Thursday, November 19, 2020

Human lives are MORE important CM Saab !

please view the comments of the readers at the end:

19th November 2020

CM Arvind Kejriwal,

Subject: Human lives are MORE important in a city 1. with a huge population of Senior citizens with comorbidities; 2. with insufficient health infrastructure to look after a huge population.

Dear Sir,

Human lives are MORE important. We just can't let the markets remain all open for the sake of the economy & let the people die in a city, where there are lakhs of 60+ senior citizens with comorbidities. We must impose certain restrictions for their safety. We just can't turn Delhi into Lombardy in any case.

There are lakhs of citizens in our city who just can't get the treatment as we don't have sufficient infrastructure. With just 2353 ICU beds & 1362 ventilators, we can't take care of the economy of Delhi, instead can easily turn it into a burial ground.

Moreover, the most polluted capital, facing the severe surge of Coronavirus pandemic can't be left on its own, while people don't want to wear even a mask, rest aside the social distancing as you yourself had announced that चिंता करने की कोई बात नहीं है 

Please note, each & every life is precious for their family members & you just can't put these precious lives at stake at the cost of your revenue.

You must understand that it's the responsibility of your Government to check the Coronavirus Pandemic Deaths in the city & it is the responsibility of your Government to provide suitable health facilities for all.

But Deaths have risen significantly in Delhi, & your Government hospitals are not at all capable to offer the Quality treatment to the patients. People are forced to sell their valuables for treatment at various private hospitals.

Human Lives are more important CM Saab, & in case you still don't want to impose a LockDown, you must impose much stricter restrictions on the Markets & all the commercial activities, to safeguard the lives of the residents of Delhi.

You must also provide for the Free treatment of all the Corona patients at all the Private hospitals, and you must compensate the residents suitably, for each & every death in the city, as we have elected a Government Of The People, By The People, For The People.

With best regards,

B S Vohra
Convener - RWA Bhagidari
President - East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Mr. M K Malhotra: Now the residents of Delhi are very much concerned about their lives in this city especially senior citizens like me and thinking of moving out of town for some days. Delhi govt has not taken any concrete steps in Nov but busy in spending on advertising and praising on its own.

Mr. Chandarmohan Dewani: Shocking aspect is that the government is more concerned with revenue collection than human life so people should work collectively and should not depends on the government.

Mr. Vipin Mahajan: Now people are not important in their view because this is not election time?

Monday, November 16, 2020

#Delhi requires many more #COVID19 ICU Beds & Ventilators, immediately !

16th November 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal
CM Delhi

Subject: #Delhi requires many more #COVID19 ICU Beds & Ventilators, immediately.

Dear Sir,

#Delhi has ONLY 1342 #COVID19 ICU beds with ventilators & ONLY 161 vacant at this minute as per your App.

#Delhi has ONLY 2184 #Coronavirus ICU beds without Ventilators & ONLY 248 vacant at this minute as per your App.

#Delhi is now getting 7000 to 8000 cases a day presently, due to #Corona surge & the number of ICU Beds & ventilators is quite insufficient.

#Delhi may get many more cases if RT-PCR tests are doubled, to combat the #pandemic, as announced by Home Minister Sh Amit Shah.

Therefore, Delhi immediately requires MANY MORE ICU beds & ventilators to save the precious lives of citizens else the fatalities may go up significantly.

Please look into it & arrange the suitable numbers immediately.

Warm Regards,

B S Vohra
Convener - RWA Bhagidari
President - East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Pollution Status of Delhi on Diwali, i.e. 14th November 2020 amidst #Corona Surge in #Delhi !

#Delhi breathed 34 times of PM2.5 and 25 times of PM10 Last Night amidst the #Corona scare. Must look into these figures of high levels of PM2.5 & PM10.

Is it possible for humans to breathe at such levels of #AitPollution in #Delhi?

How risky it can be, to breathe at the #AQI @ 2426, PM2.5 @ 2040 and PM10 @ 2530 ?

B S Vohra
Environment Activist
Convener - RWA Bhagidari
President - East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Home Minister Amit Shah announces 12 points to combat Coronavirus in Delhi !

दिल्‍ली के अंदर कोविड-19 के बढ़ते मामलों और यहां मेडिकल इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर की समीक्षा करने के लिए आज एक उच्च स्तरीय बैठक की।

मई 2020 में मोदी सरकार ने दिल्ली की जनता को कोरोना से बचाने के लिए दिल्ली सरकार के साथ विभिन्न कदम उठाये थे जिनके सकारात्मक नतीजे सभी को देखने को मिले थे।

आज बैठक में विभिन्न निर्देश दिये।
1) सर्वप्रथम दिल्‍ली में RT-PCR टेस्ट में दो-गुना वृद्धि की जाएगी।
2) दिल्‍ली में लैबों की क्षमता का अधिक से अधिक उपयोग करके, जहां कोविड होने का खतरा ज़्यादा है, वहां स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मंत्रालय तथा ICMR की मोबाइल टेस्टिंग वैनों को तैनात किया जाएगा।

3) दिल्ली में अस्पतालों की क्षमता तथा अन्‍य मेडिकल इंफ्रास्‍ट्रक्‍चर की उपलब्‍धता में वृद्धि की जानी चाहिए।
इसी दिशा में मई में बनाए गये धौला कुआं स्थित DRDO के कोविड अस्पताल में 250 से300 ICU बेड और शामिल किए जाएंगे, जिसे गम्भीर कोविड रोगियों का वहाँ इलाज किया जा सके।

4) ऑक्‍सीजन की सुविधा वाले बेडों की उपलब्धता बढ़ाने के उद्देश्‍य से छतरपुर के 10,000 बेड वाले कोविड सेंटर को और सशक्त किया जाएगा।
5) MCD के कुछ चिन्हित अस्‍पतालों को हल्‍के-फुल्‍के लक्षण वाले कोविड-19 रोगियों के उपचार के लिए डेडिकेटेड अस्‍पतालों के रूप में परिवर्तित किया जाएगा।

6) कोविड-19 संबंधी मेडिकल इंफ्रास्‍ट्रक्‍चर की उपलब्‍धता तथा मरीजों की भर्ती की स्थिति के इंस्पेक्शन तथा पहले लिए निर्णय के अनुसार, बेडों की उपलब्धता की सही स्थिति को स्‍पष्‍ट रूप से दर्शाने के लिए, डेडिकेटेड बहु-विभागीय टीमें, दिल्‍ली के सभी प्राइवेट अस्‍पतालों में जाएंगी।

7) पहले शुरू किए गए सारे कंटेनमेंट उपायों की समीक्षा हो, जैसे कंटेनमेंट जोनों की स्‍थापना, कंटेक्‍ट ट्रेसिंग तथा क्वारंटीन और स्‍क्रीनिंग।
विशेषकर वह लोग जिन्हें कोविड होने का खतरा अधिक है उनकी लगातार समीक्षा की जानी चाहिए ताकि रोकथाम उपायों को लागू करने में कोई कमी ना रह जाए।

8) केंद्रीय सशक्त पुलिस बलों ने कोरोना से लड़ने में देश और दिल्ली की जनता का बहुत सहयोग किया है।
मोदी सरकार ने दिल्ली में स्वास्थ्यकर्मियों की कमी को देखते हुए CAPF से अतिरिक्‍त डॉक्टर और पैरा मेडिकल स्टाफ देने का निर्णय किया है, उन्हें शीघ्र ही एयरलिफ्ट करके दिल्ली लाया जायेगा।

9) आज की बैठक में यह भी निर्देश दिए कि कोविड-19 के होम आइसोलेशन में रह रहे रोगियों की ट्रैकिंग रखने तथा तत्‍काल मेडिकल सुविधा की आवश्‍यकता पड़ने पर उनको तुरंत कोविड अस्‍पतालों में शिफ्ट करने की जरूरत पर विशेष रूप से बल दिया जाए। जिससे अधिक से अधिक लोगों के जीवन को बचाया जा सके।

10) गंभीर कोरोना मामलों में प्‍लाज्‍मा डोनेशन और प्रभावित व्यक्तियों को प्‍लाज्‍मा प्रदान किए जाने के लिए प्रोटोकॉल तैयार करने के निर्देश दिए।
डॉ. वी के पॉल, निदेशक एम्‍स और महानिदेशक ICMR के नेतृत्व में एक उच्च स्तरीय समिति इसपर जल्द ही रिपोर्ट देगी।

11) दिल्ली में अधिक से अधिक लोगों की जान बचने के लिए केंद्र सरकार दिल्ली को ऑक्सीजन सिलिंडर, High Flow Nasal Cannula व् अन्य सभी जरुरी स्वास्थ्य उपकरण उपलब्ध करवाएगी।

12) सुरक्षा ही कोरोना का एक मात्र उपाय है, इसलिए लोगों को COVID-19 Behaviour के बारे में बताने तथा लंबे समय में मेडिकल और स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य मानदंडों पर इससे पड़ने वाले नकारात्मक प्रभाव के बारे में जानकारी देने के लिए दिल्ली में ठोस संवाद कार्यनीति होनी चाहिए। इसके लिए भी निर्देश दिए।

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

इस कदर मुश्किल हुआ, जीना मेरे शहर मे, साँस के हर घूँट मे बस, जहर निगलना पड़ता है

10th November 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, CM, Delhi.


इस कदर मुश्किल हुआ, जीना मेरे शहर मे, 

साँस के हर घूँट मे बस, जहर निगलना पड़ता है

Dear Sir,

This is what we breathed last evening in Delhi. PM2.5 at 1058 instead of the maximum allowed 60 & PM10 at 1418, instead of the maximum allowed 100. PM2.5 was at 18 times while PM10 was at 14 times, while it is not yet Diwali:

And this is not the first time it happened here with us. It has become a routine for the last many years. We keep on Emailing, Tweeting to Authorities, but no one responds. We keep on waiting for the CHANGE, but it never comes, and this was the Status of Pollution in Delhi & around in the year 2019, as below:

This was the status of Delhi in November 2018, while on Diwali Day PM 10 Touched 4659, i.e. 47 Times of the Maximum allowed. And PM2.5 touched 3201, i.e. 53 times of the maximum allowed:

If not mistaken, this was the HT news in September 2017 - Breath Delhi Air, Die Early, which clearly showed the pollution status of our city, Delhi, The National Capital of India:

This one of my video on Air Pollution in November 2017 was widely shared by Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Movies, Daily Motion, Telegraph, etc., worldwide exhibiting a severe medical emergency in Delhi:

The Notification Dated 12th January 2017, about Delhi, in the Gazette of India, on Page number 7/24 clearly said,”As air quality analysis shows that most of the days during winter, between October 15 and February 15, fall in the AQI categories of Very Poor and Severe, it is appropriate to implement the measures that have been proposed for the AQI categories of Severe and Very Poor all through the winter, to prevent the occurrence of severe or emergency situations”.

Chicago University says that the residents of Delhi & NCR are losing up to 6 to 9 years of their life due to Pollution. CSE says that every 3rd child in Delhi has a lung problem. UNICEF says that pollution is having a very bad impact on the brains of our children.

We tried our best to raise the issue regularly on every platform, be it Newspapers, TV Channels, or the Social Media, i.e. via our Facebook, Youtube, Twitter & Blog. We had even demanded a special fund from the Finance Minister of India for Delhi to control the pollution - B S Vohra, Environment Activist 

We had even organized a meet of RWAs to discuss the Air Pollution issues in Delhi with Ms Anumita Roy Choudhury. A large number of RWAs & Experts participated in this meet along with Local Member of Parliament:

We keep on filing RTIs on the issues concerning the masses of our city, and one of our RTI was published in Hindustan Times on the Air Pollution issues, long ago in 2013 - 14, when we had organized several Lung Check-up camps also along with CIPLA:

The situation has worsened even further. It has become much more difficult to breathe in this severely polluted air and that too amidst the fear of deadly coronavirus. Just can not understand, why no stringent measures are taken by the authorities & why the residents have to breathe in the deadly air, year after year, for the last many years. Can only say:

इस कदर मुश्किल हुआ, जीना मेरे शहर मे, 
साँस के हर घूँट मे बस, जहर निगलना पड़ता है!

May we request you to please look into it very seriously & take the stringent measures to SAVE DELHI from Air Pollution.

Warm regards,

B S Vohra
Environment Activist,
Convener - RWA Bhagidari
President - East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Monday, November 9, 2020

CM Saab - दिल्ली को कोरोना से बचाने के लिए कुछ तो करो ना !

 9th November 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,
CM, Delhi

Subject: Spread of Coronavirus in Delhi - Certain restrictions must be imposed immediately.

Dear Sir,

We are regularly raising the issue that Why your Government has not yet launched any Campaign to ask people to Wear A Mask & to maintain Social Distancing. It's the Festival season & in every local or central Market, you won't find any Social Distancing anywhere. People are just trying to skip even a basic mask which has resulted in 7,745 new cases yesterday.

It's just because people don't understand what a COVID is, what are the Post Covid complications & the status of Long Covid. We are sorry to say that your Government has not yet tried to educate the masses on these very important issues. On the other hand, we at RWA Bhagidari are doing regular Webinars with reputed Doctors to educate the masses on all such issues concerning the Pandemic.

Corona is spreading in Delhi at a very fast rate and in the last 8 days itself, Delhi has got over 50K new cases, 478 Deaths & 823 New Containment Zones. In spite of our repeated requests, you have not yet taken any measures to check & control the flow of people in the markets, which may prove disastrous in the coming days.

Please take it very seriously & impose certain restrictions with immediate effect to save Delhi from Coronavirus, else the situation may soon go out of hands.

Best regards,


B S Vohra

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020


6th November 2020

Dear Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,

Surprisingly, all of your efforts & campaigns are waging a war against Dengue, while the city is actually facing the Coronavirus Pandemic. While you are busy with your Ten Minutes & Ten Weeks action plan, Delhi faced 258 deaths & 30,000 new cases of Corona in just 5 days of November. While your Advertisement campaigns announced no deaths due to Dengue, they never uttered even a word over the 6,769 deaths due to COVID19 in the last few months.

Shockingly, while all the markets are still open as usual with a huge festival rush, instead of imposing any checks & restrictions to combat the Coronavirus, your Health Minister came with the data of deaths in different states as if the Deaths target of Delhi is not yet achieved.

Even the Hon'ble HC showed its concern by saying that Delhi may soon become the CORONA CAPITAL of INDIA, but seems, you are still trying hard not to let it become the Dengue Capital of India.

No doubt revival of the Economy is the prime concern of every Government during such a stage, but a balanced approach is expected by the residents so that precious lives could also be saved along with Economic activities. We raised our concern from day one, while you opened the Liquor vends, the markets, the weekly bazaars, public transport, Cinema halls, one after another. 

We tried our best to meet you to show our worries, but failed to get an invite and got no response to our invite for a virtual chat. We expected restrictions viewing the overall surge of Pandemic in the City, but you still preferred relaxations by allowing 200 persons for marriages & the full bus load, as probably, you saved the city from Dengue & the Coronavirus Pandemic was not at all a cause of concern for you.

Sad & Shocking, the city got 2,942 New Containment Zones in the month of October, showing the exact surge of COVID crisis in the city, you just ignored to evaluate the criticalities of the situation due to your other engagements, and hence no measures were taken to save the city from Corona.

The National Capital is now exactly in the grip of Coronavirus with new cases visible allover, and even the containment zones can easily be located at almost every corner. 



On behalf of the worried residents & RWAs of the city.

With best regards,


B S Vohra
Convener, RWA Bhagidari
President, East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

Please note:
Our above Email via CC to LG Saab has been forwarded by the LG Office to CM & concerned Agencies.