

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Atmospheric pollution in Delhi !

Not only loss of man hours but a great environmental dangerous atmospheric pollution occurs if a traffic signal is mismanaged or managed half heartedly.Sir there is no logic for the signal to become red if a large number of vehicle have yet to cross.Automatic signals are useful when there is not much rush.In time of rush it should be managed manually & judiously by the traffic personnel.If there is rush on one side he should turn the signal red only when all vehicles have crossed  whether it may take 2 minnutes or ten minutes because when vehicles start moving,many vehicles can cross the signal in less time due to the increase in speed gained over more time.According to me it is illogical to stop the vehicles who have gained sufficient speed or are coming at high speed just to allow the vehicles in other direction to cross.While waiting ,not much energy & fuel is lost then while driving at slow speed .When all vehicles have crossed on one side ,the vehicles waiting for other side may be allowed to cross till such time that all have crossed & so on till the rush on each side reduces to a reasonable number.
No norms have been fixed by traffic head quarter for maximum duration of  any signal.It has to be manipulated for maximum benefit to the public.I f any one has any question he may ask the control room of traffic help line at number 25844444 .One can also obtain the telephone number of the incharge traffic of the particular area.
I t is our duty for our own benefit to see that each traffic signal is being managed meticulously to reduce the rush at signals.It should be seen that almost all vehicles waiting at a side are able to cross easily  & completely when signal turns green.This will prevent undue tension in minds of drivers who are tense to cross the signal before it becomes red & try to overtake  & speed up making them vulnerable for accidents.
With best wishes for a tension & pollution free delhi


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