

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mosquitos in storage tanks of AASTHA KUNJ

Respected Sir,

Mosquito is a most dangerous & troublesome problem if we see its collective effects on the majority of population.I tried to solve it since 1996.Till 1996 I used to see for breeding of mosquito only in desert coolers &over head tanks.IN 1996 sep-nov some 10,000 people of delhi suffered from dengue ,400 died & thousands received platelet transfusion.In nov 1996 when after the finish of dangerous  spell of dengue fever when the mosquito problem was still there though all desert coolers were dry I started to search the drains of the hospital in which I was posted &with in minutes I found a corner of drain with lacks of larvae of mosquitoes .I KILLED THEM ALL WITH DIESEL.But my search did not end here .I kept on searching more & more places & got good & surprising results.I discussed the problem with malaria dept ,public ,mcd senior officials DHOs MHOs, deputy commissioners.No one except workersa of malaria department had ever seen breeding in any other place then desert coolers or over headtanks.No one knew what the malaria workers are actually doing.I complained to malaria department about breeding in a drain in front of my house & went to my duty place .When I returned I found that no antilarval oil sprayed on the site of breeding in drain but my house was fogged.I shouted at them as to why no anti larval oil sprayed .One of the workers told a very surprising statement .Sir ,if there will be no mosquito ,what we will do?Picture became clear to me that it is waste of time to think of getting work done by the malaria workers.But since it breeds only in stagnant water & all larvae die if diesel is sprayed  & it takes 4 days for the larvae to become adult in water .So if every 4th day diesel is sprayed on all breeding sites ,no adult mosquito will come out of water  & adults mosquito will finish.And if there is no mosquito ,there can be no breeding even if there is stagnant water as it needs mosquito to lay eggs.

With this knowledge ,I am trying my best to show breeding to people with the aim to finish mosquito once for ever .For this awareness of public is necessary that mosquito can be eradicated if they just look some places which can hold water & if there is breeding in it ,to put diesel or get the water evacuated without depending on the workers of malaria department.

In this regard I examined the water storage tanks of AASTHA KUNJ  a big park developed by DDA Near kalkamandir & Bhaitemple.The large tank 20ftx40ft is having enormous breeding since December 2012.It is easily identifiable by just peeping in the tank.Millions or billions mosquitoes are breeding & flying t near by areas of Nehru place ,kalkaji ,santnagar east of kailash ,kailash hill etc.Idonot want that any body should be punished ,rather I wish that every person of DDA  should go & see the larvae so that they are aware that they have to look for breeding where ever they go.It is very easy to finish breeding by just evacuating the tank for one day in a month or put some two liters of diesel in it.

Now it is upto you as to what action your good self take but I request that I should be apprised of it

With due regards

Dr VK Aggarwal

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