People’s Action
Campaign Office: 24, Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar-III, New Delhi-110 024
Tel: 91-11-29833118 Fax: 91-11-29831976
Gurgaon: C-1927, Sushant Lok-1, Gurgaon 122 002 Tel: 95124-4046905
Rules & Regulations governing the formation and operation of the
Resident Ward Committee [RWC].
- The Resident Ward Committee [RWC] will be set up to reflect the spirit of the 74th Amendment of the Constitution of India in the context of local self government and devolution of powers.
- The RWC will embody tenets of empowerment of local bodies, inducing transparency enhancing efficiency in the functioning of the Municipality.
- The RWC will act as a consultative committee and work in cooperation with the local elected Councillor for the development of the Ward as a whole in the spirit of public participation.
- The RWC will be constituted by nomination of one member each from each Registered RWA within the ward.
- There will be no limit to number of RWAs so represented as long as they are registered for the formation of the RWC.
- There will be a limit of only one nominated person from each RWA.
- Only RWAs that have been registered or in operation for at least two years are eligible,
- Nominated member will be selected after a resolution nominating the said member to represent the RWA on the RWC.
- The tenure of the Nominated member will be for one year ending each year on March 31st until a new member or a re-nomination is enacted by the RWA through a similar process. Two consecutive terms will not be permitted.
- The RWC will be registered with the MCD as the official consultative group from the ward and will receive a Registration Number reflecting its official status from the Mayor’s office.
- The RWC will meet at least once every month on any date designated by agreement and directed by Convenor of the RWC
- The Councillor will be the Chairman of the Committee.
- The Committee will select a Convenor by consensus.
- The Convenor will schedule meetings, draw up agenda, maintain minutes and exercise conduct of the meetings. The minutes recorded shall go to the Mayor’s Secretariat, Chairman Standing Committee of the ward and the Zonal Deputy Commissioner for action.
- The expenses of all such meetings will be borne by the Councillor through his/her office and expended through the Convenor or any such person that the Convenor authorizes.
- Refreshments costs of the meeting will not exceed Rs. 20 per member of the RWC.
- The meeting will be held at any convenient location within the ward where all members of the RWC can sit in a roundtable format only. [No other seating arrangement is permissible]
- No other person apart from authorised members of the RWC may attend the meeting. The Councillor will be allowed one secretarial aide/support staff. Any decisions that need to be communicated to the media may be done only after the meeting at a press briefing.
- Junior Engineer (maintenance) / Sanitary Inspector may be nominated as nodal representatives of the ward by MCD. They may be present in the meetings.
- The Chairman/Councillor will act on recommendations made by the RWC and an assessment of accomplished targets will be taken at every subsequent meeting and either carried over or deleted from subsequent agenda points.
- RWC will deal with ‘collective objectives’ of the ward on priority. Specific issues of RWAs will only be taken on record at RWC meetings, for individual resolutions outside of the purview of the RWC and done in normal course.
- The RWC will end its official tenure after one year each year on March 31st
- The end of the tenure of each RWC will be marked with an AGM where members of all RWAs will be invited to attend a public meeting.
- At the AGM the Councillor/Convenor will read out the Annual Report of actions performed, initiatives taken targets met or unmet or rolled over.
- The Mayor’s Office will monitor the performance of the RWC based on frequency of filed agenda minutes, number of meetings, presence of Councillor in meetings, jobs allocated, targets met and AGM’s held and informal as well as formal feedback.
- RWCs will be evaluated by a panel of eminent persons for best performance by a local body and awards at an annual gathering will be given to deserving RWCs every year.