Monday, April 18, 2011

Provision of Street Light in Keshav Nagar

Dated 18.04.2011



Hon’ble Major Bhasker Ji,
Chief Manager (Street Light)
North Delhi Power Limited

Subject:- Provision of Street Light in Keshav Nagar (UC-952)

Respected Sir,

This Association takes the opportunity to encroach up on your valuable time and draw your kind attention towards the difficulties experienced by the Residents of Keshav Nagar, Burari- Road, Delhi-110036 due to in adequate street lights. In this Colony total no of 230 Poles have been provided by only but only about 70 poles are with lights as a result of which most area of the Colony remains under darkness.  In the recent past there have been many instances of theft in the houses and the dark areas have become the favorable places for unsocial activities and crime.

This Association therefore request you good self is provide 150 no’s street lights in this Colony as early as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely
Keshav Nagar Jan Kalyan Samiti Regd,

General Secretary.
B-246/4, Keshav Nagar, (Mukti Ashram) Burari RoadDelhi-110036




Hon’ble Major Bhasker Ji,
Chief Manager (Street Light)
North Delhi Power Limited

Subject:- Provision of Street Light in Keshav Nagar (UC-952)

Major Bhasker Ji,

Enclosed please find the letter no. KNJKS/2010-2011/41 dated 08.01.2011 from RWA Keshav Nagar, Burari Road, Delhi which is self explanatory.

The residents of Keshav Nagar, are really facing the problems due to inadequate lighting arrangements i.e street lights are badly needed in this colony.

I would request you to kindly do the needful and oblige on behalf of this letter at the earliest.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely

                                                                                                    (BIMLA TYAGI)
                                                                                                    Counceller, Ward-7
                                                                                                 Burari Delhi.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bhagidari meeting on 21.4.11 at 3 pm at DC ( East ) Office

Our problems with different agencies and authorities

we seek your good offices to help us solving our problems with deferent agencies and authorities that Administer the city of delhi.

Most of the problems relate to negligence on part of MCD , condition of roads, storm water drains, footpaths cleanliness are in poor state.

portion of Roads which belong to PWD are bad ,protecting grill required on the road running along with Outer Ring Road is neccesity which is missing inspite many request.

DDA has an adjecent park located at N-81A between our colony and neighbouring colony Shahpurjat is being missused by the neighbours by converting a park into parking lot and made part of it an open  sewerage which stinks and breeding mosquitoes. The park is no more a park without any greenary .Our complaints about this park have folowen on deaf ears. The roads under PWD like August Krinti Marg and Outer Ring Road need pruning of trees as the street lighrs at many places are affected.

Footover bridge on outer RIng Road is approved (28th meeting of sub-committee held on 06-112009 under the chaimanship of Pr. Secretary PWD) the work on this bridge shouls start.


RWA Panchsheel Park North Block

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why to blame the RWA ?

WHY ? Why the RWA is just blamed for every matter ? Will some one answer What is the Admistrative or Judicial power / Authority to the RWA office bearers ? For that matter what the NGO had done in this case who has roped RWA now? This is a very personal family matter, the girls are educated and their own real brother , who lives near by has not done any thing or the Police for that matter. What role RWA has in this family matter ?
So, why blame RWA and not their Brother or Police ? This is not justified to blame persons those who are rendering honerery Social work/ service to the residents. All the registered RWA should join to protest such an un justfied action by any one.
former Secretary RWA
Pocket-3,Mayur Vihar-1.
Former Muncipal Candidate Indipendent
Ward No.905 Mayur Vihar-1.

" VOICE OF DELHI " the mega RWA of Delhi is to be launched soon

We are pleased to inform that now we have a substantial number of RWAs, as the SUBSCRIBERS of this Blog, and that too, from almost every part of Delhi. On the continuous requests by many of these subscriber RWAs,  we have decided to launch a MEGA RWA OF DELHI  i.e. "VOICE OF DELHI".  

The RWAs willing to join us are requested to contact us, as soon as possible with complete structural details by an E MAIL to become a member of "VOICE OF DELHI".

The scope of this blog is also being extended & now onwards, we will upload the  civic problems being faced by the RWAs covering Entire Delhi & NCR. Therefore, please feel free to mail us your civic issues with pics & vids but with your complete contact details.

With best regards,

B S Vohra

Friday, April 15, 2011

RWA says cops did nothing

NOIDA: Anuradha Behl's death has led to a blame game in Sector 29. While the RWA has alleged that even though its office-bearers had approached the police to take appropriate action in the case, the cops were reluctant to do anything, social activist Usha Thakur, who rescued the sisters, has registered a complaint with the Sector 20 police station against the RWA office-bearers . Her charge – that they allegedly came in the way of the rescue operation on Tuesday. 

Office-bearer RC Sharma alleged that the apathy of the police led to the incident. "We had approached the police a number of times. Four times we visited the police station but every time instead of taking any action, the police personnel came up with excuses. They did not even receive our complaint. We, being office-bearers , have no right to enter somebody's residence. We can only approach the administration to intervene if something is wrong," Sharma said. 

with thanks : times of India : link above for detailed news.

Noida sisters: FIR against Sec-29 RWA

Social activist Usha Thakur, who rushed to the aid of the two sisters — Anuradha and Sonali Behl — said the fact that their condition went unnoticed for as long as six months “raises a question on the society at large. What were they doing?”
Thakur, who reached the Behls’ first-floor flat in Sector 29 along with police and a few members of her NGO on Tuesday, had jumped over on to the terrace and peeped inside.

The neighbours said they did their bit, but the sisters denied them access and refused all help. They checked on them through Vinod Kumar, the man who supplied groceries to the sisters. They did not want to intrude beyond that.
On Wednesday, Thakur registered an FIR against the Sector 29 RWA, claiming negligence.
with thanks : Indian Express : link above for detailed news.

पार्षद पर दु‌र्व्यवहार व धमकी देने का आरोप

9th April, 2011
पूर्वी दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता : दिल्ली जल बोर्ड के एक अधिकारी ने निगम पार्षद जितेंद्र सिंह शंटी पर पूर्वी जिला की भागीदारी बैठक में दु‌र्व्यवहार करने और धमकी देने का आरोप लगाया और शिकायत शकरपुर थाने में की है। पार्षद जितेंद्र सिंह शंटी ने आरोपों को बेबुनियाद बताया है। गुस्साए जलबोर्ड कर्मचारियों ने शुक्रवार को शकरपुर थाने के बाहर प्रदर्शन व नारेबाजी की और आरोपियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की मांग की है। अपनी शिकायत में दिल्ली जल बोर्ड पूर्वी जिला के जोनल इंजीनियर सत्यप्रकाश ने वार्ड नंबर 238 के निगम पार्षद जितेंद्र सिंह शंटी पर दु‌र्व्यवहार और धमकी देने का आरोप लगाया और उनके खिलाफ कार्रवाई की मांग की है। सत्यप्रकाश का कहना है कि बुधवार को पूर्वी जिला उपायुक्त कार्यालय में भागीदारी बैठक आयोजित की गई थी। बैठक में वे भी विभिन्न आरडब्ल्यूए पदाधिकारियों की समस्याएं सुनने गए थे। वहां पर वार्ड नंबर 238 के पार्षद जितेंद्र सिंह शंटी और झारखंडी रेजीडेंट वेल्फेयर एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष दिनेश कुमार गुप्ता ने उनसे दु‌र्व्यवहार किया और उन्हें जान से मारने की धमकी दी। यह जानकारी जब जल बोर्ड कर्मचारियों को मिली, तो वे म्यूनिसिपल वर्कर्स लाल झंडा यूनियन के महासचिव सुशील कुमार और सचिव उमाशंकर शर्मा के नेतृत्व में शकरपुर थाने पर पहंुचे और वहां प्रदर्शन व नारेबाजी की। यूनियन के सदस्यों ने थानाध्यक्ष को ज्ञापन एवं शिकायत दी। उधर, पार्षद जितेंद्र सिंह शंटी का कहना है कि उन पर लगाए गए आरोप बेबुनियाद हैं। धमकी उन्होंने नहीं दी, जलबोर्ड अधिकारी सत्यप्रकाश ने उन्हें धमकी दी थी। जिला उपायुक्त आरके मिश्रा ने उनके बीच सुलह करा दी थी 

with thanks : Dainik Jagran ; link above

Bhagidari Utsav pics

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Baisakhi

Former Muncipal Candidate Indipendent.
(Ward # 209 Mayr Voihar-1
Former Secratary RWA Pocket-3
(Regd.Agency of DDA # 103)