

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Do you think, we can really save the earth by switching off lights for one hour ?

Do you think, we can really save the earth by switching off lights for one hour out of the 24 x 365 = 8760 hours ?

When we want to enjoy, we name it as Valentine day, Mother's day, Chocolate day and so on. But when it comes to save the earth, we just change the term, "day" with the term, "hour", as none is willing to bear any pain, none is serious on the issue and therefore, it's just an hour & not even a day as per the trends.

Don't you think that we are fooling ourselves ? Big posters, hoardings, advertisements, competitions and so on, but do you think there is REALLY ANY CHANGE anywhere ? 

We support SAVE THE EARTH movement but it's a fact that on such a grave issue, we must have the constant efforts & not only the symbolic ones.

Please answer if you can.

Best regards

B S Vohra

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