

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Residents should set the Agenda for the MCD Elections ..... Vote for the Candidate who promises to Deliver.

Come April and the heat will build up ...... I am talking of the Electoral Heat. Municipal elections impact the residents DIRECTLY, as delivery of Civic Amenities like Sanitation, Roads, Storm Water Drains, Parks, Community Centre / Club, Play Grounds, Encroachments, Parking, Stray dogs, mushrooming of Guest Houses, strict enforcement of building Bye Laws etc. come directly under MCD. Yet the electoral heat somehow does not transfer into vote percentage in Posh Colonies ..... it stays restricted to Drawing Room Debates and cribbing thereafter.
Political parties know this and choose candidates that suit their narrow political ends, ignoring the genuine needs of upmarket Colonies. The result is, while Posh Colony residents are given Royal Lip Service and an occasional Ornamental Gate for Park or yet more street lights, the real issues affecting the residents stay ignored.
This election, lets change that, set an agenda and a proforma stating the qualities we are looking for in our Councillor. An ideal candidate should have a proven track record of working for the welfare of the area, should have a vision for overall development and upgradation of services, should be proactive in taking up social issues that impact residents, should be able to handle MCD staff and get the most out of them (Welfare Jobs not Commissions), should forcefully place the voice of people in the corridors of power, should consult area residents before taking up development projects etc.
Important issues that must be addressed to maintain the Posh Tag of colonies ...... Clear footpaths of all encroachments, Storm Water Drains need to be relaid, Pavements are in shambles, Road Signages for directions to Block/houses, Regular Back lane Cleaning, Play Ground for Children, Community Centre/Club where needed, Creating Parking spaces, Maintenance of Parks, Stop Mushrooming of Guest Houses, retaining residential character of colonies, strict enforcement of building bye laws by builders, Market corridors should be free of encroachments and evenly laid with non skid materials for shoppers safety, Zebra Crossings at intersections, Yellow Line divider for smooth Traffic guidance etc.
This is not impossible as there are some areas that have better services .....  meaning someone is doing something right in pushing MCD staff to work ..... after all its the same MCD and we  pay taxes too.
So residents, just this once come out and show your demanding self at the polling booth ...... vote in large numbers ...... be proactive first in the selection of candidates ..... then forming an opinion about the right candidate ........ and elect who is best suited for your colony rising above party lines.
Rajiv Kakria

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