

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Priydarshini vihar residents insecurity

Dear Mr. Vohra ji,
I totally agree with the views expressed by the Priyadarshini Vihar RWA. It is the main responsibility of the Police to ensure safety and security of people at large and in residential colonies. The RWAs are, in fact, spending money on security, which the main responsibility of the Delhi Police, as I had reiterated earlier a number of times, and wasting their huge chunk of money on this specific aspect which could be utilised for better and developmental-oriented purposes! The MCD had issued 'guidelines' which we normally observe. If one man objects to putting up the gate at a particular place which is essential for security, let that fellow shift to some posh place and social boycot should be enforced by all others! It is reiterated that the security and safety of people is the vital and main responsibility of the Police and if they cannot enforce it due to various reasons e.g. inadequate force etc. let them compensate the RWAs for providing security of the colony so that we could take care of our internal security. Let's spread this message to all and let's get together on this vital issue which is of concern of all and of paramount importance!

TK Balu

Secretary/RBECHS/Anand Vihar

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