

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mr. Jeet Kumar from Pocket-3, Mayur Vihar-1. Delhi-110091

In 1981 our Pocket-3 flats were allotted and all the allottes started a new life in Delhi having their own home ! At that time non could think about the civic amenities or services etc. It was a condition like " the beggers are not the choosers" as far as Civic authorities or services were concerned.

Now after app 29-30 years the condition of our so called Rain water OPEN Drains on both the sides of our flats remaining same reminds me of Mohan-jo-daro and Harrapa civilization open drain system.

We have been meeting through our RWA to our Councilors, MLAs, MCD offices and officers to get the drains COVERED with a FLOw ; the only reply / answer from MCD officers is " All such drains shall remain open only " as there is no law or provision in MCD to have it covered in Trans Yamuna in Trilokpuri and our flats are DDA flats Trilokpuri in the record, " what is there in the name"
( Mayur Vihar Pocket-3 Phase-1)?

Will any one come forward to give a logistic reply to the residents as to why we are made to live under such useless, dirty, sick conditions?

Let us have an open discussions / meetings on the spot in our Pocket-3 Mayur Vihar-1 with any civic authority to solve this problem.

Jeet Kumar
16-A/3, Mayur Vihar, Phase - 1, Delhi-110091, Tel. 22713117

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