Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Suggestions on Draft Parking Policy in Delhi - Last Date - 13-07-2017

DATED: 12-07-2017

Special Commissioner Transport
Room No. 208, Second Floor,
Transport Department, GNCT of Delhi,
5/9 Underhill Road, Delhi-110054.

Subject:- Response / Suggestions on Draft Parking Policy in Delhi

Preamble: On the street people think ...... all Such Policies are made MORE FOR REVENUE GENERATION for the Government  ........ THAN TO OFFER ANY SOLUTION to the Problem created in the first place due to GOVERNMENT APATHY AND NON IMPLEMENTATION of dully laid out Rules and Laws .......

........ Please look at previous attempts at giving Parking Solutions ...... Charging ONE TIME PARKING CESS and collection of CONVERSION CHARGES UNDER MPD-2021 ......... Millions of Rupees have been collected without any accountability and no corresponding Parking Infrastructure developed in the past Decade.

Dear Sir,
This has reference to the Advertisement published on 12th July 2017 in various News Papers on the above subject.Following are my suggestions .......

PREPARE A THREE YEAR PARKING ROAD MAP (Short, Medium and Long Term), with clear deadlines with the help of Data Collected and Additional Surveys:-


  1. DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN DYNAMIC AND DEAD PARKING – discourage people who use cars for Home-Office-Home travel, turning scarce Parking Space unproductive (Dead) for 8-14 hours. Shoppers and Visitors to offices for meetings etc occupy Parking Space (Dynamic) for a limited period of time and the same space is utilised multiple times, giving a fillip to Business.DEAD PARKING should be discouraged and made prohibitive ..... DYNAMIC PARKING Rates should be of 15 Minute Pulse, to encourage people to conclude business promptly and save money.
  2. PARKING FEE BASED ON SIZE OF CAR – To encourage use of small cars Parking Fee should be charged based on length of car, as one BMW occupies twice as much space as an I10.

  1. INTRODUCE POINT TO POINT AC CHARTERED/SHUTTLE BUSSES – Care should be taken that Office goers are not inconvenienced and transport BEFITTING THEIR STATURE be made available at reasonable rates. People use Personal Transport out of compulsion due to lack of COMFORTABLE, SAFE & SURE TRANSPORT.
  2. STOP FLEECING BY AUTO/ TAXIS AND SURGE PRICING BY UBER / OLA: Autos have been notorious for Refusals and Overcharging. Now Uber and Ola are also fleecing hapless commuters, charging 1.5X to 3.9X SURGE PRICING. If citizens can be fined Rs. 2000/- then Service providers should also be penalised for Malpractice. INTRODUCE UNIFORM PRICING.
  3. ENFORCE LANE DISCIPLINE – Traffic Police should be instructed to enforce Lane Discipline and man Traffic Lights instead of hiding behind Trees to net offenders and pocket bribes.
  4. REMOVE BOTTLE NECKS ON ROADS – Potholes; Encroachments/Vendors; Parking on Roads; Religious Places; Trees; Defunct Electricity Poles etc. create congestion and slows the traffic.

  1. CREATE HALTING ZONES FOR AUTOS, GRAMIN SEVAS, TAXIS ETC – Traffic Jams are often noticed near Bus Stops/Metro Stations, Traffic Signals, Market/Hospital Entrances, Street Corners etc as these modes of transport bunch up at such spots usurping one or more lanes.
  2. IMPROVE LAST MILE CONNECTIVITY  – This proposal has been in the Pipeline for so long that it seems like a Pipedream, surely it is not as difficult as it seems.
  3. PUT THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE IN PLACE – Multiple modes of Public Transport adhering to a strict timetable be introduced in consultation with experts.

  1. CREATE SUBWAYS AND PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS  Lack of pedestrian facilities make the roads dangerous and are the cause for traffic snarls, when people give up private transport there will be manifold increase in Pedestrian Traffic, so this aspect MUST GET PRIORITY.

  1. INSTALL NUMBER PLATE READING CCTVS - E-Chalaan traffic offenders and Trucks who enter the city before Entry Hours (which is Rampant)


  1. IMPROVE ROAD ENGINEERING AND POSITIONING OF BUS STOPS – Go anywhere in Delhi, most traffic jams occur at the start and end of a Flyover, due to merging traffic and positioning of Bus stops close to the Flyover.

  1. EXPEDITE COURT CASES FOR ROAD WIDENING – Ring Road at Nariana is a good example of what can be achieved by acquiring land for road widening …… there are many such points all over Delhi that are stuck in Court Cases.

  1. BAN PURCHASE OF VEHICLE (PRIVATE OR COMMERCIAL) WITHOUT PROOF OF PARKING SPACE – Introduce differential Fee Structure for parking on Public Land with a percentage increase for 2nd, 3rd or 4th Vehicle Registered per Dwelling Unit instead of per family member. A HIGH COURT RULING FOR HOUSING SOCIETY, RESTRICTING ONE PARKING SLOT PER DWELLING UNIT IS WORTH EMULATING FOR EQUITABLE USE OF PUBLIC SPACES. Fleet owners should create own Parking Zones instead of using up public spaces.

  1. INTRODUCE FIRST CLASS COMPARTMENTS ON METRO – Airlines, Trains, Busses, Mumbai Suburban all have 1st Class compartments.

  1. VERIVICATION AND LINKING OF ADHAAR CARD OF DRIVER AND OWNER WITH VEHICLE RC- Safe, Secure and Sure availability of Transport irrespective of distance and area of travel will surely encourage citizens towards Public Transport. Today we cannot dream of allowing Ladies Travelling alone at night to or from Airport / Station etc.

  1. PARKING FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS- (A) MPD 2021 talks of parking as a composite entity ….. whereas the ground reality is that Parking in Commercial Areas and Residential Areas ought to be treated and addressed separately. While collecting Conversion Charges on account of additional floor and FAR for a residential plot …. parking has to be provided for the needs of the area residents ……. Whereas the only Parking Lots being planned are in Colony Markets and not for residents. (B) While framing ECS parking norms, Sangam Vihar and Greater Kailash ground realities must be kept in mind, one has more smaller cars while upscale colonies have SUVs Saloons ….. Can ECS norms be framed on same benchmarks ?????

SUGGESTION: (A) Areas should be identified with the help of RWAs ….. underground parking in large Colony Parks, Community Centres or Religious Places should be developed for Residential Parking. Parking lots should not be allowed on B.O.T. basis by allowing space for commercial activities. The expensive fully automated parking lots should be avoided to make the projects more viable …. Instead residents should be encouraged to form Co-operatives and allotted parking spaces on payment as is prevalent in Housing Societies. (B) Different ECS norms are needed for Sangam Vihar and Greater Kailash as bigger cars need more parking space as also larger manoeuvring area.

It seems, till now Governments and Municipalities were only interested in creating money making avenues for their Staff and Contractors. Citizens did not figure in their scheme of things ...... HOPE THIS TIME ROUND THE POLICY WILL BE HOLISTICALLY THOUGHT THROUGH. These are preliminary submissions, I request you to give me an opportunity to elaborate in person before a final decision is taken.

Warm Regards,

Rajiv Kakria
Member, GK-I, RWA

DERC Business Plan Regulations 2017 - As Good as Throwing Out Sec.61 of EA, 2003

The Secretary,
Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission,

C-Block, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.

Sub: DERC Business Plan Regulations 2017


Section 61 of the Electricity Act, 2003 stipulates that the Commission shall be guided by the factors which would encourage competition, efficiency, economical usage of resources, grid performance and optimum investment in specifying the terms and conditions for determination of tariff.

In terms of the Section 61 (g) of the Act, the Appropriate Commission shall be guided by the objective that the tariff progressively reflects the efficient and prudent cost of supply of electricity.


DERC does not have full strength and without a Chairman for a few years now, I am APPALLED to note that a matter of such importance is being taken up Single Member.

There are many important issues that have been put on hold citing lack of full representation in DERC, here Business Plan Regulation that will impact future control of DERC over DISCOMS Accounts &  Audit is being compromised.

We are aware that the Commission has stated in an Affidavit in High Court that it lacks the Competence to Audit DISCOM Accounts, that does not mean that DERC introduces and passes a Regulation that binds DERC in accepting Accounts submitted by DISCOMS ……. This begs the Question …… Why have a Commission at all ?????

PLEASE PUT ON HOLD THIS REGULATION IN VIEW OF ABOVE STATED FACTS …….. If the proposal to bring about changes suggested in the Draft are anything to go by then MIGHT AS WELL THROW OUT SECTION 61 OF ELECTRICITY ACT 2003 INTO THE DUSTBIN IN ITS ENTIRETY.

These are preliminary submissions, I request you to give me an opportunity to elaborate in person before a final decision is taken.

Warm Regards,


Rajiv Kakria
Member GK-I, RWA

Objections DERC: Renegotiate DISCOM’s Contract to Check REGULATORY ASSETS

The Secretary,
Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission,
C-Block, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.Sub: Petitions for True Up of expenses for FY 2014-2015 & FY 2015-2016 and Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Tariff for FY 2017-2018 filed by the utilities of Delhi


If Long Term Power Purchase Agreements Can Be Renegotiated, WHY NOT the terms of contract guaranteeing 16% RETURN ON INVESTMENT to DISCOMS ????? that too for capital raised from Public Institutions at far lower rate of interest …… A SENIOR CITIZEN GETS 7% IN A FIXED DEPOSIT.

EXAMPLE – Noida Toll Bridge contract was the Brain Child of a similar set of people and borrowed its Content from the DISCOM Contract with Delhi Government. NBTL invested Rs. 200 Cr, has collected Rs. 450 Cr in Toll Tax and still claim a Loss of Rs. 850 Cr approximately.

Supreme Court has ordered a Ban on Charging Toll Tax on DND Flyway on a Petition filed by Citizen Groups ……. WE EXPECT DERC TO ACT ON BEHALF OF CITIZENS ……. As mandated in Section 61 of the Electricity Act, 2003 which stipulates that the Commission shall be guided by the factors which would encourage competition, efficiency, economical usage of resources, grid performance and optimum investment in specifying the terms and conditions for determination of tariff. 


THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY AFTER A LEAP YEAR ……. THIS YEAR I AM SEEKING ANSWERS TO 8 QUESTIONS FROM DERC,the answers for which I have been seeking for many years. Please read all my past Objections in your records and make them part of this year’s Objections as well.

1. REGULATORY ASSETS – 8% Surcharge was introduced in 2012 to eliminate Regulatory Assets.

a) COAL and GAS -  prices have been coming down steadily for the past three years, but we see no softening of strain on Regulatory Assets.

b) POWER PURCHASE COSTS - have come down and the 8% Surcharge is charged on Retail Cost that has remained unchanged.

c) DEFAULT OF TRANSCO DUES - DISCOMS have not cleared their dues to TRANSCO’s and threaten Blackouts.

d) BAIL OUT PACKAGE - Regulatory assets have continued to mount despite 500 Cr Bailout.

2. CAG AUDIT – citizens are paying a heavy price for the CAG Audit being stuck in Supreme Court. DERC should intervene and ask for early resolution as DISCOMS are profiteering at the expense of hapless citizens.

3. PRUDENCE CHECK – seems to be the least of DERC’s concerns as we have been demanding for many years. The process of appointing an Institution has been advertised but no concrete action taken.

4. Private DISCOMS - were brought in to Delhi in 2002 to bring Private Investment (Money), Efficiency, Curb Power Theft and Reduce Tariffs ……. in place of a Bleeding, Inefficient and Theft Prone DVB.

Private DISCOMS have failed on all four counts .....

a) PRIVATE CAPITAL -  this is the biggest fraud on the citizens, instead of bringing Private Capital, they took the Sovereign Guarantee of the Delhi Government Contract and raised money from Public Sector Financial Institutions, on top of that, DISCOMS were Guaranteed 16% ROI, so WHY IS DERC ALLOWING THE INTEREST ON LOAN TO BE ADJUSTED IN TARIFF.

b) REDUCE TARIFFS – Tariffs have increased manifold, including enhancement of Fixed Charge, which used to be Minimum Charges and adjusted in the bill amount exceeded minimum charge.

c) EFFICIENCY- No doubt it has improved but not to the extent promised, we still have long power cuts and have to depend on inverters; DISCOMS were supposed to take all transmission cables underground.

d) THEFT CONTROL - although the Average Power Theft is down to 15% from 60%, a third of Delhi is still showing over 65% to 98% theft, no BENEFIT TO HONEST CUSTOMER as Promised.

5. Fast Running Electronic Meter: Please refer to my Petitions from 2009 onwards, I have constantly asked for an Audit/Field Survey by an Independent Institute of Repute involving the Petitioners, be conducted. Transformer wise Audit of Units supplied and billed for the past three years of Peak Load Periods in Winters and Summers. Excess billing if found should be refunded to the consumers and Punitive Penalty imposed on DISCOMS for breach of trust and willful fleecing of Consumers.

After three years of sustained efforts this issue was addressed by DERC by inserting an Ad. in news papers on 24th Dec. 2011, putting the onus of correcting the flaw on the consumer. The Supply Code clearly states that it is the Duty of the Service Provider to provide a separate Neutral up to the Metering Point. DERC tried to legalise this unearned Profit by excluding this provision for existing consumers of less than 10kw in the Draft Performance Standards.

PLEASE REPLY IN YES OR NO whether the Electronic Meters have been installed as per Regulation 41 of CEA's Regulations of 2010, which are the statutes in replacement of IE Rules 1956 under section 53 read with 177 0f the IE Act 2003.

Implementation of regulation 41 of CEA provides the complete solution to this point being raised by Delhi Consumers ever since the electronic metering has been introduced and not addressed by DERC for reasons best known to them.

6. BILL PAYMENT AT PSU BANKS: Power Bills should be collected at PSU Banks, that will bring transparency & Accountability of DISCOM dealings as money collected due to fast running meters gets concealed on account of recording Unutilised Current in Common Neutral due to RESIDUAL BACK FLOW. Delhi Government had written a letter to DERC in 2016 and was also reported in The Hindu.

7. END MONOPOLY - Both Mr. Modi and Mr. Kejriwal had Promised Delhites during Election Speeches that to curb the Profiteering DISCOMS they will END MONOPOLY and bring in Competition, as in case of Mobile Phones, therefore High Tariffs will be tamed.

8. Conduct Energy Audit: Ensure Metering of Self Consumption by DISCOMS and Government ……

Like Air and Water, Power too is essential for existence and scarce resource needs to be conserved. The Energy Audit should identify what percentage of Power is being consumed for Domestic use, Industrial / Commercial use, Public Utilities and Government office Buildings and how much Power is being consumed by bureaucrats in Lutyens Delhi and at what price.

The Energy Audit should also look into the Energy Guzzlers in Industry, Commercial Establishment, Street Lighting, Neon Signs, Hoardings etc. The industry and Commercial establishments recover the Energy Component from the consumer in the form of the Final Product Cost.

We see no reason that Energy Guzzlers like Government Departments, Hospitals (both Govt. and Private), Private Schools, Corporate Offices, Malls, Banquets, Farm Houses etc. be allowed to burden the Domestic Consumer by way of eating up the Cheap Power Quota Available from NTPC, SEBs etc.

Delink Power consumed by Domestic consumers and let Power Guzzlers buy power from open Market, right now there is no incentive for them to conserve energy as they recover their life style from the cost of their Product or Service.

These are preliminary submissions, I request you to give me an opportunity to elaborate in person before a final decision is taken.
Warm Regards,

Rajiv Kakria
Member GK-I, RWA

Monday, July 10, 2017

WaterLogging issue raised on Red Fm 63.5 alongwith RJ Raunac - Day 1

Though i am a regular on various TV channels, Radio and FM was a new experience for me and i was really very excited on being with Red FM 63.5, Bajaate Raho. 

On the day 1, water logging issue was raised on Red FM 63.5 along with RJ Raunac. A nice person. He is one of the top ranking RJ of our country. He is also airing programmes on Zee TV.

We raised the issue of water logging in Delhi & tried to speak to various PWD persons. Later we spoke to MLA Adv S K Bagga who said there are just two PWD drains in his area and blamed MCD for all the dirt, no de - slitting and sanitation issues. 

Now Free treatment at Private hospitals


tk balu/anand vihar

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Now Free treatment at Private hospitals *

Delhi Government has tied up with 41 private hospitals of Delhi for the Surgeries of Patients to be referred by the Govt Hospitals of Delhi. Normally if one visits a Govt Hospital, he has to wait for months for his turn & he is forced to visit a Private hospital and pay the huge amounts for the treatment. Now onward, if a Govt hospital gives a date, (as understood, hope no conditions attached ), of more than one month period, the patient can visit some of the designated private hospitals for the treatment. 52 types of   surgeries including the Heart By pass as well as Breast cancer have been included in it.  Delhi Govt will reimburse these private hospitals at Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) rates for the complete treatment. Moreover, it will including pre-surgery consultation, surgery, medicines, food and hospital stay, and follow-ups for a month after discharge.
List of surgeries that can be done at private hospitals :
1. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Minimally invasive gall bladder removal
2. Thyroid surgery: Surgery performed to treat nodules and cancer of thyroid and hyperthyroidism
3. Haemorrhoidectomy: Surgery to remove haemorrhoids, swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus
4. Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy: Procedure to remove abnormally enlarged hemorrhoidal tissue and repositioning the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue back to its normal position
5. Haemorrhoidectomy + Fissurectomy: Surgery to remove haemorrhoids along with repair of a tear in the lining of the anus
6. Fissurectomy: Surgery to repair a tear in the lining of the anus
7. Fistula High End: Surgery to repair abnormal connection between organs above the anorectal ring, muscular structure between anus and rectum
8. Fistula Low End: Surgery to repair abnormal connection between organs below the anorectal ring, muscular structure between anus and rectum
9. Appendectomy (Laparoscopic): Surgery to remove the appendix
10. Excision of Pilonidal Sinus With Flap Cover: Surgery to remove an abnormal skin growth at the tailbone that contains hair and skin and covering the area with a skin flap
11. Excision of Pilonidal Sinus with Primary Closure: Surgery to remove an abnormal skin growth at the tailbone that contains hair and skin and suturing the wound
12. Thyroidectomy (Total/Subtotal): Surgery to remove part or all of the thyroid gland
13. Breast Lumpectomy: Surgery to remove cancerous lumps from the breast
14. Cataract with IOL with Tension Rings: Cataract removal surgery
15. Mastoidectomy: Surgery to remove diseased cells of mastoid bone in inner ear
16. Tonsillectomy: Surgery to remove tonsils
17. Tympanoplasty: Surgery to repair eardrum
18. Septoplasty: Surgery to correct deviated septum, the cartilage diving the two nostrils
19. Nasal Polyps/Sinusitis (Fess) – Unilateral: Surgery to remove non-cancerous growth within the nose
20. Nasal Polyps/Sinusitis (Fess) – Bilateral: Surgery to remove non-cancerous growth inside the nose
21. Cortical Mastoidectomy with Myringoplasty: Surgery to remove mastoid cells without affecting the middle ear along with closure of perforation in eardrums
22. Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage: Surgery to drain pus near the tonsils
23. Septoplasty + Turbinoplasty/Conchaplasty: Surgery to correct deviated septum along with reduction of turbinate bone that protrudes into the breathing passage
24. Myringotomy with Grommet Insertion: Surgery to insert a small tube in the eardrum to drain a thick sticky fluid from behind the eardrum
25. CABG: Heart bypass
26. PCNL – Unilateral: Minimally-invasive procedure to remove stones from the kidney by a small puncture wound through the skin
27. PCNL – Bilateral: Minimally-invasive procedure to remove stones from the kidney by a small puncture wound through the skin
28. Cystoscopy (therapeutic): A scope inserted through the urethra and into the bladder to check its insides
29. Prostate (TURP): Surgery used to treat urinary problems due to an enlarged prostate
30. Kidney stone removal

This can be called a Historic decision of the Delhi Govt as on the one hand, patients will get the Free Treatment, on the other hand, private hospitals won't be able to LOOT the patients as they will be paid at the fixed charges as approved by the CGHS. Hope that no preconditions are attached to the entire process. 

List of 41 Private hospitals is as below :

  • Delhi Heart and Lung Institute, Panchkuian Road

  • Jeewan Nursing Home and Hospital, Pusa Road

  • Jeewan Mala Hospital, New Rohtak Road

  • Dr BL Kapur Memorial Hospital, Pusa Road

  • Tirath Ram Shah Charitable Hospital, Rajpur Road

  • Metro Hospital and Cancer Institute, Preet Vihar

  • Jeevan Anmol Hospital, Mayur Vuhar Phase I

  • Dharamashila Hospital and Research Centre, Vasundhara Enclave

  • Goyal Hospital and Urology Centre, Krishna Nagar

  • Deepak Memorial Hospital, Vikas MArg Ext II

  • Khandelwal Hospital and Urology Centre, East Krishna Nagar

  • Jain Hospital, Jagriti Enclave

  • Primus Superspeciality Hospital, Chanakya Puri

  • Indian Spinal Injury Centre, Vasant Kunj

  • Saroj Hospital and Heart Institute, Rohini

  • Bhagwati Hospital, Rohini

  • Max Superspeciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh

  • Batra Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Tughlakabad Instt Area

  • Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, Okhla

  • National Heart Institute, East of Kailash

  • Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, Lajpat Nagar IV

  • Bansal Hospital, New Friends Colony

  • Visitech Eye Care, South Extn Part II

  • Dr Pattnaik’s Laser eye Institue, Lajpat Nagar III

  • Shroff Eye Centre, Kailash Colony

  • Rockland Hospital, Qutub Instt Area

  • Venu Eye Institute and Research Institute, Sheikh Sarai, Institutional Area Ph II

  • Max Smart Superspeciality Hospital, Saket

  • Max Multispeciality Centre, Panchsheel Park

  • Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Punjabi Bagh

  • Mata Channan Devi Hospital, Janak Puri

  • Park Hospital, Chowkhandi

  • Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Pashchim Vihar

  • Action Cancer Hospital, Paschim Vihar

  • MGS Hospital, Punjabi Bagh

  • Dr Kapur’s The Healing Touch Eye Centre, Vikas Puri

  • RLKC Hospital Metro Heart Institute, Shadipur Depot

  • Bharti Eye Foundation, 1/3 East Patel Nagar

  • Panchasheel Hospital, Yamuna Vihar

  • PC Stone, East of Kailash

In our opinion, Delhi Govt must enhance its own resources in such a way that all kind of surgeries could be done in the Govt Hospitals itself so that nothing is to be paid to the Private hospitals, resulting into no burden on the general public. 
They can also hire the OT's & other facilities of the Private hospitals, for surgeries by the Doctors of the Govt hospitals, to save the costs.


B S Vohra

Social Activist 

Plz check the official list of Hospitals & Surgeries covered from the Delhi Govt Hospitals. We have compiled the Details from various sources.

Now Online RTI - But will it impact those, who have to answer ?

With thanks : Dainik Bhasker, Delhi Edition

Friday, July 7, 2017

RWAs - you can contact your MLAs for CCTV in your area !

RWAs : contact your MLA immediately and lodge your requirement at the earliest. The Tendering will start from 10th October. It will be a good step and for the benefit of everyone.

With thanks : Dainik Jagran : LINK : not available as got the clip on whatsapp.

Water Logging - RWAs demand Inflatable boats for Low Lying Areas

Our letter has been forwarded by OSD CM to the Ministry of Home, Delhi Government. Let's see what happens, though we don't expect anything from our leaders. 

I was asked by one of my friend, that, Is it Sarcasm or we were serious? My answer was, it was both Sarcasm as well seriousness. On the one hand we wanted to give a clear message to the authorities, on the other hand, it may be helpful for those, in the Low lying areas.