

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Delhi Jal Board - plz answer.

Dear  Mr. Vohra,

In many South Delhi Colonies, Sonia water is being supplied.  For this facility according to the square area of the plot, payment had to be paid in cash. For our building in the Paryavaran Complex,

we paid for  some  Rs 9000+  in the Jal Board Ofice near Quatab Minar against a receipt.  Then we paid  a few hundreds to buy and install the meter with pipe fixtures etc.

The Jal Board frequently sent its inspectors to verify if users of the facility had fixed meters or not.  However,   since April, 2012, when our meter was installed and the facility was availed of, till  date no bill has been sent and I wonder if the Jal Board is wanting to repeat what happened in Noida where huge amounts were  to be paid with retrospective effect.

Looking forward to a reply and while thaking you for the  the services you render,

Prof. Romey Borges Ph.D ( French)

Retd. JNU Professor

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