

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Dear Mr. Vohra ji,

INDIA TODAY! When you wake up struggle for water (the most essential commodity); electricity (the most erratic and sweat out); getting milk (yet an another essential commodity); cleaning of roads and storm water drains (overflowing with no sight of clearance by MCD); parking of cars and taking them out; rush up to school bus with your kids; catch the transport or get stranded on the road with your own car; lack of civility on the roads and other places, encroachment growing unabated in and around your house/colony; soaring prices of all commodities etc. etc. Is it worth living always struggling for all essential commodities with govt. in power but powerless to do anything. On the contrary the politicians are thriving on our account. There is no accountability or responsibility. Oblige your friends and get kudos and covered on the TV network and the media, whatever you do. Officialdom do not respond to your calls and letters! This is the trait of our politicians and our bureaucrats! Is there a way out? Let's debate about it!!!

TK Balu
Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar

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