Dear Mr. Vohra ji,
I had been out of station for about a week. No sooner on my arrival I went through your number of mails. Noted the contents. You are no doubt doing an yeoman service to RWAs etc. and we find them very useful.
My long standing wish of meeting all RWAs in batches, colony-wise, hear their outstanding issues to be resolved, collate all of them and present them to the authorities concerned, department-wise, when we meet the officials concerned at a pre-arranged meeting, which need not be attended to by all representatives of RWAs, but only a selected representatives, without fear or favour, based on their response within a fixed time-limit, which you may fix.
The RWAs may be informed to send their grievances, all of general in nature, department-wise, either through e-mail or in a printed form (in duplicate) to your address by speed post. We could then call them one by one on a fixed time and date to interact, understand and assimilate their problems and prepare a memoranda, concise but comprehensive, topic-wise and department-wise, for presentation to the officials concerned at the highest level, with a target time fixed by mutual consent, for resolving the problems. This way we could achieve many things, which will no doubt, I am quite sanguine, will further enhance the East Front status and standing and RWAs will appreciate the sterling and pivotal role being played!!
Hope I will get a response to this outstanding and longstanding request at the earliest.
With best regards and wishes and blessings,
TK Balu
Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar
comments :
Mr.Balu is very correct. Some problems are common to all. All of want provision of CCTV CAMERAS IN BUSY MARKETS, Know fate of murder or robbery cases thana wise, say how many solved and how otheres are progressing. No system of getting complaints about high mast lighting attended in parks or commercial complexes. Since our blog is recognised all over DELHI, authorities will find difficult to ignore what we say.
kk ghei