Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ground Floor Space Gone

The parking place norms as specified by the civic agencies for properties in plotted residential areas with its emphasis on car park space being provided within the house compound is a blessing for some but an unpleasant necessity for others. With many feeling it ought to be revised.

According to the Delhi Master Plan 2021, while the smaller plots in residential colonies need not have parking space for a car within the compound, it is mandatory for all plots of 250 sq mt and above to have parking space in the yard.
The mandatory provision for parking space seems like a great idea as it will provide for marked parking for a building's residents and also allow for less congestion on the streets adjoining the properties.

Those going in for a new construction are, however, not very happy because they feel that providing for the mandatory parking space at the ground level will leave them with relatively less space for construction. The ground floor is generally considered prime space in a house. To leave a large part of it vacant for parking is thought by many as a complete waste of this prime space.

As per the Municipal Corporation of Delhi ( MCD ) guidelines for sanctioning building plans in plots between 250 sq mt to 300 sq mt, two equivalent car spaces ( ECS ) have to provided at the ground level. In plots that exceed 300 sq mt one ECS for every 100 sq mt of builtup area has to be provided.

(In residential properties built on plot size less than 250 sq mt along notified roads and commercial streets provision of parking space rules differ and have not been detailed above.) The writer is a senior columnist.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Over 250,000 left homeless due to C'wealth Games

Even as the nation applauds India's winning spree at the Commonwealth Games being held in the Capital, a study by Housing and Land Rights Network says that human rights violations of the city's working poor, including the homeless, beggars, street vendors, and construction workers in the name of the Games cannot be forgotten.

According to the Network, forced eviction and demolition of thousands of Delhi residents' homes took place for reasons like constructing stadiums, building parking lots, widening roads, city "beautification", and clearing of streets on grounds of "security".

The study focused on forced evictions carried out in Delhi because of the Games and found that at least 250,000 people in the city lost their homes as a direct result of the Games since 2004. Preliminary findings of the ongoing study suggest that the due process for demolition of homes in various parts of the city was not followed, in addition to police presence and use of force, injury and adverse health effects, loss and destruction of possessions, adverse effects on children, death, loss of livelihood and income and no compensation or resettlement offered to the evictees.

The study revealed that many of these evictions were carried out in extreme weather or at night, like the one at Bengali Camp in January 2009 during the winter festival Lohri. Several children were forced to drop out of school or lose a year because the demolitions happened immediately before or during examination time. Two homeless persons died at Pusa Road roundabout when their night shelters were demolished in December 2009.

with thanks : The Hindu : link in headline above for detailed news.

Winners !

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Patriotic movie !

Dear friend,
We appreciate the remarks of S. Milkha Singh!
Re. screening of patriotic film, we welcome it and congratulate and compliment the sponsors who has brought out this film. This will inspire the younger generation and create the 'patriotic spirit', which is very much needed in the present scenario! We would like to screen it in our Society's colony - Anand Vihar - on a date and time mutually convenient.

May contact

TK Balu,
RBECHS/Anand Vihar.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Games Village better than in Olympics: Milkha Singh

NEW DELHI: The Common Wealth Games Village might have come in for a lot of criticism for being 'filthy and unlivable', but legendary Milkha singh said it's the best he had ever seen.

"I would proudly say the facilities the organisers have provided at the athletes' Village for Delhi 2010 are something that I haven't seen even in Olympics," the 'Flying Sikh' said.

"I had heard so many things about the Games village, so much negative publicity -- snakes, dogs, dirty sheets, broken tiles, etc. I don't mince my words and I am not scared of anyone. I would proudly say that these are exceptional facilities," the 81-year-old said.

With thanks : times of India : link in headline above for detailed news.

Screening of a Patriotic / Historical feature film in your area.

President / Gen Secretary

Sub:-Screening of a Patriotic/Historical feature film “YE MOTHERS HEY MAA..”  based on the lives of  two  School going girls Shanti Ghosh & Suniti Chaudhary of Bengal sacrifice their lives for the cause of Country’s freedom on 14 December 1931,  in your Sector/caloney/appartments.

 Respected Sir/Madam

 Respectfully, it is stated that we have produced a film based on the heroic feats of two teenaged school going girls  Shanti Ghosh & Suniti Chaudhary who has killed the despotic and cruel District Collector CGB Steven in the broad daylight at his bungalow on 14thDecember 1931 in reaction to took the revenge of three Martyrs Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev death. Their juvenile offence (both of them were thirteen and student of 8th class at that time) spared them of capital punishment and after serving the awarded term in Alipore Jail, Kolkatta, they resumed their studies and Shanti Ghosh served as  MLA  from Kolkatta Assembly continuously 16 years (from 1952 to 1968), and Suniti Chaudhary became an MBBS doctor. Film set in 1931 during Indian Independence Struggle.

The film is true account of these two female student freedom fighters of India. It is living tribute to those brave women who have gone unnoticed and unsung. The film depicts the patriotic fervor of the Indian people during the British regime.

In view of the above we wish to screen this film in your area. 

Thanking you
Yours truly,

For Siddharth Motion Pictures

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

preeT vihar a block RWA shows the way...CCTV CAMERAS

Much has been written on this blog and at other places regarding immediate need of security up gradation in colonies and TRAFFIC SIGNALS.
But sadly, even a road like vikas marg starting from the foot of POLICE COMMISSIONER office and serpenting between, laxmi nagar, shakar pur, Nirman vihar etc etc has not been blessed with CCTV CAMERAS.
Besides security,nabbing of terrorists, corrupt police personnel such a step would ensure disciplining road users.
RWA PREET VIHAR deserves three cheers for becoming pioneer in implementing this scheme.
Main gate in A block has been brought under close monitoring system.
This will help in checking security guards besides ultimately running cost reduction.
We could consider such systems in our areas.
I am organizing MC MEETING OF MADHUVAN RWA ON 17th October and besides getting resolution to join EDRWASJF passed, we will discuss our security issue.

Senior vice president

Circle rates revised by Delhi Government

Delhi cabinet has revised the circle rates of property. Please lets know its impact on Delhites.   

The previous circle rates based on the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) categorisation were Rs.43,000 per sq metre for Category A, Rs.34,100 for Category B, Rs.27,300 for Category C, Rs.21,800 for Category D, Rs.18,400 for Category E, Rs.16,100 for Category F, Rs.13,700 for Category G and Rs.6,900 for Category H.

Now, Category A will be priced at Rs.86,000 per sq metre while the lowest - Category H - will have a fixed price of Rs.13,800.

CWG : Hockey match India Pakistan

East Delhi RWAs Joint Front : Final list of Office Bearers

The Final list of the office bearers of the "East Delhi RWAs Joint Front" will be announced soon. The members who have not yet submitted the resolution of the respective RWA are hereby requested to do so by the coming sunday i.e. 17.10.2010.

With best regards

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front

Saturday, October 9, 2010

हाइराइज़ बिल्डिंगों का शहर बनेगा नोएडा

आपके पास अगर नोएडा में रेजिडेंशल के अलावा इंडस्ट्रियल, कमर्शल, इंस्टिट्यूशनल प्लॉट हैं और अब इसमें  आप बिल्डिंग बनाने की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, तो जरा ठहर जाइए। अब आपको नोएडा अथॉरिटी ने अपने बिल्डिंग रेग्युलेशन में इतनी रियायतें दी हैं कि आप खुश हो जाएंगे।
अभी तक शहर में किसी भी इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया में 15 मीटर से ज्यादा ऊंची बिल्डिंगें नहीं बन सकती थीं। नए प्रावधान में इंडस्ट्रियल कैटिगरी में हर साइज के आधार पर बिल्डिंग की ऊंचाई, एफएआर और ग्राउंड कवरेज में बदलाव किए गए हैं। इन्हें अथॉरिटी ने बोर्ड में पारित कर शासन के पास मंजूरी के लिए भेजा है। जैसे ही शासन से इसका नोटिफिकेशन होगा इन्हें शहर में लागू कर दिया जाएगा। 

एनबीटी ने अपने पाठकों के लिए नोएडा अथॉरिटी के नए प्रावधानों की स्टडी कर इन्हें पेश किया है। इसमें खासतौर पर इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया की तस्वीर अलग से नजर आएगी। पुराने सेक्टरों के बारे में तो इस बिल्डिंग रेग्युलेशन में कोई प्रावधान है या नहीं यह साफ नहीं है, लेकिन नए सेक्टरों में जो भी बिल्डिंगें बनेंगी, वे इस नए प्लान के अनुसार तैयार होती नजर आएंगी।
इंडस्ट्रियल बिल्डिंगों की बढ़ सकेगी ऊंचाई
शहर के किसी भी इंडस्ट्रियल सेक्टर में अभी तक 15 मीटर से ज्यादा ऊंची इंडस्ट्री की बिल्डिंग नहीं बना सकते थे। अब एक हजार वर्गमीटर तक के साइज वाले प्लॉट में यह लिमिट बढ़ाकर 18 मीटर कर दी गई है। इसी तरह एक हजार से 12 हजार वर्गमीटर तक साइज वाले प्लॉट पर 24 मीटर तक ऊंची बिल्डिंग बनाई जा सकती है। 12 हजार वर्गमीटर से ज्यादा एरिया वाले प्लॉट पर बिल्डिंग की हाइट लिमिट खत्म कर दी गई है। इसके लिए एफएआर एक और अधिकतम ग्राउंड कवरेज 55 पर्सेंट कर दिया गया है।
शॉपिंग सेंटर और सेक्टर शॉपिंग भी 24 मीटर ऊंची
नए बिल्डिंग रेग्युलेशन में शॉपिंग सेंटर और सेक्टर शॉपिंग कॉम्प्लैक्स की बिल्डिंग मल्टीस्टोरी हो सकती है। अभी तक के नियम के अनुसार नोएडा शहर में शॉपिंग सेंटर और सेक्टर शॉपिंग कॉम्प्लैक्स की अधिकतम ऊंचाई 15 मीटर तक थी। यहां एफएआर 0.80 था। यह बढ़ाकर दो कर दिया गया है। यहां इनकी ऊंचाई 24 मीटर करने का प्रावधान कर दिया गया है। मास्टरप्लान रोड और एक्सप्रेस - वे के किनारे पड़ने वाले कमर्शल कॉम्प्लेक्सों में भी बिल्डिंग की ऊंचाई की लिमिट खत्म कर दी गई है। यहां पहले ग्राउंड कवरेज 25 था , जिसे बढ़ाकर 30 पर्सेंट कर दिया गया है।
कॉलेज , स्कूल और हॉस्पिटल बनाने पर भी राहत
नोएडा बोर्ड ने पारित प्रस्ताव में इंजीनियरिंग और मैनेजमेंट कॉलेज बिल्डिंग के ग्राउंड कवरेज को 30 से बढ़ाकर 35 पर्सेंट कर दिया है। इनकी बिल्डिंग बनाने के लिए फ्लोर लिमिट 15 मीटर थी। इसे नो लिमिट कर दिया गया है। इसके अलावा सीनियर सेकंडरी स्कूल में भी अब बिल्डिंग 15 मीटर को 24 मीटर ऊंची बना सकते हैं। नर्सरी स्कूलों को बिल्डिंग बनाने पर 30 पर्सेंट की बजाय 40 पर्सेंट ग्राउंड कवरेज , एफएआर 1.2 की जगह 1.5 कर दी गई है। धार्मिक स्थलों की ऊंचाई भी 15 मीटर से बढ़ाकर अनलिमिटेड कर दी गई है। यहां एफएआर 0.60 से 1.20 कर दी गई है। हॉस्पिटल की बिल्डिंग बनाते समय ग्राउंड कवरेज 35 की बजाय 40 पर्सेंट , एफएआर 1.75 की बजाय दो कर दिया गया है। इसके बाद हॉस्पिटल में भी बिल्डिंग की स्टोरी अनलिमिटेड हो जाएगी।
पुलिस स्टेशन और बरात घर होंगे अब 24 मीटर ऊंचे
अथॉरिटी ने नई बिल्डिंग रेग्युलेशन में कम्यूनिटी सेंटर , क्लब बिल्डिंग , बरात घर , जिम , स्पा , हेल्थ क्लब , फायर स्टेशन , पुलिस स्टेशन , पोस्ट ऑफिस और लाइब्रेरी की एफएआर को 0.85 से बढ़ाकर 1.50 करने , अधिकतम ऊंचाई 15 मीटर की बजाय 24 मीटर तक करने का प्रावधान कर दिया है।
लॉज , गेस्ट हाउस और हॉस्टल की हाइट भी होगी अनलिमिटेड
अथॉरिटी की बिल्डिंग रेग्युलेशन में अभी तक धर्मशाला , लॉज , गेस्ट हाउस और हॉस्टल का ग्राउंड कवरेज 30 और एफएआर 1.3 था। अधिकतम ऊंची बिल्डिंग सिर्फ 15 मीटर ऊंची ही हो सकती थी। नए प्रावधान में एफएआर को बढ़ाकर 2.5 किया गया है। इसके साथ ही बिल्डिंग की ऊंचाई अनलिमिटेड होगी ।