

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nothing will change

Nothing will change so long as the attitude of the MCD, CPWD remains the same. The roads continue to be full of illdiposed garbage rotting for days because there is no proper procedure for the diposal system be it kitchen waste, chemical waste or industry waste.

The beautification work in Delhi in poorest quality material , design and workmen ship. it is there for everyone to see. road dividers before completion are already collapsing every where.Construction Projects of such level should be aiming at sustainability with minimal maintainance. The structures and construction should last a few decades if not centuries so that the taxpayers money is well spent for different needs. As a country we cannot afford road project every yeart. only contractors, builders and middle men are really having a good time, no accountability for the rubbish they are dumping on the public and there is no stopping no body is complaining.

Water logging is a very minor issue for them to deal with, because it is short and seasonal.

Personal honesty and integrity alone at every level of functioning, thinking and planning can do the desired.

Asha Baxi  - A Disappointed citizen and resident of this city.

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