

Monday, May 10, 2010

Info under RTI hard to come by within 30 days

Even four years after the Right to Information Act was enacted, getting information within 30 days as mandated under the law is not an easy task. PTI filed 20 applications in a span of five months between November 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010 with different union ministries and organisations.
Surprisingly, no department provided complete information within 30 day limit mandated under the Act. In three cases, applications were rejected within a month along with exemption clauses given under the transparency law.

Nine applications did not receive any reply in a month and the Central Public Information Officers replied much after the mandatory period was over.

In the remaining eight cases, the CPIOs either transferred the application or sent incomplete responses. In four of these information was provided after the intervention of higher authorities.

With thanks : source : Tribune : with a link in headline above for detailed news.

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