

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

RWAs - Install A Happy Fridge, to feed the poor !

The Happy Fridge is a community fridge installed by responsible individuals or residential welfare associations to donate nutritious food to the needy. Happy Fridges are installed in the residential complexes, markets, RWAs, etc. and is able to serve 1,500 - 2,000 meals a month. This is an effective way to ensure that no one in our community ever sleeps hungry and food waste is also minimized.

There are always some food items in your home that go to waste every day. Similarly, in your locality, many families face the same issue of food wastage. Now we are giving you a better option. Just put those waste food items in the Community Fridge at your RWA office & ask those who may require it to pick any time to feed the hunger. In such a way, the waste food items of your home may become the required items for the poor. Just apply for a Free Community Fridge, for your RWA office now.

If selected, you may get: Free of cost fridge, Free of cost fridge service and repair, Food safety training to residents, pamphlets to spread awareness in society, Publicise activity on social media.

Citizens signing up for the Happy fridge should have Location, Electricity Point, Arrangement of Safe shelter and security.

You can apply for a Happy Fridge. Just a few remaining now. Mail us with your contact details & we will forward the same to the organizers. Please email to

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