A Disaster Management Awareness programme has been launched by DC East to generate awareness amongst general public. Yesterday Mr Lalit Mohan Sharma, Gen. Secy. Vishwas Nagar RWA arranged the show in his area. A day before it was held by Mrs. Meera Sabharwal, President Geeta Colony RWA in her area. Many more RWA's are showing great interest in this awareness activity.
Disaster can be Natural or Man made. For Example Floods, Earthquake, Tsunami, Cyclones, Forest fire etc. come under the Natural disaster whereas the use of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons, Mine fires, Terrorist attacks, Cyber attacks etc. come under the man made disaster. Delhi comes under the Earthquake Sisemic Zone 4 and is very prone to Earthquakes of the magnitude of 5 - 6 or 6 - 7 or even 7 - 8.
Therefore, we need an effective Disaster management system, where in case of any such disaster, we could start the rescue work on our own without waiting for the instructions. Proper guidelines must be drawn for all the Govt Agencies as well NGO's, RWA's & all others, with duties assigned so that if we face any such disaster, we are ready to start our work immediately.
B S Vohra