Friday, June 21, 2013

RWAs of Delhi : Please contribute for the people in Uttranchal

Mobile phone facts ! विचित्र किन्तु सत्य ?

मोबाइल से जुडी कई ऐसी बातें जिनके बारे में हमें जानकारी नहीं होती लेकिन मुसीबत के बक्त यह मददगार साबित होती है ।

इमरजेंसी नंबर -दुनिया भर में मोबाइल का इमरजेंसी नंबर 112 है । अगर आप मोबाइल की कवरेज एरिया से बाहर हैं तो 112 नंबर द्वारा आप उस क्षेत्र के नेटवर्क को सर्च कर लें . ख़ास बात यह हैकि यह नंबर तब भी काम करता है जब आपका कीपैड लौक हो !

जान अभी बाकी है-मोबाइल जब बैटरी लो दिखाए और उस दौरान जरूरी कॉल करनी हो , ऐसे में आप *3370# डायल करें , आपका मोबाइल फिर से चालू हो जायेगा और आपका सेलफोन बैटरी में 50 प्रतिशत का इजाफा दिखायेगा ! मोबाइल का यह रिजर्व दोबारा चार्ज हो जायेगा जब आप अगली बार मोबाइल को हमेशा की तरह चार्ज करेंगे !

मोबाइल चोरी होने पर-मोबाइल फोन चोरी होने की स्थिति में सबसे पहले जरूरत होती है , फोन को निष्क्रिय करने की ताकि चोर उसका दुरुपयोग न कर सके । अपनेफोन के सीरियल नंबर को चेक करने के लिए *#06# दबाएँ . इसे दबाते हीं आपकी स्क्रीन पर 15 डिजिट का कोड नंबर आयेगा . इसे नोट कर लें और किसी सुरक्षित स्थान पर रखें . जब आपका फोन खो जाए उस दौरान अपने सर्विस प्रोवाइडर को ये कोड देंगे तो वह आपके हैण्ड सेट को ब्लोक कर देगा !

कार की चाभी खोने पर -अगर आपकी कार की रिमोट केलेस इंट्री है और गलती से आपकी चाभी कार में बंद रह गयी है और दूसरी चाभी घर पर है तो आपका मोबाइल काम आ सकता है ! घर में किसी व्यक्ति के मोबाइल फोन पर कॉल करें ! घर में बैठे व्यक्ति से कहें कि वह अपने मोबाइल को होल्ड रखकर कार की चाभी के पास ले जाएँ और चाभी के अनलॉक बटन को दबाये साथ ही आप अपने मोबाइल फोन को कार के दरवाजे केपास रखें , दरवाजा खुल जायेगा ! है न विचित्र किन्तु सत्य ?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Water logging in Delhi : Hindustan Times

Malviya nagar traffic problems .....

im a resident of malviya nagar nd faced a problem of traffic because of encronchment by some some venders like fruitwala, rehriwala and auto rikshwala. traffic problem faced by residents of market. kindly see the matter and resolved it. 

thnx nd regard. 
Sumit Mukherjee
Rwa malviya nagar.

Mail us pics of your events for uploading

RWAs / Senior Citizen Associations / Women Associations / Market Associations,  may mail us Pics / Detailed report of various events / programmes, organised, for uploading on this RWABhagidari blog. Our only aim is to promote peoples participation in various social issues.

Thanks & Regards

B S Vohra

Must view : Shocking vid from Gobind Ghat in Uttrakhand

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seminar of awareness among the Senior citizens against the abuse to elders

Help Age India Fighting isolation, poverty, neglect conducted a seminar of awareness among the Senior citizens against the abuse to elders.  Eminent speakers were kind enough in placing their views for the benefit of the elderly persons.  Confederation of Senior Citizens along with affiliated senior Citizens associations participated and took the advantage of the view expressed by the speakers i.e. Justice Leila Seth, Rajiv Mehrotra (MD RITES) and Mr Kurien of the Help age India .

Forwarded for information of all concerned.

Raj Kumar Nanda

Thursday, June 13, 2013

General body meeting of Delhi Senior Citizens' Welfare Association,

New Delhi,  Delhi Senior Citizens’ Association (Regd) held its 1st General Body meeting on 8th June 2013 at the India International Centre, New Delhi.  The Chief Guest on the occasion was Prof. Kiran Walia, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Social Welfare, Child and Women Development & Languages.  The Guest of Honour was the renowned Cardiologist  Padamshri Dr. K. K. Agarwal, Senior Consultant Physician, Head Cardiology and Dean of the Board of Medical Education, Moolchand Medicity.

The welfare of the Senior Citizens has become a priority area of concern – both for the government and the Civil Society Organizations such as the RWAs and Registered Senior Citizens’ Associations across Delhi NCR. At present, the population of Senior Citizens in Delhi is estimated at around 2 million, about 1.8% of their total population in the country. 

The Civil Society Organizations work hand in hand with the Government machinery, to continuously uplift the living conditions of the senior citizens – even done on a case to case basis.  At present, around 83 Recreation Centres are being run by the Civil Society Organizations in different areas of Delhi. Prof. Kiran Walia informed that the Social Welfare department of the Delhi government provides these recreational centres with a one time grant of Rs. 75,000/- to cover the basic necessities; in addition a monthly grant of Rs. 20,000/- is also being provided for the operational expenses. 

Prof. Walia further informed that in order to bring dignity to old age, the Senior Citizens shall also be introduced to various schemes and plans which will help them to re-establish themselves and contribute to the society.  She added that her government is gravely concerned about the security of the senior citizens and with the help of the civil Society Organizations a check on the whereabouts, emotional and physical well being of the elderly are being monitored.

Padmashri Dr. Agarwal opined that age is just a number and there are various ways and means by which  senior citizen could help themselves during a crisis of cardiac arrest. He shared and demonstrated some easy to do steps that can be employed during crisis.

On behalf of the office bearers of the Association, Mr. S. S. Rudra, General Secretary shared the activities since inception and some plans for future, the notable ones being a discount of 20 to 30% to the senior citizens affiliated as member of the Association.  These discounts could be availed on the basis of the Photo ID card which are currently under process.

To provide entertainment to the elders, Library – cum - recreational centre in Safdarjung Enclave Club provides facilities such as indoor games, a reading room, skype service to connect to the loved ones in India and abroad, observed Mr. K. K. Kapila, Patron-in-Chief of the Association.  He further added that as a special service, pick up support for those senior citizens who are from the BPL strata or infirm, is being provided since past 1 year.  Model Recreational centres are also being aimed at in prominent places of worship where the Senior Citizens spend considerable time.  Mr. Kapila further elaborated that, “we have also tied up with nearby private hospital to provide discounted services and free ambulance service.  Free tea/coffee and snacks are also provided to the members.  Our main aim is to ensure provide user friendly services as per needs of the senior citizens.

The Delhi Senior Citizens’ Association was set up in April 2012. It had a humble beginning and today membership has grown to over 1000 across Delhi.  The Association is supported by Mr. K. K. Kapila, Patron-in-Chief and Patron Maj. Gen. R.K.Khanna and Mr. Jagdish Dhingra.  The President of the Association is Mr. O. N. Sharma, the Vice President is Shri S.L.Watwani and the General Secretary is Mr. S. S. Rudra.