Sunday, February 12, 2012

DERC Power Tariff proposed revision : East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

महंगी बिजली के खिलाफ अपील

नई दिल्ली।। बिजली बिल में फ्यूल सरचार्ज जोड़ने के खिलाफ अब अपीलेट ट्रिब्यूनल जाने की तैयारी हो गई है। पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री और बिजली आंदोलन के संयोजक विजय गोयल ने कहा कि फ्यूल सरचार्ज के नाम पर बिजली दरों में 5 पर्सेंट की बढ़ोतरी बर्दाश्त नहीं की जाएगी। हम इस फैसले के खिलाफ अपीलेट ट्रिब्यूनल में अपील करेंगे। साथ ही लोक अभियान के तहत बिजली आंदोलन को तेज किया जाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि 18 फरवरी को कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन क्लब में बिजली अदालत लगाना शुरू किया जाएगा। 

गोयल ने कहा कि 5 पर्सेंट दाम बढ़ने से लोगों में बहुत गुस्सा है। लेकिन हैरानी यह है कि बिजली कंपनियां फिर डीईआरसी से 18-28 पर्सेंट दाम बढ़ाने की मांग कर रही हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर दिल्ली सरकार और बिजली कंपनियों की मिलीभगत चली तो दिल्ली में बिजली 10 रुपये प्रति यूनिट हो जाएगी। उन्होंने बताया कि बिजली आंदोलन का मुख्य मकसद जनता की शिकायतों को दर्ज करना है। यहां सभी तरह की शिकायतें सुनी जाएंगी जैसे तेज भागते मीटर, खराब मीटर, लोड बढ़ोतरी आदि।

with thanks : NBT : link in the headline above.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Power Tariff n DERC

Dear Mr Vohra,

All our arguments facts and figures against unjustified hike by DISCOMS seem to be falling on deaf ears.DERC simply is not interested in looking at discrepancies which we have been pointing out at the DERC hearings,looks like it was a futile exercise and lot of our precious time was wasted . DISCOMS have gone ahead with the planned hike which is going to reach 8o% in due course to cover up their so called imaginary losses.Its time Delhites woke up and protested the  open loot of Discoms supported by DERC. We on our part will continue raising our cries of dissent and helplessness each time there is a hike annoncement by DISCOMS.
ranju minhas
Executive Director
SCI,Masjid Moth

We want an answer from DERC that why the prices of Power Tariff are to be increased again, when you have a big list of unexplained discrepancies ?

DERC must reply to the residents of Delhi that :

Why you raised the prices by 22% ?
Why you enhanced the power tariff by 5% for fuel surcharge ?
Why you want to introduce Time of Day power tariff ?
Why you again want to raise the tariff from 18% to 28% ?

Why don't you answer us about the UNEXPLAINED DISCREPANCIES found by you in the Audited statements of Discom's as below :

Revenue collection :
How the revenue collection in April & May can be just 82.36% and 78.44% in case of BRPL & 61.37% ( ? ) and 79.24% in case of BYPL. Where is rest of the money ? What is the actual amount being said to be not collected ? Do they mean they have GIFTED the rest of the money to consumers ? Do they mean, they had targeted collections in the rest of the months ? If yes, how they could not collect it in April & May ? This needs to be checked thoroughly as the collection efficiency is said to be 92.6% & 89.2% respectively, in case of both Discoms.

How the revenue collected in both of the cases i.e. BRPL & BYPL in April is about 40% of the average of rest of the months. Was there any strategy to show lower collections ? What is the actual difference in monetary terms ?

Billing :
There is a clear indication that the game has been played with the consumers in the month of  April & May. The billed units were lesser by 100 MUs & 60 MUs in case of  BRPL / BYPL in the same period during last year.  Moreover, the Billed units in April were 167 MUs lesser than the energy sold by BRPL in March, same year. How the Billed units can be lesser by 167 MUs from March to April in the same year ? This needs to be checked thoroughly as it has raised many doubts on the working of Discom’s. Billing for rest of the months MUST ALSO BE thoroughly rechecked.

Purchase cost :
How the power cost can be raised from 297 Crores to 648 crores in case of BRPL & from 216 Crores to 466 crores in case of BYPL during April to November i.e. in a span of just 6 – 8 months? It’s said the increase was  by 117% & 116% respectively in both the cases. Do you think it matches the national price index ? What was the percentage of increase in the last few years ? Is the increase exhibited now, in the same ratio as that of in earlier years ? What the Auditors have mentioned over it ?

It’s even more surprising that in case of both the utilities, the power purchase cost during the month shown in one statement does not match with the corresponding cash flow statements.  

AT & C Losses :
DERC earlier vide its circular had indicated AT&C losses reduced to just 14% to 20% for various Discoms. Than how these have been increased upto 27.36% & 32.28% in both the cases. This must be checked thoroughly as it can have a massive impact on the visible profitability of DISCOM’s.

Collection targets :
Where is the rest of appx. 10% & 7% of the billed amount to be collected. Is it being shown in the Sundry Debtors or they have written it off as bad debts ?

These are the clear cut indications of the anomalies existing in these DISCOM’s and we are sure that there is a big loophole in the whole story.

Please add your valued comments.


B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
( A Federation of RWAs )

जोर का नहीं, धीरे वाला झटका

पूनम पाण्डे ॥ नई दिल्ली 
राजधानी की तीनों बिजली कंपनियों ने दरें 18 से 28पर्सेंट तक बढ़ाने की मांग की है। बिजली कंपनियों ने पिछलेसाल के मुकाबले इस बार टैरिफ में काफी कम बढ़ोतरी कीडिमांड रखी है। पिछली बार कंपनियों ने 84 पर्सेंट तकबढ़ोतरी का प्रस्ताव रखा था। आरडब्ल्यूए और जनसंगठनइसके पीछे पब्लिक प्रेशर को वजह मान रहे हैं। उनकाकहना है कि बिजली कंपनियों को पब्लिक ने जिस तरहएक्सपोज किया है उसी का नतीजा है कि बिजलीकंपनियां बेतुकी डिमांड करने से बच रही हैं। 

कंपनियों ने दिल्ली इलैक्ट्रिसिटी रेगुलेटरी अथॉरिटी (डीईआरसी को अपने आने वाले संभावित खर्चों का हिसाबदेकर टैरिफ पिटीशन दाखिल की है। इसे डीईआरसी नेएडमिट कर लिया है। कुछ ही दिनों मंे इसे आम कर दियाजाएगा। टैरिफ तय करने की प्रक्रिया में से महीने का वक्त लगेगा जिसके बाद बिजली की नई दरें लागू होजाएंगी। 

डीईआरसी के चेयरमैन पी डी सुधाकर ने एनबीटी को बताया कि बिजली कंपनियों ने ऐवरेज रेवेन्यूरिक्वायरमेंट एआरआर दाखिल की है। टाटा पावर दिल्ली डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन लिमिटेड पुराना नाम एनडीपीएल )ने करीब 18 पर्सेंट टैरिफ बढ़ाने की मांग की है। बीआरपीएल ने बिजली दरों में 19.8 पर्सेंट और बीवाईपीएल ने27.85 पर्सेंट बढ़ोतरी की मांग पिटीशन में की है। 

सुधाकर ने बताया कि हम बहुत जल्द पब्लिक नोटिस जारी करके बिजली कंपनियों की याचिकाओं को सबकेसामने लाएंगे। लोग इसे पढ़कर अपने सुझाव या आपत्तियां दे सकते हैं। इसके अलावा स्टाफ पेपर भी जारीकिया जाएगा जिसमें बिजली कंपनियों की पिटीशन की अहम बातें होंगी। इससे लोगों को पता चलेगा किकंपनियां किस आधार पर रेट बढ़ाने की मांग कर रही हैं। इसके बाद जन सुनवाई होगी। फिर टैरिफ तय किएजाएंगे। इस पूरे प्रोसेस में से महीने लग जाएंगे।

with thanks : NavBharatTimes : LINK for detailed news.

We are happy that we could save the life of someone, whom we dont even know.

This death trap on the Geeta Colony pushta has been rectified, and the pipe that was very dangerous for any of the bikers, or moving car n scooter, has been removed. In a similar incident a few days ago in Dilshad Garden a scooterist from Jagat Puri had lost his life.We are happy that we could save the life of someone, whom we dont even know. 

East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Mosquitoes can be erradicated very very easily with just little but sincere & appropriate efforts

I am DMS ESIC Hospital okhla Delhi & am also younger brother of shri KK Aggarwal who joined NTPC in 1977 & took voluntary retirement in 2011.

I devoted my free time in detecting & managing mosquito breeding sites for last 16 years & have come to the conclusion that mosquitoes can be erradicated very very easily with just little but sincere & appropriate efforts. 

I have taken photographs of massive mosquitogenic places with massive presence of larvae. One very important observation is that there are some person who are creating massive mosquitogenic conditions & donot want that mosquitoes should finish.Acts of these people are easily identifiable if one is aware of it. Ihave many photographs & videos to prove it. Iwish to share my knowledge with any one who is willing to do something for total erradication of mosquitoes from an area for ever.
Dr VK Aggarwal

URGENT & Important: No Delhi Jal Board Drinking Water Supply from Deer Park Reservoir, Safdarjung Enclave on 13th & 14th Feb 2012

Dear Residents / Friends,

Received  phonic message  from Mr Ashok Kumar, JE of Delhi Jal Board   that
  there will be No Water supply  as per following timings.
No Delhi Jal Board Drinking Water Supply from Deer Park Reservoir, Safdarjung Enclave on   13th  & 14th Feb 2012.  
You are therefore   requested  to store  water as per your requirement & also to use water economically.
During NO  WATER supply days, you can contact for the latest position of  water supply from following DJB  officials / Deer Park Reservoir.
                 1. Shri Prem Pal, Zonal Engineer ------        9650291450 
                 2. Shri Ashok Kumar, JE ( Water)  .......     9650291627
                 3. Shri Ravinder Kumar, JE( Pumping)...  9650291264
                 4. Deer Park Reservoir            .....                26165613

 S L Watwani
Media Co-ordinator, Efforts Group
PS: Kindly  also inform your other Friends & Neighbors getting water from Deer Park Reservoir so that they  may also  take a note of it  use water  economically. 
WATER is Precious.
Kindly use available Water ECONOMICALLY.