

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RWA portal & EDJF

Dear Vohra ji,

I have gone through the directory pertaining to our Society. You had given what we had transmitted. Thanks. We wish every RWA gives similar information so that all the RWAs will become more knowledgeable! In case not available, we may obtain. Secondly, please check-up if all the RWAs have their mail ID. This will help us a lot in communication and interaction. In case they don't have this facility they can tie-up with one of their office-bearers, who have this facility and let you know. In this modern age we cannot any longer communicate through typed letters, post them etc. Let's be realistic.
I hope you had circulated the 'ten commandments' which I had already sent to you. We may get the comments and proceed ahead in our march to attain our objectives.
Let's first take as a challenge the 'water tariff' escalation which I had already sent to you. This should be brought to the notice of all RWAs, who may not be aware of its far reaching financial implications! We must take up this issue at the level of our Hon'ble CM and HE Lt.Governor. At the lower level, this won't receive attention, it deserves!
Can't bring out the RWAs directory and contact nos. of public services in 'print' form and make it a subsidized book, which may be availed of all RWAs. This will be handy for reference etc.
With best regards and thanking you once again,
TK Balu

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