Saturday, August 16, 2014

Comments awaited on Pollution levels in Delhi : Hindustan Times

Comments awaited on Pollution levels in Delhi : Hindustan Times

Comments awaited on Pollution levels in Delhi : Hindustan Times

Comments awaited on Pollution levels in Delhi : Hindustan Times

Comments awaited on forests disappeared in Delhi : Hindustan Times

No DJB Audit by CAG : Delhi AAJTAK : B S Vohra

While everyone was talking about the CAG audit of DISCOMs, we decided to check the truth about Delhi Jal Board also. Our RTI revealed a shocking news that no CAG Audit of Delhi Jal Board was being done for the last many years. The news was covered by Hindustan Times. We got an invite from AAJTAK for a story of half an hour, based on the facts revealed by our RTI. Please view the clippings of the said story. Thanks. B S Vohra

For years, no external audit of DJB's accounts : Hindustan Times : B S Vohra

While everyone was talking about the CAG audit of DISCOMs, we decided to check the truth about Delhi Jal Board also. Our RTI revealed a shocking news that no CAG Audit of Delhi Jal Board was being done for the last many years. Please go through the detailed news covered by Hindustan Times. Thanks. B S Vohra

RTI reveals consistent dip in water production at city's treatment plants : Hindustan Times : B S Vohra

This was my second RTI on the production of Drinking water in Delhi by the Delhi Jal Board and the shocking truth was that there was a consistent dip in the water production in the last 10 years, whereas, the population was continually rising. Please go through the detailed news covered by Hindustan Times. Thanks. B S Vohra 

Comments awaited on our RTI on DJB : Hindustan Times

Come - Make in India !

इसलिए मैं आज लाल किले की प्राचीर से विश्व भर में लोगों से कहना चाहता हूँकम,मेक इन इंडिया, आइएहिन्दुस्तान में निर्माण कीजिए।  दुनिया के किसी भी देश में जाकर बेचिएलेकिन निर्माण यहाँकीजिएमैन्युफैक्चर यहाँ कीजिए।  हमारे पास स्किल हैटेलेंट हैडिसिप्लिन हैकुछ कर गुज़रने का इरादा है। हम विश्व कोएक सानुकूल अवसर देना चाहते हैं कि आइए
"कममेक इन इंडियाऔर हम विश्व को कहेंइलेक्ट्रिकल से ले करकेइलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स तक "कममेक इन इंडिया", केमिकल्स से ले करके फार्मास्युटिकल्स तक "कममेक इन इंडिया",ऑटोमोबाइल्स से ले करके एग्रो वैल्यू एडीशन तक "कममेक इन इंडिया", पेपर हो या प्लास्टिक "कममेक इन इंडिया",सैटेलाइट हो या सबमेरीन "कममेक इन इंडिया"  ताकत है हमारे देश में!  आइएमैं निमंत्रण देता हूं।

प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी