Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
बिजली की दरें बढ़ाने से पहले सुझाव मांगेंगे

बिजली की नई दरें तय करने से पहले दिल्ली इलैक्ट्रिसिटी रेगुलेटरी कमिशन (डीईआरसी) पब्लिक की राय और सुझाव लेगा। इसके लिए तारीख तय कर दी गई है। 26 और 27 अप्रैल को घरेलू और 28 अप्रैल को इंडस्ट्रियल कंस्यूमर्स के लिए पब्लिक हेयरिंग होगी। डीईआरसी ऑफिस में सुबह साढ़े दस बजे से हेयरिंग शुरू होगी। हेयरिंग के लिए तारीख की घोषणा होने के बाद ज्यादातर आरडब्ल्यूए के इसके विरोध के मूड में हैं। ये लोग पब्लिक हेयरिंग में जाएंगे, लेकिन उसमें शामिल होने की बजाय बाहर ही विरोध करेंगे।
आरडब्ल्यूए इस बात से नाराज हैं कि डीईआरसी ने उपभोक्ताओं के हितों का ध्यान नहीं रखा और पब्लिक हेयरिंग सिर्फ खानापूर्ति के लिए होती है। उसमें दिए सुझाव पर अमल नहीं किया जाता ऐसे में पब्लिक हेयरिंग सिर्फ आंखों में धूल झोंकने के लिए की जा रही है। ग्रेटर कैलाश-1 आरडब्ल्यूए के प्रतिनिधि राजीव काकरिया ने कहा कि हमने बिजली कंपनियों के लिए परफॉर्मेंस स्टैंडर्ड फिक्स करने की मांग की थी, लेकिन वादों के बावजूद कुछ नहीं हुआ। डीईआरसी ने खुद माना कि रेसिडियल बैक फ्लो की वजह से मीटर तेज भागते हैं, लेकिन आज तक कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की गई।
बिजली उत्पादन की कुल लागत में फ्यूल की कीमत महज 5 से 7 पर्सेंट होती है, लेकिन फ्यूल सरचार्ज के नाम पर उपभोक्ताओं से बिजली की 5 पर्सेंट अधिक दरें वसूलने की इजाजत दे दी गई। हमने डीईआरसी को सारे डॉक्यूमेंट्स के साथ बताया कि बिजली कंपनियां फायदे में हैं। यही नहीं दिल्ली सरकार के पावर मिनिस्टर ने विधानसभा में बताया कि बिजली कंपनियां फायदे में हैं, बावजूद इसके सरकार को उनका हिस्सा नहीं दिया गया और डीईआरसी खामोश रहा। इसलिए हमने तय किया है कि हम पब्लिक हेयरिंग में जाएंगे लेकिन इससे बाहर रहकर विरोध करेंगे। हमें डीईआरसी से नाराजगी नहीं है, बल्कि उसके रवैये पर दुख है कि इतना सब कुछ सामने आने के बाद भी उपभोक्ताओं को राहत देने के लिए कोई कदम नहीं उठाया गया।
ईस्ट दिल्ली आरडब्ल्यूए जॉइंट फ्रंट के बी. एस. वोहरा ने विरोध जताते हुए कहा कि मुख्यमंत्री बिजली कंपनियों के सीएजी ऑडिट के लिए तैयार हो गई थीं। बावजूद इसके 22 पर्सेंट बढ़ोतरी के बाद फ्यूल सरचार्ज के नाम पर 5 पर्सेंट और बढ़ोतरी हुई, लेकिन बिजली कंपनियों के अकाउंट का कोई हिसाब किताब नहीं लिया गया। बिजली कंपनियों ने अडिशनल लोड चार्ज के नाम पर कंस्यूमर की जेब खाली की लेकिन डीईआरसी ने कुछ नहीं किया। इसलिए हमें नहीं लगता कि इस पब्लिक हेयरिंग से कंस्यूमर्स को कुछ हासिल होगा।
with thanks : NBT : LINK
डेंगू व मलेरिया से निपटने के लिए हों जागरूक : मोंगा
पूर्वी दिल्ली (एसएनबी)। वि मलेरिया दिवस के मौके पर ईस्ट आईएमए व सोसाइटी फॉर एडवोकेसी एण्ड प्रमोशन ऑफ पब्लिक हेल्थ के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में एक वर्कशाप का आयोजन किया गया। इस मौके पर ईस्ट आईएमए के अध्यक्ष अनी गोयल, ईस्ट दिल्ली आरडब्ल्यूए ज्वाइंट फंट के अध्यक्ष वीएस वोहरा, स्वास्थ्य विभाग के एमएचओ एनके यादव, पूर्व सांसद व क्रिकेटर चेतन चौहान, हेल्थ कमेटी के चेयरमैन डॉ. वीके मोंगा सहित भारी संख्या में आरडब्ल्यूए के पदाधिकारी व निगम के अधिकारी मौजूद थे। वर्कशाप के दौरान लोगों को जानकारी देते हुए हेल्थ कमेटी के चेयरमैन डॉ. वीके मोंगा ने कहा कि डेंगू व मलेरिया से निपटने के लिए लोगों को खुद जागरूक होना होगा। तभी डेंगू व मलेरिया जैसी बीमारी से निपटा जा सकता है। उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह पोलियों को जड़ से मिटाने के लिए जनता जागरूक हुई और देश पोलिया मुक्त हुआ। उसी तरह जनता को खुद ही जागरूक होकर डेंगू व मलेरिया से बचने के लिए पुख्ता कदम उठाने होंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि अपने घरों के आस-पास गंदा व साफ पानी इकठ्ठा न होने दें, घरों के कूलरों को साफ-सुथरा रखें, पानी रखने वाले बर्तनों, बाल्टियों, हौदियों को ढक कर रखें। इसके साथ टूंट-फूटे बर्तनों व टायर इत्यादी खुले में न रखे। इसमें बरसात का पानी इकट्ठा हो सकता है। जिसके चलते डेंगू व मलेरिया के लॉरवा पनप जाते हैं। इस बाबत पूर्व क्रिकेटर चेतन चौहान ने कहा कि पहले गांवों में कुंओं से पीने का पानी भरा जाता था। लेकिन अब गांवों में जगह-जगह हैंडपंप लग गए हैं और पानी की निकासी न होने से जगह- जगह पानी भरा रहता हैं। रुके हुए पानी में मच्छर के लॉरवा पनपने लगते हैं, जो बीमारी का कारण बनते हैं, स्वास्थ्य विभाग के एमएचओं एनके यादव ने कहा कि डेंगू व मलेरिया से निपटने के लिए हम लोगों को जागरूक होना होगा। आम लोग यह समझते हैं कि फार्गिग किए जाने से ज्यादातर मच्छर मर जाते है। लेकिन फार्गिग का धुंआ जैसे ही लोगों के घरों तक पहुंचता तो लोग उसके धुंए से बचने के लिए अपने घरों की खिड़की व दरवाजे बंद कर देते है।
with thanks : Rashtriy Sahara : LINK
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Power Tariff - Two hikes on the way ?
Two hikes are on the way so far as the Power Tariff is concerned in Delhi. The first one is expected in the early MAY when it will be @ 7% and the second one, MUCH HIGHER, similar to last year's hike, is expected in the early July. Therefore, please be prepared to pay more for Power in the coming days.
DERC Public hearing on Power Tariff
Chief Minister had agreed for the CAG audit of Discom's, after the RWAs raised various objections in the Public hearings, last year. But inspite of all these efforts, the Power Tariff rose by 22% + 5%, and the so called CAG Audit is still missing n visible no where, nearby.
While Huge Power Tariff, Fast running meters, Aditional load charges are cutting the pockets of the general public, we, the RWAs believe that DISCOMs have gained huge profits & even the Power minister said so in the Vidhan Sabha. But DISCOMs in their version are just crying on the huge losses. Therefore, let the CAG decide that these Discom's are on gains or losses. May we ask the Chief Minister as well DERC that what is the fate of CAG Audit ? Why its not being done ? Why its being delayed ?
While the poor public is being forced to pay the Power bills at the exhorbitant prices, certain Public Joints such as DMRC, DJB etc. that are making huge profits are still paying at the subsidised prices, at our costs. Similarly on the name of Agriculture, certain Farm houses are having lavish partys at the lowest power tariff, again at our costs. Huge billboards on various roads are making big money to the advertisers at the mere commercial prices, though they can be charged heavily as in other cities. The E tax collections of MCD are again burdening the residents @ 5%.
May we ask the Chief Minister that why the NDMC areas are still being charged at the much lower rates than the rest of the city.Why such a discrimination between two sets of people in the same city i.e. who can afford but pay at lower rates & those who can not afford but pay at the higher rates ?
Now again we have the Public hearings on 26th & 27th April. Just a few months ago DERC itself had observed certain discrepancies in the accounting statements of DISCOMS, on the issues of 1. Revenue collection 2. Billing 3. Power purchase cost 4. A T & C losses 5. Cash Flow. But so far DERC has not yet clarified that what is the fate of those objections raised by none other than DERC. These were mere an eyewash or were based on some facts, is not yet clear.
Do you think that RWAs & the Residents of Delhi will gain any thing out of these public hearings ?
B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
( A Federation of RWAs )
World Malaria Day : Society for Advocacy & Promotion of Public Health ( SAPPH )
Malaria continues to be a major public health challenge in India. About 95% population in the country resides in malaria endemic areas. Though Malaria ceases to be a major Public Health challenge in Delhi but rising number of drug resistance cases and vector also developing insecticide resistance there is more need to stress on Prevention and control of Malaria. To cherish this objective World Malaria Day was observed in Delhi by Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health in collaboration with IMA East Delhi Branch and Public Health Department MCD. Programme was organized at IMA East Delhi Branch office.

Theme of World Malaria Day 2012 was "Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in Malaria". Community Participation was realized as one of the key strategies to combat the problem of Malaria hence RWAS and NGOs were invited to participate in the programme. The Programme was attended by approx 50 different RWAs/NGOs. The key expert speakers were Dr KN Tewari, former MHO, MCD Dr NK Yadav, MHO, MCD, Mr Chetan Chauhan, former cricketer and MP, Dr VK Monga, Chairman MRPH Committee, MCD and Chairman Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health and Dr Ashwani Goel, President IMA East Delhi Branch. The entire activity was conceived and coordinated by Dr NR Tuli, Dy Health Officer MCD.
Dr Ashwani Goel welcomed all the participants and assured support of IMA East Delhi Branch in spreading the message on preventive measures. Dr Tuli requested Dr Goel to issue guidelines to all Private practitioners to notify all Malaria cases to Municipal Health authorities to strengthen the surveillance.
Dr NK Yadav informed about burden of disease, signs and symptoms of Malaria. He stressed for Microscopic examination of slides for lab diagnosis of Malaria and advised to take complete treatment for P vivax malaria for 14 days failing which the patient may develop relapse. He also described about common breeding sites of mosquito and various preventive measures. He further highlighted that prevention of mosquito breeding is ideal and killing of adult mosquitoe by fogging/spray is not ideal because of pollution, cost factor and resistance associated with it.

Dr KN Tewari stressed on role of Community and society in prevention and of mosquito breeding. He also stressed the need for involvement of school children. He reiterated the concept of giving people’s Health in their hands. He said Delhi is the only city in the world where facility of domestic Breeding Checking is provided by the Govt sector. In other countries it’s the responsibility of the citizens to ensure there is no mosquito breeding or mosquitogenic conditions in and around their premises. He also highlighted the problem of scanty intersectoral coordination as responsible for ineffective control measures

Mr Chetan Chauhan expressed his appreciation for the organizers and highlighted that such campaigns should be a continuous efforts and not one time activity. He stressed the need for having area specific strategies for prevention and control of Malaria.
Dr VK Monga, informed all regarding dawn of a new concept of formulation of a society i.e. Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health to spread community awareness for their effective participation to accomplish the Millennium Health goals. He advised that Department must adopt a social community based model to seek their active participation. He felt this collective model would succeed and not a punishable model. Messages will work only if they reach the community and in this RWAs can play an important role. He also felt that other related Intersectoral departments also need to extend their support to fight the menace of Vector Borne Diseases as the mosquito breeding results in deeds and misdeeds by virtue of their own departmental activities. He asked the participants to extend positive support to Domestic Breeding Checkers to prevent occurrence of any breeding ground in their premises. He added its responsibility of all the community members to prevent the spread of disease in Delhi.
Programme ended with vote of thanks from Mr B S Vohra, President East Delhi RWAs Joint Front ( A Federation of RWAs ).

Malaria continues to be a major public health challenge in India. About 95% population in the country resides in malaria endemic areas. Though Malaria ceases to be a major Public Health challenge in Delhi but rising number of drug resistance cases and vector also developing insecticide resistance there is more need to stress on Prevention and control of Malaria. To cherish this objective World Malaria Day was observed in Delhi by Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health in collaboration with IMA East Delhi Branch and Public Health Department MCD. Programme was organized at IMA East Delhi Branch office.
Theme of World Malaria Day 2012 was "Sustain Gains, Save Lives: Invest in Malaria". Community Participation was realized as one of the key strategies to combat the problem of Malaria hence RWAS and NGOs were invited to participate in the programme. The Programme was attended by approx 50 different RWAs/NGOs. The key expert speakers were Dr KN Tewari, former MHO, MCD Dr NK Yadav, MHO, MCD, Mr Chetan Chauhan, former cricketer and MP, Dr VK Monga, Chairman MRPH Committee, MCD and Chairman Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health and Dr Ashwani Goel, President IMA East Delhi Branch. The entire activity was conceived and coordinated by Dr NR Tuli, Dy Health Officer MCD.
Dr Ashwani Goel welcomed all the participants and assured support of IMA East Delhi Branch in spreading the message on preventive measures. Dr Tuli requested Dr Goel to issue guidelines to all Private practitioners to notify all Malaria cases to Municipal Health authorities to strengthen the surveillance.
Dr NK Yadav informed about burden of disease, signs and symptoms of Malaria. He stressed for Microscopic examination of slides for lab diagnosis of Malaria and advised to take complete treatment for P vivax malaria for 14 days failing which the patient may develop relapse. He also described about common breeding sites of mosquito and various preventive measures. He further highlighted that prevention of mosquito breeding is ideal and killing of adult mosquitoe by fogging/spray is not ideal because of pollution, cost factor and resistance associated with it.
Dr KN Tewari stressed on role of Community and society in prevention and of mosquito breeding. He also stressed the need for involvement of school children. He reiterated the concept of giving people’s Health in their hands. He said Delhi is the only city in the world where facility of domestic Breeding Checking is provided by the Govt sector. In other countries it’s the responsibility of the citizens to ensure there is no mosquito breeding or mosquitogenic conditions in and around their premises. He also highlighted the problem of scanty intersectoral coordination as responsible for ineffective control measures
Mr Chetan Chauhan expressed his appreciation for the organizers and highlighted that such campaigns should be a continuous efforts and not one time activity. He stressed the need for having area specific strategies for prevention and control of Malaria.
Dr VK Monga, informed all regarding dawn of a new concept of formulation of a society i.e. Society for Advocacy and Promotion of Public Health to spread community awareness for their effective participation to accomplish the Millennium Health goals. He advised that Department must adopt a social community based model to seek their active participation. He felt this collective model would succeed and not a punishable model. Messages will work only if they reach the community and in this RWAs can play an important role. He also felt that other related Intersectoral departments also need to extend their support to fight the menace of Vector Borne Diseases as the mosquito breeding results in deeds and misdeeds by virtue of their own departmental activities. He asked the participants to extend positive support to Domestic Breeding Checkers to prevent occurrence of any breeding ground in their premises. He added its responsibility of all the community members to prevent the spread of disease in Delhi.
Programme ended with vote of thanks from Mr B S Vohra, President East Delhi RWAs Joint Front ( A Federation of RWAs ).
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Plz join us tomorrow at 11 am on World Malaria Day : SAPPH
On the occasion of World Malaria day, Society for Advocacy & Promotion of Public Health invites you to a workshop on wednesday, 25th April at 11 am at IMA - east Delhi branch, karkardooma institutional area. Please join us to Spread awareness.
Dr V K Monga
Society for Advocacy & Promotion of Public Health
DERC Public Hearing on Thursday 26th April, 10:30 am
Dear Friends,
This is to inform you that the DERC Public Hearing is on Thursday 26th April, 10:30 am. Our group had filed objections to the ARR and had shown our displeasure at the way these Public Hearings are becoming a PR exercise ........ with no relief to the consumers ........ we the stake holders have been researching and digging out facts and actually proving that the DISCOMS are in huge PROFITS ...... yet last September DERC went ahead and gave them a huge 22% Tariff Hike.
What are we seeking from DERC and what has DERC done till now ....
1. We have been asking for a CAG Audit ..... no movement
2. We have been asking them to Fix Performance Standards .... no movement
3. We have been asking them to act on Fast Running Meters due to Residual Back Flow ..... just one Advertisement published, putting the onus of checking on the existing Consumers and enforcing Metering Codes on new connections only ..... DERC shirking Responsibility while old customers continue to be fleeced.
4. We have researched and found that Fuel cost amounts to just 5 %-7% of total production cost ..... what does DERC do on Fuel Cost Adjustment ..... give DISCOMS a hike of 5% on total Power Tariff ..... our research shows that the differential cannot be more than .25% to .5% .... after all it is only adjustment of the increase in fuel cost ...... calculated @ 5% the cost increase should have been over 500% ........ Who is doing the Arithmetic at DERC.
5. We have placed before the DERC papers proving that DISCOMS are in huge Profits ...... no movement.
6. Even the Delhi State Power Minister gave a statement in Vidhan Sabha that DISCOMS are in Profitsand have not deposited the Governments share .... DERC should have suo moto withdrawn the Price hike.
The list is long .........
Now ..... We will go to the Public Hearing on 26th in Protest ..........but STAY OUT ......... we do not wish to give credibility to an EYE WASH ...... called Public Hearing .....
Please join in Large numbers ...... or be ready for another set of aribtrary Tariff Hikes and fuel cost adjustments .....
Warm Regards,
Rajiv Kakria
Monday, April 23, 2012
World Malaria day on 25th April - Workshop by SAPPH
On the occasion of World Malaria day, Society for Advocacy & Promotion of Public Health invites you to a workshop on wednesday, 25th April at 11 am at IMA - east Delhi branch, karkardooma institutional area. Please join us to Spread awareness.
Dr V K Monga
DR V K MONGAApr 23, 2012 11:42 AM
it will be a useful prog for RWA office-bearers as there are international concerns for malaria which is re=emerging in India.DR V K MONGA,PRESIDENT/SAPPH
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
DERC Public hearings : 26.4.12 to 28.4.12 & 30.4.12
Public Hearing on :
Multi - Year Tariff Petition filed by the Power Utilities AND
Draft DERC (Terms & Conditions for determination of tariff for Procurement of Power from Grid-Connected Solar Photo Voltaic Power Projects) Regulations, 2012 AND
Draft DERC (Renewable Purchase Obligations and Renewable Energy certificate framework implementation) Regulations, 2012
Tata Power challenges DERC formula
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) on Tuesday moved the Delhi High Court challenging power regulator DERC's formula for fixing tariff for power consumption in the city. A bench of Acting Chief Justice AK Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw asked the discom, formerly known as North Delhi Power Limited (NDPL), to file a short synopsis in addition to its petition.
TPDDL, a joint venture between Tata Power company and the government of Delhi, has challenged the Delhi Electricity Regulation Commission's "regulation" for fixing the power tariff in the national Capital for the year 2012 to 2017.
with thanks : HT : LINK
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Gearing up to meet the newly elected members of the MCD EAST
We are gearing up ourselves to meet the newly elected members of the MCD EAST. We request to all the RWAs in MCD EAST to mail us details of the local civic issues, area wise, so that it could be taken up collectively, to the newly elected MCD, to resolve at the earliest. The issues will also be highlighted in the MEDIA as well on the RWABhagidari Blog for the earliest possible action.
RWAs from North & South MCD areas can also mail us the local issues for uploading on the blog for earliest action.
Our E mail id is :
RWAs from North & South MCD areas can also mail us the local issues for uploading on the blog for earliest action.
Our E mail id is :
With best regards,
B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
( A Federation of RWAs)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Our pledge banner that was signed by Election commissioner & that was stolen.
Our pledge banner that was signed by Election commissioner. This banner was also signed by a good number of RWAs. But it was stolen from the same venue within minutes.
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
( A Federation of RWAs )
Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached
Dear Mr. Vohra,
At the outset I wish to congratulate and compliment you and your team dedicated workers who had created a record of sorts in ensuring that maximum people turn out to vote. Your campaign in East Delhi in particular has paid rich dividends and such relentless efforts in every sphere would no doubt bring about admirable results to be adored and applauded! Your and your team's consistent and intensive and sustained campaign calling all East Delhites to come out and vote has now created a record in whole Delhi, as East Delhi has scored over others in record number of turn-out and percentage. Your clarion call and messages through various media have borne fruits and this spirit should be sustained and intensified further to ensure that East Delhi is second to none! Of course, our problems are many. But with the active cooperation and assistance, instead of being critical with negative bent of mind, of all RWAs we could achieve our goals. Your wake-up call "Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached" should ring in every ears and I am confident 'together' we could and we should solve all our major problems and find out amicable solutions to be implemented in phases, in consultation with and active assistance and cooperation of RWAs and our "East Front'' which has also become popular and now widely known in East Delhi!
Now is the time, I would like to remind you and your colleagues once again, to collate and consolidate our major problems like carpetting of roads and service lanes, cleaning of storm water drains, pruning of unwieldy growth of trees, better maintenance of parks and create more recreation centres etc. for the elderly, children et. all. This may be done by inviting the major problems of every RWA and compile and handover to the MCD and its newly Councillors for doing the needful on a time bound programme and with total transparency with the assistance of RWAs instead of pleasing 'individuals' who had campaigned for them! Can we do it? I had been posing this question time and again but it appears that no visible efforts has been made in this direction and from this angle!
Once again on behalf of the RBECHS/Anand Vihar and on my own behalf, we heartily congratulate and richly compliment you and your team in achieving your aim in an ample measure in the recent elections and we hope and trust that this new missionary spirit and visualization will move forward to solve the major problems of the residents of East Delhi to make it 'better than ever'. This singular achievement will add yet an another feather in East front's cap, which is getting over-loaded!
With deep regards and best wishes in all your pioneering efforts,
TK Balu
Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar
Thanks for your mail. We are gearing ourselves to move forward & faster to resolve the issues of various RWAs, through our East Delhi RWAs Joint Front as well RWABhagidari blog. May i take this opportunity to ask our RWA friends from various areas to mail us a detailed list of civic issues so that these could be taken up by our Joint front. With best regards, B S Vohra |
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Resident welfare associations divided on effect of Municipal Corporation of Delhi split
NEW DELHI: The MCD trifurcation has emerged as one of the biggest issues in the municipal polls, with BJP leaving no opportunity to criticize it and Congress highlighting it as an achievement of its Delhi government. The resident welfare associations in the city are, however, still divided on the issue.
The trifurcation has left the capital with three corporations - North, South and East. Delhiites say only time will tell how beneficial the split will be for them. "The Delhi government assures that the trifurcation will improve governance. To improve efficiency, it could have gone for other alternatives like strengthening 12 zones. However, too much of centralized governance can make the decision-making process tough as MCD covers over 94% of Delhi," said Pankaj Aggarwal of Delhi Joint Front.
Some feel that the trifurcation will benefit taxpayers. "South Delhi has been the highest revenue-generating area but did not witness that kind of development. I am paying tax but my money is used in the areas that don't generate any revenue. In Delhi, one civic body cannot make a uniform development plan as the need varies from area to area," said Monu Chadha, president, Jungpura RWA.
However, not all share the same enthusiasm. "Trifurcation was hurriedly passed without going into detail. The civic body isn't even prepared and three people will be designated for the same post. Instead of splitting the civic body, steps to strengthen it should have been taken. The Delhi government knows very well that East Corporation hardly generates revenue and after the split, how will it sustain itself? There are so many areas in the east that are deprived of basic civic amenities. No major project can be taken up in these areas as for everything we will rely on the Delhi government. It will add to the financial burden of people," said B S Vohra, president, Federation of RWAs.
But some residents say even now MCD gets funds from the government. "With the split, MCD will be closer to the people. We expect that now there will be no file delay and work will gain speed. The Delhi government has also assured that trifurcation will not pose a financial liability," said Ashok Bhasin, president, Federation of North Delhi RWAs.
with thanks : Times of India : LINK
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