

Sunday, February 14, 2010


On behalf of over 500 families of Priyadarshini Vihar and our neighbouring colonies,Gyan Kunj and East End Enclave (in East Delhi), I wish to register our anguish and frustration due to evident discrimination by the Government in supply of electric power to the people living in NDMC areas with others living outside the NDMC areas. We submit the following for your thoughtful
consideration before distribution companies hike the tariff further as proposed:

1. The power tariff in NDMC areas is much less as compared with our areas;

2. Govt continues to provide fat subsidies in the NDMC area, where most of the VIPs live; whereas
govt has withdrawn the subsidy in our area. It is pertinent to mention that people living in NDMC areas do not pay higher rate of taxes than us, then why this discrimination?

3. Mechanical meters have not been changed in the NDMC area, whereas fast running electronic
meters have been thrusted upon the consumers in other areas. Why?

4. Already, we are paying 250 to 300% more since the change of electronic meters and withdrawal of
subsidy; if the tariff is increased further (as proposed), it would be suicidal for us.

5. In stead of increasing the tariff further, BESS should check the pilferage. We understand that most of their own
sub-stations do not have meters. They themselves are the culprits. In view of the foregoing, the DERC is requested to first try to eliminate the basic difference between NDMC and other areas. While, we do agree and appreciate that the rate of power failure has improved a lot since the privatization, any further increase in tariff will be unbearable!!

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

R. N. Gupta
General Secretary
Priyadarshini Vihar Residents' Welfare Association
B-170 Priyadarshini Vihar
Delhi - 110 092.

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