regarding Power Supply and its maintenance in Vishwas Nagar Block-10. There was a BIG POWER CUT started from 7:00pm on 8th Feb to 10:00am on 9th Feb (Next Day) of about 15 hours in the area.
There was another power cut from 2pm to 7:30pm on 11th Feb. Complaint made to BSES with complaint no.10021101334 and no. 1364.

Now today i.e. on 12th Feb there is a Power Cut starts from 10am to 9pm for 11 hours (only power restored twice for very little time from 3:15 to 4:15pm and 6 to 6:45pm). Complaint made to BYPL customer care with complaint no.386. Neither action nor any status is available with BSES Customer Care, hours after making the complaint.

The officers of BYPL like DGM(O&M), Asst VP(O&M), VP(O&M) and also BYPL CEO office with CM control room are apprised about the problem /situation but of no help.This is the pattern of maintenance and system up gradation /modernization by BSES and for these types of services, BSES is asking for Tariff Revision?

Lalit Mohan Sharma (General Secretary),
Vishwas Nagar RWA

Friday, February 12, 2010


I had an opportunity to present my submission on hearing of second appeal today in CIC office.
All the superintending engineers concerned with this issue in MCD were prest.
Besides other directions, land mark direction was that MCD shall put up guide lines on MCD WEBSITE beefore but not later than 5TH MARCH 2010.
The data of zone wise number of towers and ACTION TAKEN AGAINST CONCERNED OFFICERS will also be available.
A copy of detailed order is available with me.

kk ghei

Milk prices up in Delhi, Petrol & Diesel to follow

Prices of Milk are up in Delhi. The full creamed by Rs. 2 & the tonned by Rs. 1 per lt. Now seems to be the turn of Petrol & Diesel, which is likely to go up very soon. Water tariff was raised on the very first day of the new year. What next in the liquid products ?

RWABhagidari blog