Thursday, April 21, 2011

यातायात प्रबन्धक, दिल्ली परिवहन निगम : डी.टी.सी. के ड्राईवर कन्डक्टरों की मनमानी के विषय में शिकायत

सेवा में, दिनांक २१.४.२०११
यातायात प्रबन्धक
दिल्ली परिवहन निगम
बन्दा बहादुर मार्ग,

विषय: - डी.टी.सी. के ड्राईवर कन्डक्टरों की मनमानी के विषय में शिकायत:-

माननीय महोदय जी,

जैसा कि आप को टेलिफोन के माध्यम से दिनांक १९.४.२०११ को रूट नं १९२, बस
नं डी.एल. १ पी ६९५९ केशव नगर तक जाने वाली बस जिसे ड्राईवर ने नत्थूपुरा
पर रोक कर सवारियों को उतारने, तथा बस को केशव नगर ना ले जाने व इस विषय
में कन्डक्टर द्वारा शिकायत पुस्तिका ना देने एवमं सवारियों से बतमीजी
करने के बारे में अवगत किया जा चुका है,

लेकिन अब भी ड्राईवर कन्डक्टर अपनी मनमानी करने से बाज नहीं आ रहे हैं।
अधिकतर ड्राईवर कन्डक्टर बसों को दोपहर के समय जब बच्चों की छुट्टी का
टाईम होता है तो नत्थू पुरा मोड पर बस रोक कर सवारिय़ों को उतार देते
हैं, जिससे मासूम बच्चे गर्मी मे परेशान होते हैं आगे केशव नगर तक बस ले
जाने के लिये जब बच्चे व अन्य सवारी कहती है तो बतमीजी से गाली गलोंच
करते हैं, यही हाल सांयकाल के समय में होता है, शाम के समय ६ से ८.३० बजे
तक कोई बसे आगे नहीं जाती हैं। कई बार श्री कौशिक साहब ने भी इन की मन
मानी को खुद आकर देख था।

ड्राईवर कन्डक्टरों के वर्ताव से बच्चे, महिलाएं, बुजुर्ग तथा अन्य
सवारियां पैदल चल कर केशव नगर का सफर तय करती हैं, रास्ते में अन्धेरा
होने के कारण कई बार उनके साथ लूट्पाट भी हो चुकी है, या फिर प्राईवेट
सवारी या रिक्से से अपने गनतव्य स्थान तक जाते हैं।
जब की नत्थू पुरा मोड के बाद कई कालोनी के यात्री ड्राईवर कन्डक्टरों के
व्यवहार से परेशान हैं जिससे डी.टी.सी को तो भारी नुकसान हो ही रहा है इस
के साथ अन्य लोग भी दुखी हैं।
इसी तरह कई ड्राईवर कन्डक्टर बसों को केशव नगर से करीब १०० मीटर आगे
झाडियों में ले जाकर बस खडी कर देते हैं ओर आराम से शराब/सिगरेट पीते हैं
या सोए रहते हैं जब कि सवारी बस आने का इन्तजार करती रहती हैं।
इस सम्बन्ध में कई बार शिकायत की जा चुकी है लेकिन इस बारे में कोई
कार्यवाही नहीं की जाती।

अत: आपसे निवेदन है कि इस तरह की हरकत करने वाले ड्राईवर कन्ड्क्टरों के
किलाफ कानूनी कार्यवाही की जाए तथा नत्थूपुरा मोड पर बैठने वाले टाईम
कीपर को केशव नगर स्टेन्ड पर बिठाया जाए जिससे ड्राईवर कन्डक्टरों की मन
मानी पर तो रोक लगेगी ही, डी.टी.सी. को भी काफि फायदा होगा।


(चन्दर सिंह कटारिया)
बी-२४६/४, केशव नगर, नजदीक मुक्ती आश्रम, बुरारी रोड, दिल्ली-११००३६

MCD extends date for nominating RWA members for RWCs

New Delhi, Apr 19 (PTI) The MCD has extended by two more weeks the last date for residents welfare associations to nominate a representative each to ensure formation of residents ward committees, which will work as consultative bodies for local-level development. The corporation had announced the scheme for constituting residents ward committees (RWCs) on March 10 and said it will boost public participation in civic decision-making. "We are extending the last date from April 15 to April 29 to facilitate cooperative group housing societies and DDA societies, which are also part of the scheme but had sought some clarifications. We have received applications from 700 RWAs," Mayor P R Sawhney told reporters. He said the process of formation can start and those who apply later will be accommodated gradually. As per plan, the RWCs will comprise a representative from each registered residents welfare association within a municipal ward, apart from the area junior engineer (works), sanitary inspector and section officer (horticulture). The councillors will chair the committees. The MCD had issued a public notice for commencement of the scheme and said the RWAs can send a letter of nomination along with application for registration to the Chief Coordinator of RWC Management Cell under the Mayor's office. Sawhney said though most of the municipal councillors involve RWAs while deciding on development works in their areas, the new panels will "institutionalise" this system. The panels will meet once a month and give suggestions on development plans and help prioritise their needs.

with thanks : IBNLIVE : link above for detailed news.

Best Wishes

Dear Mr. Vohra,
Please accept my Best Wishes for  " Registration in Societies Act ".
Well began is Half Done !
Warm Regards,
Pocket-3 Mayur Vihar-1.

Congratulations .....

Dear Mr. Vohra ji,

When 'congratulations' are pouring and showering on you, mine will be insignificant. Notwithstanding, it is a major step to go forward and look ahead. Registration of the Front is no doubt an important landmark but however, redressal of grievances of the RWAs which are mounting up will be a mega achievement which will acclaimed by one and all. Let's pay our attention on this and march ahead.  Under your inspiring leadership spearheading the movement, this could be achieved if all cooperate with you and stand in unison to solve all our major problems which cannot any longer belittled!

Our heartiest congratulations once again and with our best wishes and blessings,

TK Balu
Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

missing foothpath on mcd road

Dear Madam / Sir

I am a resident of Mount Kailash (flats 61-120) Packet A. The junior Section of DPS also exist in this pocket of DDA housing. However the road infront of School has no footh path and it is dangerous for small kids to walk upto Bus / Car. The cars use this road with very high speed Whole day the persons neither living here nor working here park their cars leaving almost no space for pedestrians. The roads are being used as parking area by sarrounding markets. The area also takes shape of public toilet. I feel all these activities leaves very bad impression on small chidrens and needs to be improved on priority. The mails to DC (c), taffice police , MCD remains unattended. You are our last hope for improvement of this environment are sure that necessary action will be taken at the earliest

With regards

Prakash Narayan

Congratulations vohra ji

All those who believe in social work and self less service shall naturally be happy and offer boque to vohra ji our leader.

I am in Max hospital since 14th april due to age related problems, so my personal appology for not coming in person to greet him.

Now perhaps our next goal is to be member of team delhi and bhagidar as a representative of the front. Some time , we wish to speed up things but things when these have to.

Anna worked as a crusader for decades, got several cases registered in this struggle but now the stage has finally been set for drafting of LOKPAL BIL.

So, my friends...we are on the right track and i pat myself that in the first general body meet of our blog, i proposed Vohra ji as President. The choice was unanimous with thundering applause.

kk ghei
senior vice president EDRWAJF
Vice president Madhuvan RWA


"East Delhi RWAs Joint Front" 
has been registered under the
Societies Registration Act of 1860.

Best Regards. 

B S Vohra

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Anything is Valuable only in two conditions i.e. before getting it or after loosing it. human life is very very precious. But  even after the JAPAN Tragedy, so far our DISASTER  MANAGEMENT plans are still on Papers. Plz refer news article of Times Of India : 

We must do something to generate awareness on this issue.


B S Vohra

Why to blame the RWA ?

Dear All
Mr. Gupta is right. The RWAs are toothless under the current dispensation. Even if they were empowered, it would be absurd to assume that they would go snooping around!
Sudhir Tandon

Why to blame the RWA ?

Dear Sir,

Mr Jeet Kumar of Mayur Vihar  has  very  rightly  asked  the  authorities  to  explain as to why the RWA  has been held responsible and FIR lodged against the office bearers in the Noida sisters' death case.  Yes, what admin/judicial authority the RWA has to peep into one's personal affairs.
If the RWA had done something, the same NGO would have asked - who is RWA to interfere  in someone's personal affairs?
Similarly, the MCD guidelines for installation of iron security gates in colonies, hold the RWA office bearers responsible for any mishap due to non-functioning of iron gates.  And, surprisingly everyone has been quiet, or in other words, accepts the responsibility.  The Priydarshini Vihar RWA has raised the issue of empowerment of RWAs with the MCD on various occasions, and also also sent letters  asking them either to empower RWAs to collect subscriptions from all the residents and take other appropriate decisions for the welfare of the residents; or withdraw Clause 3.q) from its Guidelines issued on 30/06/2007. 

The issue of empowerment of RWAs has also been raised by us and several other RWAs, at several meetings with the CM.  I think, it is time, the Joint Front take the lead and fight for empowerment of RWAs.
Ram Gupta
General Secretary
Priyadarshini Vihar RWA