Wednesday, January 29, 2014
'मोहल्ला सभाओं पर न हो आप का राज' : Nav Bharat Times
राहुल मानव, नई दिल्ली
आम आदमी पार्टी के स्वराज कानून पर आरडब्ल्यू असोसिएशनों ने ऐतराज जताया है। इन आरडब्ल्यूए का कहना है कि एक और पैरलल बॉडी बनाए जाने की क्या जरूरत है। आरडब्ल्यूए यह नहीं चाहते कि आप के समर्थक मोहल्ला सभाओं के चेयरमैन बन जाएं। दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री ने शनिवार को दिल्ली सरकार के रिपब्लिक डे सेलिब्रेशन में स्वराज कानून बनाने की बात कही थी। उन्होंने कहा था कि दिल्ली को मोहल्ला सभाओं में बांटकर वहां चुनाव कराए जाएंगे। हर इलाके में चुनाव के जरिए एक चेयरमैन नियुक्त किया जाएगा।
नॉर्थ दिल्ली रेजिडेंट वेलफेयर असोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष अशोक भसीन ने कहा है कि दिल्ली में पहले से ही 4137 रजिस्टर्ड आरडब्ल्यूए मौजूद हैं। इस कदम से पहले आरडब्ल्यूए से भी फीडबैक लेने की जरूरत है क्योंकि हर मोहल्ले में पहले से काम रहे असोसिएशन के मेंबर्स को इलाके की जानकारी है। चेयरमैन उन्हीं में से एक होना चाहिए।
ईस्ट दिल्ली जॉइंट फ्रंट फेडरेशन के अध्यक्ष बी. एस. वोहरा के मुताबिक, आरडब्ल्यूए 15 सालों से बिजली-पानी और लोकल मुद्दे को कॉरपोरेशन के सामने उठाती रही है। अगर हर इलाके में पार्टी के समर्थकों को जनता का प्रतिनिधि बनाने की कोशिश की जा रही है, तो ये गलत है।
वसंत विहार के आरडब्ल्यूए मेंबर समीर भगत कहते हैं कि केजरीवाल सरकार की यह रणनीति लोगों के फायदे की नहीं है। इससे करप्शन घटने की बजाए बढ़ेगा। मोहल्ले में दो प्रतिनिधियों के बीच चुनाव कराने से लोग आपस में एक दूसरे के खिलाफ हो सकते हैं। लोगों को हायर लेवल में शामिल करने से जनता पर राजनीति का बोझ पड़ेगा। हर किसी के पास अपने बिजनेस, नौकरियां हैं। हम चाहते हैं कि इलाके के सरकारी दफ्तरों में काम कर रहे ब्यूरोक्रेट्स मोहल्ला सभाओं के चेयरमैन बनें। पार्टी का कोई भी समर्थक चेयरमैन न बनें।
जनकपुरी आरडब्ल्यूए के पूर्व जनरल सेक्रेटरी गुलशन राय सीएम के स्वराज कानून का समर्थन करते हैं। वह कहते हैं कि इससे लोगों को फायदा होगा। लेकिन आरडब्ल्यूए को लीगल स्टेटस दिया जाए। अब तक एमएलए और पार्षद के आस-पास काम कराने के लिए कई चक्कर लगाने पड़ते थे। इससे सरकार का फंड सीधे जनता तक पहुंचेगा।
with thanks : NavBharat Times : LINK
System of tolerance of inefficiency and corruption !
We all are gifted with many adavantages,various facilities and numerous opportunities for self improvement of the existing amenities.But we have the deadly virus in us ,namely lethargy coupled with indifference and sometimes ignorance .Compared to other localities and RWAs, Anand Vihar is a highly privileged residential haven locality .
I feel a band of dedicated,committed,capable,efficient senior citizens who have time to spare ,along with young students can come together to take up activities that will plug the loopholes in the existing system of facilities and amenities.Such work can be undertaken on holidays and evening hours from the ensuing summer season.
I am getting a strong feeling that State authorities, Municipal Corporations etc are no longer interested in serving the citizens but themselves,esp how to amass personal fortune.The system encourages,which is unfortunate.
That is why Arvind Kejriwal's brand of fiery politics succeeds,because common man is totally fed up with the apathy of the institutions to do their assigned jobs.
Let us bring a revolution by changing the mindset and the system of tolerance of inefficiency and corruption.We must all rise as oneman to protest against corruption ,scams and scandals. Risks are there but they are worth taking. We have to sacrifice drawing room comforts and plunge into the boxing arena if we want prosperity at our doors.
If there are 1000 angry young people ready to do daredevil acts,I am prepared to lead them and fight from the front,even at this old age of 76 years.
Prof. S. Sitaraman
Senior Vice PresidentAmity University &
Amity - Top US Universities Synergy Forum
Senior Vice PresidentAmity University &
Amity - Top US Universities Synergy Forum
Professor, Faculty of Management
Adviser Students' Welfare
Adviser, Amity Centre for Guidance & Counseling (ACGC)
Director, Amity Foundation for Ayurvedic sciences
Director, Amity Foundation for Ayurvedic sciences
Convener Students Satisfaction & Happiness Mission
H-6, G-1 A, Near Gate No. 4 A, AmityUniversity Sec-125, NOIDA
Mount Kailash
I am a resident of DDA SFS flats at Mount Kailash. Here you notice
1. Encroachment of Public Land by ground floor flats
3. adding of floors by top floor allottees
4. No of Non operational cars parked in Parking Lots
5. Large no of unattended dogs. No of instances of Dog bites
6. NO of modifications in entry / exist in different boundary walls leads to no of accident stops
7. Due to DPS school no entry / exist is possible as both entries get choked and this is dangrous needs attention.
8. Along entry point no of cars of Sant Nagar commercial area are parked in colony. Taffic police has put no of display boards but no implementation by taffic police.
kindly guide and advise
prakash narayan
1. Encroachment of Public Land by ground floor flats
3. adding of floors by top floor allottees
4. No of Non operational cars parked in Parking Lots
5. Large no of unattended dogs. No of instances of Dog bites
6. NO of modifications in entry / exist in different boundary walls leads to no of accident stops
7. Due to DPS school no entry / exist is possible as both entries get choked and this is dangrous needs attention.
8. Along entry point no of cars of Sant Nagar commercial area are parked in colony. Taffic police has put no of display boards but no implementation by taffic police.
kindly guide and advise
prakash narayan
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
ANAND VIHAR – the two sides – brighter & darker; positive & negative ! : T K Balu
Vihar, the second biggest cooperative housing society, the first one being
Surajmal Vihar, in East Delhi, is endowed with all facilities and needs
normally expected by people who are residing and wish to shift to this most
sought after colony from all corners of Delhi! Of course the colony has its own
darker spots too, which cause and expected to cause, with the passage of time,
a lot of problems to the residents!
On the brighter side, the colony
founded in 1975, covering an area of 90 acres of land bestowed by the DDA and
divided into four blocks for residential and provided requisite sites for
institutional and other purposes. It has a record number of 903 independent
residential plots, which are now growing into a ‘flatted’ colony, accommodating
over 20,000 young and old people, with a total greenery environment! The colony
has 14 parks, big and small, a neighbourhood park and two slots of ‘green
belts’, both maintained by DDA, 5
tot-lots, 7 schools, right from nursery to senior secondary; DDA markets in
each block, almost all nationalized and private banks, in and around, hospitals
and nursing homes, a community hall and club for recreational, social and
cultural activities, a post office, police station etc. and last but not the
least, considered to be a ‘transport hub’
with railway terminal and suburban stations, ISBT and DTC buses and metro
trains, unheard of at any one location in Delhi! It is difficult to compare in
contrast any other residential areas in Delhi!
manage and extend all assistance to the residents, the RWA, known as the Railway Board Employees’ Cooperative
Society Ltd., registered under the Delhi Cooperative Society Act way back
in 1961, is functioning effectively and efficiently, with no rancor or rival,
for the last over four decades, in an admirable manner and inimitable style,
with accolades and appreciation of one and all, including the Govt. agencies.
To keep in touch will residents, in and out, the Society publishes a ‘Residents’ Directory’, with all
requisite details, supplemented with a lot of information and data, for ready
reference by the residents, besides a booklet containing the ‘List of Members’ of the Society with
their registration nos., dates of birth, contact nos. etc., to greet and meet
each other, with the munificence of one of the founder Secretaries of the
Society! The local MLA and Councillor also patronize the colony in many ways
within their powers bestowed by the local Govt. Of course, the Society has also
taken a number of laudable measures towards the security and safety of
residents, but despite all such steps, dacoity, thefts and rampant chain
snatching continue to take place, mainly perhaps due to its extensive area and
innumerable outlets, in all directions, and proximity to adjacent state
territory, beyond the capital’s jurisdiction!!
On the flip side, of course, there are
many problems, built-in or otherwise, being faced by the residents. These form
the ‘darker side’ of the colony, with no short term solutions in sight! The
colony has one of the few biggest overhead water tank constructed in seventies
and utilized till early eighties, but now abandoned to be demolished for which
no action has been taken so far by the authorities concerned which may cause a
havoc and calamity in the colony if it crumbles and fall! The parks and markets
are not maintained properly and cleaned as a regular measure by the authorities
concerned, but thanks to a few ‘Samaritans’ who are passionate about their
maintenance! Owing to extensive building activities throughout the colony, the
streets are strewn with malba etc. causing a havoc to cleanliness of the roads.
Uncleaned storm water drains in front of houses cause overflowing of dirty
water, making it a fertile ground for growth of mosquitoes and their attended
menace! With the vertical growth of the colony, parking of vehicles is assuming
a bigger problem congesting the colony roads and lanes and leading to many a time vocal and physical combats amongst
the people. No action whatsoever has been taken to remove encroachments on
roads with kitchen gardens, barricades and elevated ramps, accentuating the
parking problems further! Added with the colony’s ‘vertical’ growth, shortage
of electric power and water problems,
manifest in many shades and hues! There is no place for children to play inside
the colony and the school authorities refuse to let their playgrounds being
used by them, outside the school hours, despite a mandate from the DDA in this
respect, while allotting the school plots to their management! With the
expansion of the railway terminal on one side of the colony, commuters to the
terminal pass through the colony in all modes of transport, making it a
thoroughfare, disturbing the peace and tranquil atmosphere of the Vihar! Of
course, all this and more, are creation of humans and could be solved smoothly
and successfully by the agencies concerned if they pay adequate and desired
timely attention urgently!
T K Balu
Suggestion to Delhi Traffic Police
The Commissioner
Delhi traffic police
Sub:Suggestion to increase the average speed of traffic on ring road from Maharani bagh to Dhaula quan.
Sir, There are number of flyover on this stretch of ring road.The dtc buses stops on bus stops before the start of fly over & then climb the flyover to cross the intersection & again stops on the next bus stop ahead of the fly over.In the process there is clash of vehicles obstructing the smooth flow of traffic leading to slow movement of vehicles.This can be avoided if the buses are asked to keep to left ,not to use the fly overs,use the traffic signal instead of flyovers to cross the road.By this ,the other vehicles which do not have to stop again & again will be able to move faster.When the average speed of all the vehicles is increased it will increase the speed of buses also & will compensate the time lost on the red lights.
With regards
Dr VK Agarwal
A-7 East of kailash new delhi 110065.
Monday, January 27, 2014
13th Rotary On The Spot Poster Painting Competition
SUB: Invitation For Participation in 13th Rotary On The Spot Poster Painting Competition - Organised by Rotary Club Of Delhi South West On Feb 2, 2014 at ARSD College , Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi
Date : Sunday, 2nd February 2014
Time : 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Venue : ARSD College, Ring Road, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi.
(Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam College)
We are organising 13th 'Rotary on the Spot Poster Painting (+ one line message) Competition' as per the details mentioned above. This competition is organised every year where more than 3500 children participate from all the schools of Delhi and NCR. Entry is free & open to all children.
These paintings would be used for exhibition/ publicity for creating awareness in the society.
please visit: and register for individual or group participation. On the Spot Registrations will also be available on the Venue (please bring your School ID Card or Age Proof). For any enquiry please write to mail id:
Participation Certificate, Polio Cap & refreshment will be given to all the children. 15 prizes per age group will be awarded, the entries will be evaluated by a panel of eminent judges. The judges’ decision will be final and binding. Awardees will be felicitated at a separate function later.
You are requested to inform to the ,Art teacher and the students of the school about this competition. We are attaching the posters of the event. There is no limit to the number of students participating from a school. We hope students from your school will participate in this competition. School with the Maximum number of Participation will be Awarded.
In case of any query or suggestion, please feel free to contact any of the co-ordinators.
Regards & Best Wishes
Your's Faithfully
For Rotary Club of Delhi South West
Rtn. Ranjan Chopra
Event Chairman
Message received from Sh Watwani ji.
TO All members of this BLOG
Elections in 2014 are very close to us.We must choose right candidates as MP s and the right Party must win to avoid a hung Parliament-if not done we will witness horsetrading of MPs to get power by coalitions.
We are yet to see selfless,honest,service minded MPs in our political scene. Men of character are of endangered species! almost all MPs are not bothered about preventing scams and scandals. a general frenzy prevails encouraging loot of money belonging to the public and the govt. Non performing assets of public sector banks have reached mind boggling heights due to connivance of Banks Heads and politicians in disbursing huge amount of loans to dishonest borrowers of doubtful integrity.Such loans are written of as nonrecoverable.I wrote to the Governor of RBI.No response from him. Airindia is loaded with debts to Boeing airplane companies and our airline is operating under heavy loss. markets of profit earning routes wer given away by our aviation ministry deliberately to Jet air and emirates.reason is to get kickbacks for private pockets.
Let us stop all such heinous malpractices.Our MPs barring a small group will not ask questions because they are also beneficiaries.
Can we all meet under the banner SMASH -SOCIETY for MOVEMENT AGAINST SOCIAL HORRORS -?
Kindly come forward,we all have to wake up from our deep slumber plus lethargy,inertia and indifference.
I await a massive response. we will win if we decide to protect the future of our progeny.
Prof. S. Sitaraman,
Senior Vice President Amity University &
Amity - Top US Universities Synergy Forum
Senior Vice President Amity University &
Amity - Top US Universities Synergy Forum
Professor, Faculty of Management
Adviser Students' Welfare
Adviser, Amity Centre for Guidance & Counseling (ACGC)
Director, Amity Foundation for Ayurvedic sciences
Director, Amity Foundation for Ayurvedic sciences
Convener Students Satisfaction & Happiness Mission
H-6, G-1 A, Near Gate No. 4 A, AmityUniversity Sec-125, NOIDA
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