

Monday, October 22, 2012


DERC today revised rates for consumers as per slab below:

New slab:
0 to 200 units: Rs 3.70,
201 to 400: Rs 5.50,
400 and above: Rs 6.50

This is nothing but hoodwinking the citizens of New Delhi in collusion with Congress government. If we look at figures below:

Peak Hour             3800-4200MW
Average 3100-3200MW
Shortage               800-1200MW

Power plants for Delhi:
NTPC Badarpur – 705MW
NTPC DAdri – 817MW
Reliance Dadri – 3000MW
IP Gas turbine – 270MW
Pragati 1 – 330MW
Pragati II – 1500MW
Pragati III – 750MW
Indira Gandhi STPP, Jhajjhar, Haryana – 750MW out of capapcity of 1500

Total earmarked capacity for Delhi is à 5122MW and Reliance Dadri still unoperational.

Power from exchanges is available at Rs.3-5/unit and mostly at Rs.4/unit all inclusive  - so there is no need to buy power at Rs.6/unit – this was done basically to provide proof of higher cost and insist for revised tariff

We should stop all power generation companies and straight away buy from the exchange at lower prices. Further why should DIAL & other establishments be subsidised for private organisations. Another case of corruption and ELEGATE and Lok Satta Party strongly condemns all increase. In Fact consumers should be charged maximum Rs.5.00/unit

Lok Satta Party will be taking their andolans to each colony and not rest till parity is restored and CAG audit of discoms done commented their state president Shri Anurag Kejriwal.

For Lok Satta Party

Best Regards

Anurag Kejriwal

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