

Monday, December 14, 2009

Do you know the Gas cyllinder in your kitchen has an expiry date ?

Do you know the Gas cyllinder in your kitchen has an expiry date ?

Yes, it's true.

It's written in the inner side of the top portion. The 12 months of an year are divided into four parts, as below :

Jan, Feb, March stand for A
Apr, May, June stand for B
Jul, Aug, Sept. stand for C
Oct, Nov, Dec. stand for D

If the cyllinder has the marking c-12. It means that the expiry date of the cyllinder is Maximum September of 2012.

Similarly, if the cyllinder has the marking A 09. It means that the expiry date of the cyllinder was maximum March 2009.

Therefore, while taking a gas cyllinder from any gas company, we must check the expiry date and act accordingly. Otherwise, the expired filled cyllinder can be very dangerous as in case of expired medicines or expired food products. It means the cyllinder is no more capable of holding the pressure of the gas filled and can expload.

with best regards

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