Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit launched `Sewa Privilege Card' for senior citizens of Delhi here this weekend. The launch of the card is part of a holistic care programme for senior citizens of Delhi that has been devised by Sharp Sight Medfort in association with Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi. More than 1,500 senior citizens were presented the Sewa Card on the occasion.
"Among the elderly, the focus should not only be on reducing disease-related morbidity and mortality, but also on promoting optimal health and ensuring disability free years. Today we need more such initiatives that focus on overall health of the senior citizens and provide holistic care. Also, the idea of introducing the card for the senior citizens is first-of-its-kind activity which will ensure that eye care needs of the elderly are looked after properly," said Ms. Dikshit.
with thanks : The Hindu : link above for detailed news.