

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Worldwide hits on RWABhagidari blog

We are pleased to inform that RWABhagidari blog is getting hits from almost every part of the world. We are thankful to our most valued visitors & subscribers who are showing great interest in the blog. We are also thankful to the RWA personalities who have already joined the blog or joining soon.

We are pleased to announce that the membership of the RWABhagidari blog is open. If you are from any registered RWA, you can join the blog as a member. It is absolutely free. No money is involved at any stage. All the members can directly upload the activities as well details of any civic problems of the area. It's a service to the RWA community and we can work much better if all of us are working as a team. If interested, please mail us at :

Subscribers of the blog are requested again to ADD THE COMMENTS on various issues / news uploaded in the RWABhagidari blog. Many of those who have subscribed the blog, have not yet verified the confirmation mail. As a result, they are not getting our regular uploads in their mail box. Please check your mails & verify the verification mail or please RE SUBSCRIBE the blog.

Please forward us to your friends & relatives in Delhi areas so that we could widen our reach. We will be thankful to you. It's just a service to the community. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE THE BLOG IF YOU WANT TO GET DAILY UPDATES IN YOUR MAIL BOX. You can subscribing the blog from the top left of the blog.

with best regards

B S Vohra

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