B S Vohra, president of the East Delhi RWA Joint Front — an umbrella body of resident welfare groups — said that the police and other agencies need to build awareness among residents. “Change has to be behavioral; if that doesn’t happen then these bans won’t be successful. Along with penalizing, the police needs to work on sensitizing people and tell them the impact of cracker-bursting,” he said.
Friday, November 5, 2021
HT - Crackers Ban in Delhi?
Resident Welfare Associations (RWA) also agreed that the sale and purchase of firecrackers were happening discreetly in their areas.
“The sale and purchase are definitely happening, but these bans should not be imposed because ultimately the religious sentiments of people are involved. What the government can do is educate people about the impact of bursting firecrackers and how it adversely affects our health. Ultimately, we are all dying breathing this polluted air. Once that awareness comes, people will stop bursting crackers themselves,” said BS Vohra, president of East Delhi RWAs Joint Front.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Saturday, October 30, 2021
MPD2041 Public Hearing - Open letter to Hon'ble LG & CM for a meeting !
30th October 2021
Respected LG Saab,
Respected CM Saab,
May we request you to please call a meeting with the RWA Federations, Market Associations & the Activists of the city, to listen to the Suggestions / Objections over the MPD2041.
By the Grace of God, Covid Antibodies have been found in 97% of Delhi residents & such a meeting can now be called to discuss the outcome & achievements of MPD2021 as well the Expectations from MPD2041, though still under COVID protocol.
We are sorry to say that even on the completion of the MPD2021 time period, the Yamuna river still gets 70% of pollutants from Delhi. 45% of the untreated sewage still enters Yamuna & 47% of the potable drinking water is still lost by theft or leakages.
We are the most Polluted Capital, ranking high on Noise Pollution, & with no check on the number of vehicles to check vehicular pollution. We have no suitable Parking facilities & no check on Encroachments & Unauthorised constructions.
The 2nd wave of COVID19 clearly exhibited the status of health facilities in the city, while the kids & the grown-up kids are unable to get a seat in Nursery & DU, easily.
There are so many issues to be discussed such as Pollution, Housing, Drainage, Sewage, Waterlogging, Drinking water, Mobile Tower Radiation, Mixed Land Use, Transport, Mobility, Solid Waste, Garbage Mountains, Power infrastructure, Pedestrian safety, Right to way, Seismic vulnerability, Night Economy, E-waste, Right to speak as well as the Right to be heard.
Willing to stand together with Delhi Government & Administration for making a better Delhi by the end of 2041. Please give us time for a meeting to discuss all the issues. Please revert at the earliest.
With best regards,
B S Vohra, Convener, RWA Bhagidari, President, East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
Rajiv Kakria, Convener, Save Our City,
Saurabh Gandhi, Gen, Secretary, United Residents of Delhi
Chetan Sharma, Secy, Conrwa
Sanjay Gupta, RWA
Thursday, October 28, 2021
BoE&H on MPD2041 - Face to Face Public Hearing Possible now !
28th October 2021
Commissioner cum Secretary,
Delhi Development Authority,
B-Block, Vikas Sadan,
New Delhi-110023.
Participants ‘unhappy’ with online hearing on MPD-2041
‘Not invited’
Some members of residents welfare associations (RWAs) said they were not invited to the hearing “despite multiple requests”. B.S. Vohra, president of East Delhi RWA, said while he had “managed to attend” the previous hearing on October 25, he received no communication for Wednesday’s meeting. “I had also reached out to the DDA on Twitter in order to attend the meeting, and I was assured that it will be resolved soon, but nothing happened. They (DDA) know that we have good points to raise and maybe they don’t want to discuss the issues with us. Even in the previous meeting, I was given only two minutes to speak,” he said, adding that he had also sent a “detailed email” to the DDA authorities in which he had mentioned his points.
Rajiv Kakria, the convener of the Save Our City campaign, said he was not invited to the hearings despite several requests and objected to the process being conducted online. “It should be a physical hearing. Save Our City is a collective of RWAs, NGOs, and activists with 175 signatories. We have clearly mentioned that each signatory must be invited. There has been no communication from the DDA despite acknowledging that they have read my petitions.”
The Hindu: LINK
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
Any one got the invite of DDA to participate in the Public hearing?
We got no link, no email, no SMS, from @official_dda for participation in the so-called Public hearing on #mpd2041. Even otherwise, it was of no use as 1500 persons can't even say a sentence in 60 minutes.
If anyone got this great opportunity, please let us know about your experience.