

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hearing at Appellate tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) at 11 AM


Dear Friends,
Tomorrow on 21.12.2012 the Appeal Petitions 61/2012 1nd 62/2012 are listed for hearing at  Appellate tribunal for Electricity (APTEL)at 11 AM. 

Amicus Curie like to meet us the consumer Respondents at around 10-30 AM at APTEL for discussion on the matters. Kindly be present with  good nos. at APTEL.The other two Appeal Petitions 177/2012 and 178/2012 are also listed for  hearing, but as we recently received the Appeal Petition, we should seek more time for reply. 

Kindly respond and attend. It is suggested that kindly spare some time for the same before the DISCOMS again they  ask us beat us up and we keep paying HIGHER POWER BILLS which are ERRONEOUS  and ILLEGAL

Thanking you all and awaiting for you at the CGO Complex at APTEL (National Textile Building)

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