Dated 18.04.2011
Hon’ble Major Bhasker Ji,
Chief Manager (Street Light)
North Delhi Power Limited
Subject:- Provision of Street Light in Keshav Nagar (UC-952)
Respected Sir,
This Association takes the opportunity to encroach up on your valuable time and draw your kind attention towards the difficulties experienced by the Residents of Keshav Nagar, Burari- Road, Delhi-110036 due to in adequate street lights. In this Colony total no of 230 Poles have been provided by only but only about 70 poles are with lights as a result of which most area of the Colony remains under darkness. In the recent past there have been many instances of theft in the houses and the dark areas have become the favorable places for unsocial activities and crime.
This Association therefore request you good self is provide 150 no’s street lights in this Colony as early as possible.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Keshav Nagar Jan Kalyan Samiti Regd,
General Secretary.
B-246/4, Keshav Nagar, (Mukti Ashram) Burari Road, Delhi-110036
B-246/4, Keshav Nagar, (Mukti Ashram) Burari Road, Delhi-110036
Hon’ble Major Bhasker Ji,
Chief Manager (Street Light)
North Delhi Power Limited
Subject:- Provision of Street Light in Keshav Nagar (UC-952)
Major Bhasker Ji,
Enclosed please find the letter no. KNJKS/2010-2011/41 dated 08.01.2011 from RWA Keshav Nagar, Burari Road, Delhi which is self explanatory.
The residents of Keshav Nagar, are really facing the problems due to inadequate lighting arrangements i.e street lights are badly needed in this colony.
I would request you to kindly do the needful and oblige on behalf of this letter at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Yours sincerely
Counceller, Ward-7
Burari Delhi.