I suggest the following may be included in the Agenda for the next working group meeting:
* RWAs should be involved in the decision making process about projects relating to their respective colonies;
* Priority should be fixed as per the requirements of the residents, not as per the wishes of the bureaucrats;
* Payment to contractors should be made only after production of a "work satisfactorily completed" certificate from the concerned RWA.
* Presidents/General Secretaries of RWAs and RWAs Joint Front should be connected with 'Hot Line' to talk directly with the decision makers.
* Most of the RWAs work out of the residence of either the President or the General Secretary. Once they change the address also changes. It is also an encroachment on the privacy of the family.
* A working office space should be provided to RWAs where required. The CM has provided about a dozen Porta Cabins of reasonable size to RWAs in her constituency for running offices, out of the MLA funds.
* Office Space for RWAs should be included as an eligible item under the MLA funds. A suitable space should also be provided to put up the Porta Cabin either in a park or a tot lot, etc.
* With proper office space, RWAs can work more efficiently; and can personally interact with more civic agencies' and police officials to ensure sanitation and security in the area.
It approved, these items have to be taken up at the CM level.
Ram Gupta
General Secrerary
Priyadarshini Vihar RWA