

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Objection by a Fellow RWA Federation

Dear Mr. Vohra ji,

There should be no objection. His objection is not valid. You have very clearly explained the position. This was formed more than a year back and why should he have any objection at this belated stage particularly when it is not clashing with his 'registered name'! It is only a definition and not the name of the registered body to have any objection. This was done only to clarify the factual position. The amount labour and efforts you and your colleagues have put in, only we are aware and the Front is doing a pioneering and gigantic work to resolve the problems of all East Delhites! That is why I had suggested earlier too to christen ours as a 'Confederation' Can't we overcome this even at this stage with your standing and popularity and influence! Think it over! 

With best regards,

TK Balu


Dear Mr Balu,

Thanks for your mail. We knew it very well that his objection is not valid. But, we are not looking for any confrontation with any one, as we don't wanna waste our energy on such petty issues. Therefore, i have decided that, now onwards, we will change the expression line from A Federation of RWAs of Delhi East to A Federation of RWAs OR RWAs Federation. Rest of the things are very clear in our name i.e. EAST DELHI RWAs JOINT FRONT. 

Looking forward for your most valued comments as well from all the Team members of our JOINT FRONT.

With best regards

B S Vohra
East Delhi RWAs Joint Front
( A Federation of RWAs )

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr Vohra,
    Federation of RWAs is anyways a better name as organisations from other parts of Delhi can also be part of your team.Why limit the fruits of your good work only for East Delhi.We consider ourselves part of your team as we have been active subscribers of this blog for close to two years now.
    best regards
    ranju minhas
    Team Shield
    masjid moth
