

Monday, August 1, 2016

Study on Waste Management by TERI

Household responses to information, communication of actions of community, incentives on Solid waste management Actions: A case study of Delhi Households

Solid Waste Management is a priority area both for the Central Government under the Clean India program and Smart Cities Initiative, and also for the Delhi Government as a focus area approved by Delhi Dialogues Commission. The Municipal Solid Waste Handling Rules 2016, specify that the generator of the waste has to segregate waste before it is collected. The rules also specify that landfilling may be permitted only for non- usable, non- biodegradable, non-recyclable, non-combustible and non-reactive inert waste [Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016].

Delhi generates 8360 tons (approx.) of municipal solid waste (MSW) per day [DPCC website]. Keeping the current rules in mind, segregating waste at the source will not only improve the quality of work environment of the rag pickers [Sarkar, 2003] but also reduce emissions to air, soil and water and increase the quantities that can be recycled.

The objective of the study is to understand the factors that would induce households to segregate waste generated at source. Localities will be randomly selected to receive thefollowing treatments--

·         Information on dry and wet waste: The intervention entails provision of dustbins and brochures listing what exactly comprises of dry and wet waste, which will also be displayed on the notice boards of the localities receiving the treatment.
·         Communication of action of peers: Provision of information on the percentage of households segregating their waste.
·         Incentives (Only for localities that are randomly assigned to this intervention): Provision of incentive to the households segregating waste at source (to a maximum of Rs. 50 for one month per household).
Within the participating localities, households will be randomly selected to be a part of the study. The study will involve a baseline survey to ascertain the current waste disposal practices and follow up surveys (3 follow up surveys and one survey a month after the end of the study).

The study will inform the policy makers of the barriers and drivers at the ground level to implementing the Municipal Solid Waste Handling Rules, 2016.

The participating RWAs will also be acknowledged for their support and cooperation and also be invited to a workshop to disseminate the findings of the study which would also involve representatives of the State and Central Government, and MCD officials, which will highlight the issues faced by the RWAs to the Government agencies. 

Please mail to : 
in case you wish to participate in this study.

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