Dear Mr. Vohra ji,
We have been hearing that MCD is starved of finance and hence they are unable to undertake execution of all important pending projects. Here are a few suggestions for consideration for enhancing the finances of the MCD and make them to clear all pending works in a systematic and programmed manner to make Delhites happy and grateful to MCD!
1. It is noted that only 40 to 50% persons are paying property tax while the rest are not taxed. This should be tapped and strenuous and consistent efforts should be made on an 'operational' basis to net more revenue.
2. When the property value is soaring up in Delhi beyond imagination, people demand reduction in property tax! Is it not paradoxical? Why not an annual increase of 1 or 2% of the tax paid in the previous year so that people are aware in advance that they have to pay more in the following years. Are not prices of all articles soaring up, pension being increased, milk and petrol prices being increased periodically and water charges are being increased silently without anybody's knowledge by various means i.e. sewer and service charges etc.!
3. Hoardings in public places and inside the various colonies could also net some revenue, if the check is made periodically and properly.
4. Why worship places who amass wealth do not pay any tax, including property tax while occupying 'unauthorized' parks etc. where worship places come up overnight touching the hearts of everyone.
5. We have to park vehicles on MCD land inside the colony, why the MCD do not charge those who park their cars on an annual or periodical basis, based on space occupied.
6. Rental value of various accommodation let out by residents is going up but there is no proportionate increase in the amount of property tax being paid.
7. The MCD could arrange to collect the property tax from all recognized colonies by holding camps etc. say within 3 months from the commencement of financial year i.e. 30th June with no further relaxation on dates, so that the MCD could earn astronomical amount on 'bank interest' etc.
2. When the property value is soaring up in Delhi beyond imagination, people demand reduction in property tax! Is it not paradoxical? Why not an annual increase of 1 or 2% of the tax paid in the previous year so that people are aware in advance that they have to pay more in the following years. Are not prices of all articles soaring up, pension being increased, milk and petrol prices being increased periodically and water charges are being increased silently without anybody's knowledge by various means i.e. sewer and service charges etc.!
3. Hoardings in public places and inside the various colonies could also net some revenue, if the check is made periodically and properly.
4. Why worship places who amass wealth do not pay any tax, including property tax while occupying 'unauthorized' parks etc. where worship places come up overnight touching the hearts of everyone.
5. We have to park vehicles on MCD land inside the colony, why the MCD do not charge those who park their cars on an annual or periodical basis, based on space occupied.
6. Rental value of various accommodation let out by residents is going up but there is no proportionate increase in the amount of property tax being paid.
7. The MCD could arrange to collect the property tax from all recognized colonies by holding camps etc. say within 3 months from the commencement of financial year i.e. 30th June with no further relaxation on dates, so that the MCD could earn astronomical amount on 'bank interest' etc.
The above are some stray thoughts but could be many more!The above may be thought-provoking and may be criticized also by many, but let us touch our heart and do some justice, so that the MCD could concentrate and improve the roads, service lanes and other facilities required to be provided by them like cleanliness of the colonies etc. When there is an all round increase in every aspect, is it justified for seeking reduction in property tax instead giving valuable ideas and suggestions to improve the finances of the MCD! Our expectations from civic agencies are very high and always critical but when it comes to payment to them, we grudge.
TK Balu
Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar