

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Draft on Performance of Discoms - another Eyewash -Consider Public as illiterate and Fools

Dear Friends,

Todays TOI writeup says that consumers will get upto Rs. 500/- in case of delay in getting a connection. Now how many of us seek a new connection in a life time ....... what about the rest 25 lakh connections with fast running meters being fleeced on a daily basis.
Draft on Performance of Discoms - another Eyewash   - They Consider Public as illiterate and Fools ...... this draft touches Peripheral issues .... while the core issue of Performance standards of a rotten infrastructure have been left un attended. The following article in NBT will give you some idea of how the excercise is an eye wash ..... we have more stuff ...... gear up for the next roud of Public Hearings and more exposures.
Our group is constantly researching and sharing.
Warm Regards,
Rajiv Kakria

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