Sunday, May 10, 2020

#COVID19: RWAs demand Free Treatment at Private Hospitals

10th May 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,
CM, Delhi

Dear Sir,

The entire country is facing a severe Pandemic, which has already been treated as the Notified Disaster, and Essential Services Act is already in operation in our country.

The Medical Treatment now is the most essential requirement & it must be absolutely Free, till the period of Corona Virus Pandemic, OR till the suitable vaccines come into the market to treat the patients.

Everyone understands that the facilities presently available in Delhi are not sufficient to serve the masses, as earlier Governments have not done much in this regard. 

In such circumstances, we hereby request you to please acquire all the Private Hospitals of Delhi & ask them for the Free Treatment of coronavirus immediately. They can be supplied the required medicines, masks, PPE kits, etc. by Delhi Government, to reduce their burden.


"Maharashtra to offer 100% free treatment for COVID-19 patients in private hospitals too" 
Maharashtra is the first state to extend such an offer for COVID-19 patients under the disaster management act and epidemic diseases act 1897.
It must be noted that it is the time of severe crises & emergency situations & hence these corporates can't be allowed to make fortunes. At this crucial juncture, they too must serve our society as the  #coronawarriors. 

In case you don't want to follow Maharashtra in offering a big relief to the residents of the city, you must at least announce that charges if any, must be on the No Profit No Loss basis, i.e. Break-Even Point. In that case, a suitable monitoring system must also be deployed by including stakeholders from all the streams.

सरकारी अस्पतालों में जगह ही नहीं और प्राइवेट वाले भारी भरकम रकम मांगते है। तो क्या आम लोग बिना इलाज के ही मर जाएं ? अगर प्राइवेट को भी फ्री या नो प्रॉफिट नो लोस कर दोगे तो शायद कुछ लोग बच जाएं।

Please look into it & make suitable announcements immediately as the situation may worsen by the May end & June and our only aim must be to save the precious lives of innocent citizens.

With best regards,

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Role of RWAs in the LockDown period

Instead of a few words of appreciation for the selfless service of the RWAs, for the city, for the last many years, as well as during the entire Lockdown period, we were shocked to find a note blaming the RWAs of Delhi, for nothing.

It was absolutely shocking as it has come from a political party, that had promised a huge lot of Empowerment to the RWAs of the city, before the previous elections, but turned it's back, once into the power.

It has come from a Local Government, which has never ever cared to call a meeting with the RWAs to discuss various critical issues, concerning the masses, and has absolutely ignored the RWAs of the city, in its entire tenure, till date.

It has come from the leadership, that assumes that RWAs with no power, no authority, no empowerment, can form the rules challenging the local Government.

Strange, RWAs had just supported the Local Government on the LockDown issues, by campaigning #StayHomeStaySafe #socialdistancing, etc.. RWAs had arranged for the food for the migrating labor as well as for the hungry people, without any publicity or advertisements in the newspapers, without any help or assistance from the local government, that could not provide even the basic masks & sanitizers to the RWAs.

The local government that on one hand blames the previous government, that nothing was done in the health sector in the last 70 years, and confirms the masses smilingly, that we are now well prepared to combat covid19 as this Government has done all that in just 40 days of the lockdown period.

Strange & shocking distress messages are being circulated by the patients about the poor levels of treatment in the city hospitals & at the quarantine centers of Delhi. Shocking distress messages are being shared by some of the Doctors, nurses & staff of various hospitals, saying that even the basic precautionary facilities are not being provided to them. Patients are not getting the beds. Reports are getting delayed by 10 to 12 days.

Probably that is the reason that so many Doctors, Nurses, Helping staff, Police personals, BSF & CRPF personals, as well as the sanitation workers, have been infected by the virus. This shows the level of preparedness our local government has for the city to combat the deadly coronavirus, while we know the exact count of beds, ventilators & other facilities available at various hospitals.

It is also shocking, while the residents are worried about the spread of the virus, the local Government is trying every bit to hide the truth. To date, we don't even know how many patients are there in each district, as a huge lot have been hidden under the title UNKNOWN. Shockingly, the unknown can be the source & not the location. 

Moreover, the mad rush at the wine shops of the city is a serious cause of concern for the residents, while the so-called Mohalla clinics have just shown its back to those looking for the testing or treatment of covid19. 

It is also shocking that the residents are forced to pay Rs 4500/- to the Private labs for the covid19 tests, even for the treatment of non-COVID issues as local Government has just failed to provide the FREE TESTING. Our request to divert the 70% additional collections of VAT on the sale of Liquor towards the Free testing of coronavirus has gone unheard so far.

Just read the news that Mr. Randeep Guleria, Director AIIMS has said that coronavirus may peak in June & July in India, & Lockdown must continue, while your Govt is hell-bent to open everything in the next few days.

So many more things to be asked, while expecting a reply to the above.

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Role of RWAs in Civic Governance During Lockdown

When the Number of Positive cases was not even in Three Digits, the most severe Lockdown in the world was imposed at Four Hour Notice. Now, when the Numbers are Sky Rocketing, restrictions are being lifted in a haphazard manner, with scant understanding of Ground Reality.

IS IT RWAs OVER REACH OR VITAL LINK IN MAINTAING ORDER & SERVICES DURING LOCKDOWN...... No Order of the Government and various Courts or Media Report is without the mention of RWAs Role in Civic Governance or espousing Public Cause.

It is pertinent to mention that at no stage through the past 45 days have RWA’s been consulted, yet RWA’s took it upon themselves to restrict movement, raise funds to supply rations to stranded migrants, coordinated to distribute food packets, took care of Senior Citizens, ensured security to residents, fed stray Animals & Birds etc.

This morning RWA Groups were abuzz with a Delhi Govt. Memo seeking to restrain RWA’s so called Over Reach in staling Movement of ALL AND SUNDRY in their respective areas. RWA’s were very effective in containing the spread of the deadly Virus, it was due to their Proactive stance of Closing the Gates and Restricting Movement when Lockdown was announced, at times braving the resistance of colony Residents. In hindsight it was a decision that has kept Delhi safe from becoming a Disaster Zone.

The Government has not put in Public Domain the exact Numbers or Location of Covid Patients. Low rate of Testing and Reports taking more than 48 hours, by then suspected persons may have contaminated countless others, making the task of tracking suspected cases impossible, given the Govts ability in maintaining Social Distancing that was evident in the aftermath of opening of Liquor Vends.

Sure...... RWAs can sit at home and the Govt can start all activities, BUT FIRST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING.....

1. Govt should issue a White Paper on what preparations were made before Lockdown was announced with 4 hour notice

2. Issue a white Paper on the current status of exact number and location of Covid-19 Patients and from where they originated.

3. Give RWA representatives along with Media a tour of any 10 Quarantine Centres and 5 Covid Hospitals to ascertain exact status of treatment facilities and how patients are kept

5. Issue White Paper on provision of exact number of patients that Delhi is in a position to handle, with physical visit NOT ON PAPER OR PRESS CONFERENCE

6. White paper on exact number of PPE Kits, Testing Kits etc available

7. Give Sworn Affidavit that every test report will be made available within 24 hours and not after 10 days as presently being done

8. Issue white paper on turnaround time and facilities for citizens for consultation, testing, self quarantine assistance, post quarantine sanitization

9. White paper on staff strength such as sanitizing where repeated report found not sufficient when cases were few. 

10. Ensure co-ordination with neighbouring states as Police, DJB, MCD, DTC staffs from Delhi stopped at border, therefore all essential services Staffs in NCT Delhi must be domicile Delhi residents after appointment.

There is a stark lack of understanding of Delhi's makeup as it stands today, by the powers that be, both the Center and State Govts are unaware that more than 60% of shops in Delhi are in Residential areas due to Mixed Land Use. The Malls & Shopping Complex closed will have no impact as mixed land use shops & offices are on every road, colony, village & unauthorised colony, throwing Lockdown to the winds and return to chaos.

Everything has been opened but there is zero economic activity as migrants want to go home. There is no transport, means not many can go to work. Moreover 33% attendance means 100% salary outflow.... 33% output.... ONLY GOVTS CAN THINK LIKE THAT.

GIVE RWAs THE CONFIDENCE THAT GOVT CAN HANDLE THE SITUATION..... we have seen Govt Efficiency on all above fronts, including the handling of Liquor Vends & Sabzi Mandis.

Will the DM & DCP etc ensure Social Distancing norms...... RWAs can throw open all gates, can Police ensure security...... There are many desperate, hungry and jobless people may resort to crime...... To date there have been miniscule cases where RWA’s are effective, RESPONSIBILITY NOW SHIFTS TO GOVT, GO AHEAD TAKE CHARGE...... RWA’s are willing to sit at home.

On behalf of ‘SAVE OUR CITY’ Campaign

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Divert Additional 70% Liquor collections towards Free Covid19 tests at Private Labs

Don't you think, Delhi Govt must divert the additional 70% Liquor collections towards Free Covid19 tests at Private Labs?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Please Divert Additional 70% Liquor collections towards Free Covid19 tests at Private Labs

5th May 2020

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,
CM, Delhi

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to note that the Delhi Government has hiked the Liquor Prices by 70% to check & control the rush of the buyers, as viewed on the very first day of the relaxations in Delhi, yesterday.

May we request you to please divert this additional 70% of the collections towards the COVID19 Tests at the Private hospitals so that Delhiites could get it done Free of Cost if required.

Please note, this will not make any dent on the pockets of Delhi Government, as it is the unexpected collections, but it will help the residents of Delhi in a big way, who are being forced to pay Rs. 4500/- for the treatment of covid19/non-covid19 issues also.

We are sure you will look into it immediately.

With best regards,

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

Monday, May 4, 2020

Delhi Govt must close the wine shops till the LockDown period atleast

We strongly object to the relaxations offered by Delhi Government to the Wine shops all over Delhi. Whatever happened today was a big shock for all of us. Just a day ago, Delhi had got 427 Corona Positive cases, and today, thousands of persons were there outside the liquor shops, without maintaining any social distancing.

It is being said that almost 80% of the corona patients are asymptomatic & we are sure that today, we have activated a Corona Bomb, which is likely to explode in the coming days as all those who will contract the infection today outside these wine shops, will infect their family members also.

लोग 40 दिन डर के मारे सब कुछ छोढ छाढ़ के घरों में बैठे रहे। न काम न धंदा, न पैसे, न कहीं आना जाना, और न ही किसी से मिलना मिलाना। और आपने उन सब लोगों की मेहनत, उन सब डॉक्टरस, नरसेस, पुलिस कर्मियों, मीडिया कर्मियों, कोरोना वारियर्स की कुर्बानियों का यह सिला दिया कि एक झटके मे, गली गली दारू की दुकाने खुलवा कर, पूरी दिल्ली को मौत के मुंह में झोंक दिया। अभी कल ही ४२७ लोग पॉजिटिव आए थे। आज जाने कितने और संकर्मित हो गए होंगे और घर जा कर अपने परिवारों को भी संक्रमित करेंगे। ये दिल्ली में कोरोना बम क्यों एक्टिवटे करवा दिया आपने ? 

Therefore, we hereby request the Delhi Government to announce the closure of these Liquor shops immediately, to save the city from this deadly virus.

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front - Federation

Friday, May 1, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown Extended: What's Allowed, What's Not as Per Revised Guidelines for Next 2 Weeks

New Delhi: After a comprehensive review of the COVID-19 situation in the country, the Centre on Friday extended the lockdown by a further two weeks. In the order issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the ministry laid down guidelines to be followed in different zones across the country - Red, Orange, and Green - depending on the risk profiling of various districts. The lockdown will continue till May 17 under the following guidelines issued by the ministry:
1. The MHA issued new guidelines to regulate different activities in this period, based on the risk profiling of the districts of the country into Red (hotspot), Green, and Orange Zones. The guidelines have permitted considerable relaxations in the districts falling in the Green and Orange Zones.
2. The criteria for identification of districts as Red, Green, and Orange Zones have been spelt out in detail in the letter dated April 30, 2020, issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), GoI. The Green Zones will be districts with either zero confirmed cases till date; or, no confirmed case in the last 21 days. The classification of districts as Red Zones will take into account the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, extent of testing and surveillance feedback from the districts. Those districts, which are neither defined as Red nor Green, shall be classified as Orange zones. The classification of districts into Red, Green and Orange Zones will be shared by MoHFW with the States and Union Territories (UTs) on a weekly basis, or earlier, as required. While States and UTs can include additional districts as Red and Orange Zones, they may not lower the classification of a district included by MoHFW in the list of Red or Orange Zones.
3. A number of districts of the country have, within their boundaries, one or more Municipal Corporations (MCs). It has been observed that due to higher population density within the MCs, and consequent greater inter-mixing of people, the incidence of COVID-19 within the boundary of the MC(s) is higher than in the rest of the district. In the new guidelines, therefore, it has been provided that such districts will be classified into two Zones, i.e., one Zone for the area under the boundary of the MC(s); and, another for the area falling outside the boundary of the MC(s). If the area outside the boundary of the MC(s) has reported no case for the last 21 days, it will be allowed to be classified as one stage lower than the overall classification of the district as either Red or Orange. Hence, this area will be classified as Orange, in case the district is overall Red; or as Green, in case the district is overall Orange. This classification will enable more economic and other activities in that area of the district, which is relatively less affected by the incidence of COVID-19, while also ensuring that due caution continues to be exercised so that these areas remain free from COVID-19 cases. This dispensation has been made only in respect of districts having Municipal Corporation (s).
4. The most sensitive areas of the country, from the spread of COVID-19 point of view, and falling within the Red and Orange Zones, are designated as Containment Zones. These are areas where there is significant risk of spread of the infection. The containment areas would be defined by respective District Administrations, taking into account the total number of active cases, their geographical spread, and the need to have well demarcated perimeters from the enforcement point of view. The local authority shall ensure 100% coverage of Aarogya Setu app among the residents of the Containment Zone. Containment Zones would have intensified surveillance protocols, with contact tracing, house to house surveillance, home/ institutional quarantining of persons based on their risk assessment, and clinical management. Strict perimeter control would need to be ensured, so that there is no movement of people in and out of these Zones, except for medical emergencies, and for maintaining supply of essential goods and services. No other activity is permitted within the Containment Zones.
5. Under the new guidelines, a limited number of activities will remain prohibited throughout the country, irrespective of the Zone. These include travel by air, rail, metro and inter-State movement by road; running of schools, colleges, and other educational and training/ coaching institutions; hospitality services, including hotels and restaurants; places of large public gatherings, such as cinema halls, malls, gymnasiums, sports complexes etc; social, political, cultural and other kinds of gatherings; and, religious places/ places of worship for the public. However, movement of persons by air, rail and road is allowed for select purposes, and for purposes as permitted by MHA.
6. The new guidelines also prescribe certain measures for well being and safety of persons. Hence, movement of individuals, for all non-essential activities, shall remain strictly prohibited between 7 pm to 7 am. Local authorities shall issue orders under appropriate provisions of law, such as prohibitory orders [curfew] under Section 144 of CrPC, for this purpose, and ensure strict compliance. In all zones, persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years, shall stay at home, except for meeting essential requirements and for health purposes. Out-Patient Departments (OPDs) and Medical clinics shall be permitted to operate in Red, Orange and Green Zones, with social distancing norms and other safety precautions; however, these will not be permitted within the Containment Zones.
7. In the Red Zones, outside the Containment Zones, certain activities are prohibited in addition to those prohibited throughout the country. These are: plying of cycle rickshaws and auto-rickshaws; running of taxis and cab aggregators; intra-district and inter-district plying of buses; and, barbershops, spas, and saloons.
8. Certain other activities have been allowed in the Red Zones with restrictions. Movement of individuals and vehicles is allowed only for permitted activities, with a maximum of 2 persons (besides the driver) in four-wheeler vehicles, and with no pillion rider in the case of two-wheelers. Industrial establishments in urban areas, viz., Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Export Oriented Units (EOUs), industrial estates and industrial townships with access control have been permitted. The other industrial activities permitted are manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, their raw material and intermediates; production units, which require continuous process, and their supply chain; manufacturing of IT hardware; jute industry with staggered shifts and social distancing; and, manufacturing units of packaging material. Construction activities in urban areas have been limited to in-situ construction (where workers are available on site and no workers are required to be brought in from outside) and construction of renewable energy projects. Shops in urban areas, for non-essential goods, are not allowed in malls, markets and market complexes. However, all standalone (single) shops, neighborhood (colony) shops and shops in residential complexes are permitted to remain open in urban areas, without any distinction of essential and non-essential. E-Commerce activities, in the Red Zones, are permitted only in respect of essential goods. Private offices can operate with upto 33% strength as per requirement, with the remaining persons working from home. All Government offices shall function with senior officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above at full strength, and the remaining staff attending upto 33% as per requirement. However, Defense and Security services, Health and Family Welfare, Police, Prisons, Home Guards, Civil Defence, Fire and Emergency Services, Disaster management and related services, National Informatics Centre (NIC), Customs, Food Corporation of India (FCI), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Nehru Yuvak Kendra (NYK) and Municipal services shall function without any restrictions; delivery of public services shall be ensured and necessary staff will be deployed for such purpose.
9. A large number of other activities are allowed in the Red Zones. All industrial and construction activities in rural areas, including MNREGA works, food-processing units and brick-kilns are permitted; besides, in rural areas, without distinction to the nature of goods, all shops, except in shopping malls are permitted. All agriculture activities, e.g., sowing, harvesting, procurement and marketing operations in the agricultural supply chain are permitted. Animal husbandry activities are fully permitted, including inland and marine fisheries. All plantation activities are allowed, including their processing and marketing. All health services (including AYUSH) are to remain functional, including transport of medical personnel and patients through air ambulances. A large part of the financial sector remains open, which includes banks, non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), insurance and capital market activities, and credit co-operative societies. Operation of homes for children, senior citizens, destitutes, women and widows etc.; and operation of Anganwadis has also been permitted. Public utilities, e.g., utilities in power, water, sanitation, waste management, telecommunications and internet will remain open, and courier and postal services will be allowed to operate.
10. Most of the commercial and private establishments have been allowed in the Red Zones. These include print and electronic media, IT and IT enabled services, data and call centres, cold storage and warehousing services, private security and facility management services, and services provided by self-employed persons, except for barbers etc., as mentioned earlier. Manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, their raw material and intermediates; production units, which require continuous process, and their supply chain; Jute industry with staggered shifts and social distancing; and manufacturing of IT hardware and manufacturing units of packaging material will continue to be permitted.
11. In the Orange Zones, in addition to activities permitted in Red Zone, taxis and cab aggregators will be permitted with 1 driver and 1 passenger only. Inter-district movement of individuals and vehicles will be allowed for permitted activities only. Four wheeler vehicles will have maximum two passengers besides the driver and pillion riding will be allowed on two-wheelers.
12. In the Green Zones, all activities are permitted except the limited number of activities which are prohibited throughout the country, irrespective of the Zone. However buses can operate with upto 50% seating capacity and bus depots can operate with upto 50% capacity.
13. All goods traffic is to be permitted. No State/ UT shall stop the movement of cargo for cross land-border trade under Treaties with neighbouring countries. No separate pass of any sort is needed for such movement, which is essential for maintaining the supply chain of goods and services across the country during the lockdown period.
14. All other activities will be permitted activities, which are not specifically prohibited, or which are permitted with restrictions in the various Zones, under these guidelines. However, States/ UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, and with the primary objective of keeping the spread of COVID-19 in check, may allow only select activities from out of the permitted activities, with such restrictions as felt necessary.
15. No separate/ fresh permissions will be required from authorities for activities already permitted to operate under the guidelines on Lockdown measures up to May 3, 2020. The Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) issued by MHA will continue to operate such as transit arrangement for foreign national(s) in India; release of quarantine persons; movement of stranded labour within States/ UTs; sign-on and sign-off of Indian seafarers, movement of stranded migrant workers, pilgrims, tourists, students and other persons by road and rail.
16. State/ UT Governments are mandated to strictly enforce the lockdown guidelines and they shall not dilute these guidelines issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, in any manner.
with thanks: YAHOO NEWS

Thursday, April 30, 2020

देर न हो जाए कहीं, देर न हो जाए - #covid19 #coronavirus

Shops must remain closed during LockDown in Delhi

#coronavirus - आखिर आप चाहते क्या हो ?

Complementing Government's Efforts in Containing the spread of COVID-19

Dear Colleague,        

We hope everyone is safe and healthy.

As you might be aware the Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19, the Corona Virus. With the active support of the people of India, the Government has been able to contain the spread of the virus in our country.

The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

In pursuit of the same, Government of India has launched Aarogya Setu mobile application which is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government,  particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out to and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19.

We at the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), would request all of you to download the Aarogya Setu App and also promote its download to your respective employees, consumers, vendors, and other stakeholders. The app is available in multiple languages and will provide information, latest update, e-pass information, and faqs on the Virus. The app also gives you an intimation, if there is an infected person in your close proximity.

The download and effective use of this app will help in complementing the Government’s efforts in containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Hence, May I request you to kindly download the app and promote the downloading of this app,  as a service to the Nation!

Please find below the link to download the App: 


Dr. Subhajyoti Ray
Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)