Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hunger in India states 'alarming' - BBC News Dated 14 October 2008

Twelve Indian states have "alarming" levels of hunger while the situation is "extremely alarming" in the state of Madhya Pradesh, says a new report.
Madhya Pradesh's nutrition problems, it says, are comparable to the African countries of Ethiopia and Chad.
India has more people suffering hunger - a figure above 200 million - than any other country in the world, it says.
The report, released as part of the 2008 Global Hunger Index, ranks India at 66 out 88 countries.
'Scored worse'
The hunger index has been released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) along with Welthungerhlife and the University of California.
It measures hunger on three indicators which include child malnutrition, rates of child mortality and the number of people who are calorie deficient.
Bar chart showing how Indian states compared with nations in World Hunger Index

The problem of hunger is measured in five categories - low, moderate, serious, alarming or extremely alarming.
The survey says that not one of the 17 states in India that were studied were in the low or moderate hunger category.
"Despite years of robust economic growth, India scored worse than nearly 25 sub-Saharan African countries and all of South Asia, except Bangladesh," the report says.
The best performing state was Punjab, which has a 'serious' hunger problem and does less well than developing countries such as Gabon, Vietnam and Honduras.
Children in Madhya Pradesh
About 60% children in Madhya Pradesh state are malnourished
"When Indian states are compared to countries in the Global Hunger Index, [the central Indian state of] Madhya Pradesh ranks between Ethiopia and Chad," it says.
India is long known to have some of the highest rates of child malnutrition and mortality in under-fives in the world.
According to the Indian government statistics two years ago, around 60% of more than 10 million children in the state were malnourished.
Nutrition experts say the abysmal record is due to an inadequate access to food, poor feeding practices and poor childcare practices in India.
And now the rise in the global food prices has reduced the food-buying capacity of many poor families, making their situation worse.
In the past year food prices have increased significantly, but people's incomes haven't kept pace, forcing many families further into hunger, experts say.
The report says "improving child nutrition is of utmost urgency in most Indian states".
"All states also need to improve strategies to facilitate inclusive economic growth, ensure food sufficiency and reduce child mortality," it adds. 

With thanks : BBC News Dated 14 October, 2008, Vide link : 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Lohri : Krishna Nagar

Happy Lohri !

Dear Friends,
Wishing you and your family a very happy Lohri & Makar Sakranti.
Lohri te Makar Sankranti diyan lakh lakh vadhaiyan.
Lohri  is an extremely popular Punjabi agricultural winter festival celebrated throughout Punjab and in parts of HaryanaHimachal Pradesh,Delhi and Jammu.
The origins of Lohri are many. Many people believe the festival began as a celebration of the eve of the winter solstice.
Lohri is the Punjabis' and Dogras' cultural celebration on the eve of the winter solstice. However, instead of celebrating Lohri on the eve of winter solstice, Punjabis celebrate it on the last day of the month during which winter solstice takes place, Paush. This is due to linking Lohri to the Bikrami calendar.
According to folk lore, in ancient Punjab Lohri was celebrated on the eve ofwinter solstice day. It is for this reason that people believe the Lohri night is meant to be the longest night of the year and on the day after Lohri, day light is meant to increase.
With the formulation of the Bikrami calendar, Lohri has been twinned with the Hindu winter solstice festival of Makar Sankranti which relates to the Sun's entry into the new sign, Makar. Hindus pray to the Hindu Sun God,Ravi on Makar Sankranti which is meant to be celebrated on winter solstice day.
Regards & Best Wishes

Pankaj Agarwal
S L Watwani
& All Members of Efforts Group

Happy Lohri to all of you !

Disaster Management

with thanks : Hindustan Times HT live east

Patparganj Indl Area

with thanks : Hindustan Times HT live east

Akshardham Metro station

with thanks : Hindustan Times HT live east

Parks in welcome colony

with thanks : Hindustan Times HT live east

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Draft on Performance of Discoms - another Eyewash -Consider Public as illiterate and Fools

Dear Friends,

Todays TOI writeup says that consumers will get upto Rs. 500/- in case of delay in getting a connection. Now how many of us seek a new connection in a life time ....... what about the rest 25 lakh connections with fast running meters being fleeced on a daily basis.
Draft on Performance of Discoms - another Eyewash   - They Consider Public as illiterate and Fools ...... this draft touches Peripheral issues .... while the core issue of Performance standards of a rotten infrastructure have been left un attended. The following article in NBT will give you some idea of how the excercise is an eye wash ..... we have more stuff ...... gear up for the next roud of Public Hearings and more exposures.
Our group is constantly researching and sharing.
Warm Regards,
Rajiv Kakria


मुनाफे में हैं डिस्कॉम, तो क्यों है घाटे का रोना!

नई दिल्ली ।। पिछले एक साल से बिजली कंपनियां लगातार घाटे में होने का रोना रो रही हैं और इसी आधार पर बिजली टैरिफ भी 22 फीसदी बढ़ाया गया। लेकिन दस्तावेज बताते हैं कि बिजलीकंपनियां घाटे में नहीं बल्कि फायदे में हैं। बिजली कंपनियां यह दलील देती रहीं कि बिजली के दाम बढ़े हैं इसलिए टैरिफ बढ़ाना जरूरी है लेकिन पावर एक्सचेंज के आंकड़ों से साफ है कि पिछले तीनसाल में बिजली के दाम बढ़े नहीं बल्कि घटे हैं। 

50 फीसदी से भी कम हुए दाम 
बिजली टैरिफ बनाते वक्त बिजली कंपनियों ने कहा था कि बिजली के दाम लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं और बिना टैरिफ बढ़ाए वह सरवाइव नहीं कर सकते। इसी आधार पर डीईआरसी ने टैरिफ बढ़ाया था। लेकिनपावर एक्सचेंज के आंकड़े देखें तो बिजली कंपनियां जो बिजली खरीद रही हैं उसके दाम 50 फीसदी से भी कम हुए हैं। सीईआरसी के अप्रूवल के बाद 2008 में पावर एक्सचेंज बना था। पहले साल बिजलीके दाम ज्यादा थे। तब एवरेज रेट 7.51 रुपये प्रति किलोवॉट था। 2009 में यह घटकर 6.03 रुपये हो गया। 2010 में 3.64 रुपये और 2011 में 3.31 रुपये था। एक्टिविस्ट अनिल सूद ने कहा किबिजली कंपनियों ने दाम बढ़ाने का जो आधार बनाया था वह आधार ही खोखला था। आश्चर्यजनक यह है कि डीईआरसी ने सारे फैक्ट क्यों नहीं जांचे। सवाल उठता है कि डीईआरसी और दिल्ली सरकारको बिजली कंपनियां बेवकूफ बना रही हैं या फिर ये सब मिलकर पब्लिक को धोखा दे रहे हैं ?

with thanks : NBT : link in headline above for detailed news.