

Thursday, May 16, 2013

RWAs oppose this adhoc style of DERC on Public hearings !

How the DERC can have a Public Hearing without any public notice & without any message / invitation / notice to stakeholders ? We have almost confirmed reports from our sources that A Public Hearing is being held tomorrow at 11 am for the commercial sector. Who will attend this public hearing ? What points will be discussed in the absence of MTAs & RWAs ? Strange behaviour from the side of Govt which seems the brain behind the DERC.

B S Vohra

Strongly disaprove as it is against Transparency and Norms.... It is the right of various stakeholders to listen to each others view points. Indeed DERC does not want the stakeholders to meet and be always divided. RWAs protest this Adhoc style of DERCs functioning.

Rajiv Kakria

DERC का मनमानी का एक और उदाहरण कल दिलली की जनता को देखने मे मिलेगा जब कल DERC दिलली के बिजली के रेटों पर बिना किसी public notice के जनसुनवाई की प्रकिया करेगी DERC आख़िर जनता से क्या छुपाना चाहती है ? क्या किसी आज दोपहर तक पता था कि कल कोई जनसुनवाई है ।

Saurabh Gandhi

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