

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Message from Dr. Grover, Delhi State Cancer Institute

Dear Mr Vohra,

I have viewed the link and I would profusely like to thank you for continuing to repose your trust in DSCI. Such feelings certainly provide further boost to our motivation and commitments.

Given the opportunity, I am sure we shall be able to set up a chain of DSCIs in Delhi as well as in other parts of our country, which all shall function with same zeal, dedication and sincerity in true letter and spirit, to provide relief to the thousands and millions of our patients suffering from cancer.

We are already working on such plans to cover the population of entire Delhi at the first instance, by providing even better facilities through two or three more such DSCIs in other regions of Delhi near to the door steps of our people with an absolutely professional but totally non-commercial approach. I am quite hopeful that we shall be able to achieve this goal very soon and trust and inspiration from well-wishers like you provides further stimulus to us to reach our goals much faster.

Thanking you once again and with best regards;

Dr RK Grover
Delhi State Cancer Institute

Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095 (INDIA)

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