

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Independence Day

I & my family send greeting to you all on the 67th INDEPENDENCE DAY of our great NATION. We wish, must contribute what we can to make our country strong & capable to fight for its protection / safeguard etc specially when there are any crises of any sort. We need to protract our Nation’s freedom collectively at any cost.
We all believe that the future of this great Nation lies with the active participation of each one of us and encourage/educate others who are not so active.
We all act and discuss with our politicians to think for the country and rest afterword. Administrator at senior at high status must perform exemplary to run the government judicially in the interest of public.
I take liberty to add that CORRUPTION is a dangerous parasite, can damage the complete structure. Have self control & expose the effected person to save whatever others have build the strong building since long.
Maj Mehar Sood Rtd

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