Tuesday, June 16, 2020

LG Meeting - Worsening situation in Delhi due to #COVID19

Most Urgent
16th June 2020

Kind Attn.: LG Saab, 

Subject: LG Meeting - Worsening situation in Delhi due to #COVID19

Dear Sir,

The situation in Delhi is worsening day by day. As per the Delhi Govt Health, Bulletin dated 13th June 2020, almost 88% of the active cases, i.e. Cumulative 19,535 patients, out of the Cumulative Active 22,742 cases were under the Home Isolation, and even the rest of the 12% of the positive cases found it difficult to get a suitable & affordable bed or a ventilator in Delhi hospitals.

It clearly shows the inadequacy of even the basic health facilities in Delhi, while the Private hospitals have taken it as the best business opportunity to mint money out of a #pandemic/ Notified Disaster.

In such circumstances, if the projections of July end become the reality, & in case we are not fully prepared to meet the challenge, the city will have to face the stink of dead bodies all over, as happened in various parts of Italy, Spain, Iran, and the USA.

Therefore, the issue now requires your utmost attention, so that there is no shortage of Health facilities, such as Beds, Ventilators, Oxygen concentrators, Medicines, Consumables, Doctors, Nurses, etc. for all the Government hospitals, as well as for various quarantine centers in the making. 

Must also look into the Number of Tests as well as the Test Positivity Rate of all the 11 Districts of Delhi @ThePrint:



Please look into the following as well:
1. Please Cap the treatment charges at Private hospitals at BEP, i.e. No profit No Loss basis, as the corporates & even the comparatively smaller private hospitals can not be allowed to encash a Notified Disaster. Telangana has announced CAPPED prices a day ago, though, being the National Capital, we can do even better.
2. Please Cap the Star hotels being engaged at Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000 per day maximum, depending upon the rankings, as even otherwise, there is not much business due to COVID19 scare & most of the properties are almost vacant.
3. Please Cap the smaller hotels at Karol bagh, Pahar Ganj, etc. at Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 2,000 per day, providing qualitative facilities to the middle class.
4. Please Provide the beds at various Stadiums, Banquet halls, Local schools & Community centers absolutely Free, while some of these can be Capped at Maximum Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 per day, depending upon the facilities, with an aim to provide treatment to all the classes of persons.
5. All the Doctors doing private practice in various localities must be ordered to offer an unconditional Free service of 2 to 3 hours per day at the local quarantine centers. They can register the Timings on the First-come-first-served basis. It's the wartime, though the war this time is with a deadly virus.
6. All the local religious bodies can be asked to arrange the Free Food, Langar, etc. for the Quarantine centers of various Schools, Community centers, that are offering Free beds to the patients. 
7. All the RWAs, MTAs, NGOs can be asked to manage the outer & administrative activities of various local quarantine centers, while all the inner technicalities, such as Doctors, Nurses, Equipment, Medicines, Consumables, etc. must be provided by the local or central Government.
8. Municipal Corporations must look into waste management, Toilets, cleanliness, sanitization of various facilities on a war footing.
9. The local MLAs, Councillors must act as the nodal officers for local quarantine centers, to look after each & every aspect along with the local SDM's for the ease of various Actions & activities.
10. Police must ensure that various norms are followed strictly such as Masks & Social distancing, as well as various security issues.
11. Last but not the least, Must look into the possibility of a Lockdown very seriously as the situation now is worsening day by day and even a small mistake may lead to huge fatalities, all over.

All the best wishes to the Delhi Health Minister, who has been hospitalized with a high fever.

Thanks, & with best regards,

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Sunday, June 14, 2020


HT impact - A fine of Rs 500 for flouting quarantine rules, no masks & consuming tobacco in public: B S Vohra

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The unaffordable & inadequate health facilities in Delhi may lead to ?

The unaffordable & inadequate health facilities in Delhi, at this rate of exponential growth of #COVID19, may lead to, a Dozen more crematoriums, as Pvt hospitals are unaffordable & Govt has nothing for the common man on the name of health facilities.





Friday, June 12, 2020

War Footing efforts required now, to treat #COVID19 positive cases in Delhi.

12th June 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal
CM, Delhi.

Subject: War Footing efforts required now, to treat #COVID19 positive cases in Delhi.

Dear Sir,

Please go through the #COVID19 treatment charges displayed at Max Hospital. We have got the snap-on WhatsApp. If these are the Actual charges, just think about the ordinary & common persons living in this city. How an ordinary person can pay such exorbitant charges to get the treatment of #COVID19?

May we again request you with the folded hands to please put a CAP on these charges on the NO PROFIT NO LOSS basis, so that it becomes affordable for all. It is a #Pandemic, & in our opinion, no one can be allowed to encash such a situation. No one can be allowed to mint money out of a Notified Disaster.

Moreover, the other facilities being arranged by you in various hotels such as 3 - 4 - 5 Star hotels, must also be CAPPED at Rs 3 - 4 - 5 thousand per day as at this crucial juncture, there are no travelers, no visitors, and all the hotels are vacant. The CAPPED charges as above will be more than sufficient to cover their costs.

Similarly, the ordinary hotels at Karol Bagh, Pahar Ganj areas must also be CAPPED at Rs 1 - 2 thousand per day. Similarly, all the schoolscollegescommunity centers, Banquet halls, stadiums can be offered to the masses as FREE BEDS or can be CAPPED at a maximum charge of Rs 500 per day.

As a result, all the classes of residents can be affordably accommodated at respective locations.

Moreover, you must also critically look after the facilities at Delhi Government hospitals. You, yourself have stated that with over 5.50 Lakh positive cases, we may require over 1,50,000 beds, by July end, as well as the suitable number of Ventilators, Oxygen concentrators as well as PPE kits, etc. The present stories related to LNJP hospital are horrible.

Please act on WAR FOOTING now with the support of one & all, else the situation will be out of control soon. Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee & other similar bodies, can be requested to arrange food for the Quarantine centers in Delhi. 

All the Doctors practicing in Delhi can be requested to offer a FREE SERVICE of 2 - 3 hours a day, at various Quarantine centers, to support the cause. RWAs, MTAs, NGOs, can be asked to organize the schools & community centers of their respective areas. 

Suitable training must be provided to all the concerned, to meet any critical situation as our only aim must be to save the precious lives of our residents.

Must also seriously consider the Lockdown in full or in part at least, to check the rapid increase of the coronavirus cases in Delhi. It has created a Panic all over the city.

Please look into it & must act wisely. We already have over 2,100 deaths out of the 30 - 35 thousand positive cases so far. In case we reach 5.50 Lakh positive cases by July End, & move forward towards a PEAK by the 15th August, we may have to face a large number of casualties as the medical facilities, in any case, will remain inadequate. We must try to avoid any such situation in the National Capital. 

Assuring the best of Co-operation & Attention.

With best regards,

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

CC to LG SAAB, DY CM, Dr. HarshVarshan, Mr. Satyender Jain & BCC to Media friends.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

#COVID19 treatment for Delhiites only OR open for all ?

We are just talking about the #covid19 treatment in Delhi, which is a #pandemic while the city is already facing a huge lot of patients every day.

The city with over 2 cr population has quite insufficient health facilities. The general impression is that beds & ventilators are not available even for the Delhiites and we get so many messages in this regard. 

In such a case if #covid19 treatment is opened for all in Delhi hospitals, the already insufficient health facilities will worsen further. 

Now the option is ours to first try to save our local residents from #coronavirus or let our neighborhood friends also join the queue at our cost. 

Very typical issue. Being the National capital, it must remain open for all. But the crux of the discussion is that it should not be allowed at the cost of the lives of residents of Delhi & they must get at least some priority over others.

However, the newly launched Delhi Corona App showed yesterday that many beds & ventilators were still available, and in case this data is genuine, a part of these health facilities can be offered to the outsider critical patients also so that no precious life is lost anywhere. 

Though the App is showing very shocking results today. It says that GTB hospital with 1500 Beds has only 10 Ventilators and 8 already occupied. Similarly, LN 47/64, RGSSH 40/45, SJH 67/69, Apollo 18/18, MDCT 10/10, Batra 11/11, Max 6/8, Fortis 3/3, Manipal 2/2, Moolchand 2/2 & NHI 3/3 are already occupied, which clearly means, inadequate health facilities in the National Capital.


B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Our observations on the Corona Delhi App !

Our observations on the Corona Delhi App: 

1. It's a nice App with a huge lot of information. But truly speaking most of the information is already available on Google. We can just say that it has been consolidated here to check it with ease, especially the availability of beds & ventilators.

2. In case one has a severe Emergency and want to reserve a bed or a ventilator, its not at all possible with this App. We can not communicate with any of the hospitals directly. So no chance of getting any help in a dire emergency. The WhatsApp health help line is just an automated text sharing mechanism & no more. In our opinion, it is not up to anywhere near our expectations. All of us know very well that how the telephones are picked & answered in our system.

3. It may show a few available beds at the peak period but by the time a patient could reach the spot, he may find nothing available. We had thought that we will be able to communicate directly with each & every hospital, could forward a request and could get the confirmation before reaching the spot. But nothing of that kind is possible through this App.

4. Delhi Government must look into it and add the interactive features to give some real relief to the patients as huge rush is expected in the coming days, due to the spread of #covid19 in Delhi.

5. Moreover, the official platform has been used to promote Private hospitals, who have got a grand opportunity to mint huge money out of this #pandemic, by way of enquiries generated through this App. They are already demanding huge sums as deposits before the admission and those with lesser or no money are being refused entry.

6. In return, Delhi Government has not even imposed any restriction on the charges to be collected, no capping @BEP (No Profit No Loss) has been done to give a relief to the #coronavirus patients. The Corporate hospitals can't be allowed to encash a Notified disaster.

7. The Corona Delhi App must mention the Maximum amount that can be charged by each Private hospital very clearly, else a patient who reaches there in Emergency may feel harassed while making the payment, as these hospitals do huge markups on everything, including the consumables, PPE kits, etc. 

8. Honestly speaking, this App clearly shows the inadequacy of health facilities in the National Capital. If we exclude the money-minting Private hospitals or the Hospitals under the Central Government, there is not much available in Delhi to combat the deadly virus. 

9. Delhi Government must take immediate measures to improve significantly, its own health facilities, beds, ventilators in the Govt sector, as the Medical facilities at the Government hospitals are quite inadequate, & an ordinary person can not afford treatment at these Private hospitals.

10. Delhi Government has tried to display a rosy picture by reducing the Corona positive cases a day ago. This has been done by reducing the Tests by almost 38%. The government must avoid such a mechanism to display the wrong picture to the masses, as such techniques won't check the spread of the #coronavirus in Delhi.


Delhi Fights Corona

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Friday, May 29, 2020

But where are the missing corona positive active cases of Delhi ?

We just want to know that as on 28th May 2020, how the 1422 corona positive patients of Delhi are missing in the Delhi Govt Health Bulletin? 

These persons are included in the Total Active cases of Delhi, but not yet admitted to the COVID Hospitals. They are not at the CHC. They are not at the CCC and they are not visible even in the list of Home isolation cases. 

Surprisingly, if these 1422 persons are active corona positive cases, why they are not visible in any of the official categories as stated above? So my question is that where these 1422 persons have gone missing? 

Does it mean they are not yet getting any treatment? 

Does it mean they are still out of the boundaries of being under quarantine? 

Does it mean they might be spreading the virus at the location, wherever they are presently located? 

And does it mean are they really alive or gone missing forever? 

So, does it mean, the figures are the fabricated ones & the truth is being hidden by the vested interests?

On the 17th of May, the figure was 655, 18th 626, 19th 817; 20th 968, 21st 727, 22nd 888, 23rd 851, 24th 717, 25th 933, 26th 723, 27th May 1088, and on 28th May, the figure was 1422 persons. 

But how it is possible that even after inclusion in the list of Active Positive Corona cases of Delhi, they are not getting any treatment? Even if Beds are not available, Home isolation is an open option now.

We had shared similar data on 15th May 2020 also, and the fresh data is being shared again for certain clarifications, remained unanswered so far. 


B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Monday, May 25, 2020

Please don't treat RWAs as an enemy !

The residents who don't enter politics, form the RWAs to serve the Civil Society. Members include Doctors, Engineers, CAs, Lawyers, etc. We too have all the educated brains while we criticize Govt policies. Please stop treating RWAs as an Enemy.

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front



